How do I prioritise my learning?
1. Support from Google / Android Team
2. Reach of the topic / library
3. Many people talking about it
4. Tech and libraries that interest me
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Write more
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No content
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Be open to being wrong
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We could also use
Retrofit or Volley to do
Network requests
I’m the senior, the ONLY
way to do networking is
the way I described.
The only way to do an API
call is with
Slide 21
Slide 21 text
We could also use
Retrofit or Volley to do
Network requests
The only way to do an API
call is with
Oh interesting! Please
show me some examples?
Slide 22
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No content
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Your Team
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Best Practises
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Don’t be a Rick
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Take responsibility
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No content
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Pull Requests
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Encourage Colleagues
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Go Home
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Lunch & Learn
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Take pride in your work
Slide 35
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Be Professional
- .
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No content
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If you battled
through documentation or
implementing something
Write about it.
Slide 39
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