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Welcome to the wetware track

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“Climbing The Walls” by they might be giants

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HACKING SPACETIME FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAREER “It’s time to go, Marty!” “To go where, Doc?”

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Brandon Hays Coffee > Code Conversion Dept. The Frontside @tehviking

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Me, every 9 months

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(Except this mega subtweet) NOT HERE TO TELL MY STORY

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WARNING! Bummer alert!

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Achievement is a system of COntrol

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The world doesn’t want your happiness, Just your output

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LET’S DETONATE The idea that You’re “supposed” to do something with your career

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Leading Vs. Trailing Metrics

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Leading MEtrics º Hours worked º Conversations with new people º Lines of code written deleted º Value created º Works published

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Trailing Metrics º Income º Titles º Degrees º Recognition º Influence

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1. Choose baseline stats 2. Stock inventory 3. View results 4. Fast-forward/ rewind time HOW TO PLAY

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Skill Connection Vision 2: Pick Stats Baseline/How we’re wired

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Desire to grow one’s capability to solve difficult problems and help others do the same Technical Skill

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Desire to connect people and ideas to solve existing problems in new ways Connection

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VISION Desire to solve entirely new problems & reshape the world

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Layers of abstraction

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Technical Skill: Computer connection: people Vision: industry/society

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3: Choose Inventory Choices/Leading metrics

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Thorough understanding of your present value in your current situation Item 1: Leverage

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Item 2: Ambition Accepting the future value you have the potential to create

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Item 3: Education The internal investment you make in your own capabilities

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Item 4: Community The external investment you make in those around you & the world

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Item 5: Dedication The amount of effort applied to the previous four items

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THE FORMULA understand your present value + understand your future value + invest in yourself + invest in others x amount of effort you put in = YOUR PLATFORM

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4: View Results Income Stress Free Time Satisfaction Impact Outcomes/Trailing metrics

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5: Time travel Changes over time

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9 folks, 9 stories

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SCENARIO 1 "Please leave me alone so I can code."

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Code slinger "Please leave me alone so I can code."

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Check for the snarky T-shirt

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SCENARIO 2 "Climb the ladder and wait your turn."

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Cat herder "Climb the ladder and wait your turn."

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Learning to delegate

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SCENARIO 3 "I just don't want a boss."

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Harried Freelancer "I just don't want a boss."

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Gotta hustle every day

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SCENARIO 4 "I have something important to say."

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Thought Leader "I have something important to say."

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Shiny Code by Uncle Bill Williams

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SCENARIO 5 "How can I provide the most value?"

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Product Manager "How can I provide the most value?"

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Hope you like conference calls!

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SCENARIO 6 "Let's build the company I always wanted to work at."

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Lifestyle Biz Founder "Let's build the company I always wanted to work at."

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TFW the business makes money while you sleep

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SCENARIO 7 "Let's build better software together."

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Chief Architect "Let's build better software together."

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Engineering matters.

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SCENARIO 8 "Let's solve an important problem together."

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Badass CTO "Let's solve an important problem together."

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teamwork makes the dream work

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SCENARIO 9 "We're going to change the world."

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Visionary CEO "We're going to change the world."

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Running a Business

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3 types, 3 tracks

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Technician: Tools & tactics manager: People & Strategy entrepreneur: invention & vision

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Track 1: technician Skill Connection Vision

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Fascination: Tools & Technique Asks: “How” Focus: Tactics & Implementation Track 1: technician

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Track 2: manager Skill Connection Vision

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Fascination: People Asks: “Who, when, where, what?” Focus: Strategy & Connection Track 2: manager

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Track 3: entrepreneur Skill Connection Vision

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Fascination: Gaps in the world Asks: “Why”, “Why not?” Focus: Vision & Invention Track 3: entrepreneur

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Mid Dev Keynote Speaker Sr. Dev Chief Architect Distinguished Dev Dev Evangelist Author/ Speaker Junior Dev Dev Manager Project Manager Freelance Dev Solopreneur Startup Founder Small Business CEO Founder, 3rd company Chairperson of the Board Director of Product Engineering/ Team Lead VP of Product Director/VP Engineering CTO Developer Manager Entrepreneur Founder, 2nd company

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a note about bailing out early

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So: which one are you? (hint: all of them)

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What Work do you do when stresSED? Get back into code? Grab lunch with programmer friends? Sketch up a new app idea?

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A lot of arguments in software stem from misunderstanding the different values among these 3 types.

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Similar ideas Hipster, Hustler, Hacker the-dream-team-hipster-hacker-and-hustler Pioneer, Settler, Town Planner town-planners.html Entrepreneur, Manager, Technician The E-Myth Revisited: Revisited-Small-Businesses/dp/0887307280

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getting different results within A track Leverage Ambition Education Community Dedication ? ? ? ? ?

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Your PLATFORM How people see you helping them Builds up as you go along, intentionally or not

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your platform is a voltron Built of several pieces Exists as a separate entity Works for you autonomously

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Remember THE FORMULA understand your present value + understand your future value + invest in yourself + invest in others x amount of effort you put in = YOUR PLATFORM

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Know your value a-cost-plus-to-a-value-based-pricing-strategy

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Know your value Your salary $ Added (profit) Marketing Etc.* *etc. includes recruiting, branding, sales, reduction of uncertainty, and more. Opportunity (negotiable)

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Look for extremely informal educational opportunities Invest in yourself

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Invest in others Meetups Mentorship Open Source Lunches Lightning talks Listening Being a friend Tackling non- Silicon-Valley problems

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Scale your efforts

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It’s OK to STEER BY FEEL (and crash)

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3 things I learned

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1: You can opt out of the cycle

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Skill Connection Vision 2: your preferences are your friends

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Playing to strengths vs. Working on Weaknesses

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3: Build the platform you want to live with

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3: Build the platform you want to live with

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achievement unlocked: Overcoming achievement

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be a polyglot craftsperson. Run a popular open source project. quit your job and start a company.

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Overlap between what you want to do & what you actually do SO WHAT IS SUCCESS?

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I’ve received a tremendous amount of help from a ton of people. The last 6 years

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I had help making the app for this talk! Thanks, @lydiaguarino

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Please recognize and take advantage of the opportunities you see to help others build their own platforms. Extending a hand

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@tehviking THANKS! The Frontside

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