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෮श Code Signing 2016.12.03 Cocoaษڧձؔ੢ #70 by T. MOTOOKA

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ࣗݾ঺հ T. MOTOOKA ʛ @t_motooka ຊۀɿWeb ΞϓϦ։ൃӡӦ झຯɿPDF / SVG / iOS / ϩάΛݟΔ ۙگใࠂɿMacΞϓϦ͸͡Ί·ͨ͠

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ࣗݾ঺հɿաڈͷMacΞϓϦ ࣌ܭ PPC FileCacherPPC ߴߍ2೥ੜͷࠒͷ࡞඼ ߴߍ1೥ੜͷࠒͷ࡞඼ MacΞϓϦྺ20೥ͷϕςϥϯʂʂ ʢ19೥΄ͲϒϥϯΫ͋Γʣ

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͓୊ɿCode Signing

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໨࣍ Code Signing : ҙຯͱ࢓૊Έ ূ໌ॻͷछྨ Mac App Store ϦϦʔε࣌ ॺ໊Λݕূ͢Δ ࢀߟจݙ

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CodeSigning : ҙຯͱ࢓૊Έ

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Code Signing ௚઀ͷ໨త iOSΞϓϦΛ ࣮ػʹೖΕΔ࣌ʹඞཁ App Store Ͱ഑෍͢Δ࣌ʹඞཁɹͳͲ MacΞϓϦΛ Mac App Store Ͱ഑෍͢Δ࣌ʹඞཁ ௚઀഑෍͢Δ࣌ʹඞཁɹͳͲ ͳͲ

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Code Signing ຊདྷͷ໨త ड͚औΓखɾϢʔβʔʹରͯ͠ ॺ໊ऀ͕࡞ͬͨόΠφϦͰ͋Δ͜ͱΛূ໌͢Δ ʮt_motookaͷΞϓϦʯͱॻ͍ͯ͋Δ͜ͱ͕৴༻Ͱ͖Δ վ͟Μ͞Ε͍ͯͳ͍͜ͱΛূ໌͢Δ ʮt_motookaͷΞϓϦʯͱॻ͔Εͯ͋ΔͳΒɺ t_motookaҎ֎ͷਓͷख͸ՃΘ͍ͬͯͳ͍ͱ৴͡ΕΔ

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࢓૊Έɿॺ໊ ॺ໊ର৅ͷσʔλͷϋογϡ஋Λܭࢉ͢Δ ॺ໊ऀͷൿີ伴Ͱϋογϡ஋Λ҉߸Խˠσδλϧॺ ໊ ॺ໊ର৅ͷσʔλʹ࣍ͷ΋ͷΛఴ෇ ॺ໊ऀͷূ໌ॻʢˠൿີ伴ʹରԠ͢Δެ։伴ʣ σδλϧॺ໊ʢൿີ伴Ͱ҉߸Խͨ͠ϋογϡ஋ʣ

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࢓૊Έɿॺ໊ͷݕূ ॺ໊ऀͷূ໌ॻ͕৴པͰ͖Δ͔ʁͷݕূ Appleͷॺ໊Λड͚͍ͯΔ͔ʁͱ͍͏؍఺ ॺ໊ର৅ͷσʔλͷϋογϡ஋Λܭࢉ͢Δ σδλϧॺ໊Λॺ໊ऀͷূ໌ॻʢެ։伴ʣͰ෮߸ ෮߸ͨ͠΋ͷͱϋογϡ஋ͱ͕Ұகͨ͠ΒOK

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CodeSigning : ҙຯͱ࢓૊Έ ҙຯͱ࢓૊ΈΛ஌͍ͬͯΔͱ ূ໌ॻ࡞੒ͷ࡞ۀ͕ɺ஗଺ແ͘Ͱ͖ΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ ূ໌ॻ࡞੒ͷ࡞ۀ͕ɺ΢β͘ͳ͘ͳΔ Τϥʔϝοηʔδͷҙຯ͕Θ͔ΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ ʮূ໌ॻॺ໊ཁٻʯΛεϥεϥݴ͑ΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ

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ূ໌ॻͷछྨɿiOS Code Signing iOS App Development : ࣮ػ։ൃ༻ App Store and Ad Hoc : ഑෍༻ ͦΕҎ֎ Apple Push Notification service SSL : ϓογϡ௨஌༻ Apple Pay Certificate : औҾσʔλ෮߸༻

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ূ໌ॻͷछྨɿMac Mac Development : DebugϏϧυ༻ Mac App Distribution : Mac App Store ༻ Mac Installer Distribution : Mac App Store ఏग़༻ Developer ID : Mac App Store Ҏ֎Ͱͷ഑෍༻ Developer ID ͚ͩ͸࡞੒ʹ “Agent” ݖݶ͕ඞཁ

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ূ໌ॻͷछྨɿ༗ӹͳࢿྉ MaintainingCertificates/MaintainingCertificates.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH31-SW41

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Mac App Store ϦϦʔε࣌

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Mac App Store ϦϦʔε࣌ Ϣʔβͷखݩʹಧ͘ͱ͖ɺ
 Apple Mac OS Application Signing ʹΑͬͯॺ໊͞Ε ͳ͓͞Ε͍ͯΔ

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MacΞϓϦͷॺ໊ݕূ $ codesign -v ॺ໊͞Εͯͳ͍ͱ͖ͷग़ྗྫ code object is not signed at all ਖ਼͘͠ॺ໊͞Ε͍ͯΔͱ͖͸ɺԿ΋ग़ྗ͞Εͳ͍ ॺ໊ޙʹվ͟Μ͞Εͨͱ͖ͷग़ྗྫ invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified)

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վ͟Μͨ͠ΞϓϦΛىಈ EXC_CRASH (Code Signature Invalid)

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MacΞϓϦͷॺ໊ݕূɿৄࡉ $ codesign -dv --verbose=4 Adobe\ Executable=/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2017/Adobe Ill Identifier=com.adobe.illustrator Format=app bundle with Mach-O thin (x86_64) CodeDirectory v=20200 size=112005 flags=0x0(none) hashes=5593+3 location=embedded OSPlatform=36 OSSDKVersion=658176 OSVersionMin=657920 Hash type=sha1 size=20 CandidateCDHash sha1=bbbdf9c2baa5c04ad85913f370dec5b680143b80 Hash choices=sha1 Page size=4096 CDHash=bbbdf9c2baa5c04ad85913f370dec5b680143b80 Signature size=8524 Authority=Developer ID Application: Adobe Systems, Inc. Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=2016/10/11 8:18:04 Info.plist entries=24 TeamIdentifier=JQ525L2MZD Sealed Resources version=2 rules=12 files=17323 Internal requirements count=1 size=184

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MacΞϓϦͷॺ໊ݕূ ৄࡉදࣔ࣌ʢ-dv --verbose=4ʣ͸վ͟Μݕ஌͠ʹ͘ ͍͜ͱʹ஫ҙʂ

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iOSΞϓϦͷॺ໊ݕূ ʢ͕࣌ؒແͯ͘ௐ΂͖Εͳ͔ͬͨɻਐḿμϝɻʣ

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ࢀߟจݙ Code Signing Guide Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html App Distribution Guide Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/ doc/uid/TP40012582-CH1-SW1 Distributing Apps Outside the Mac App Store Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/DistributingApplicationsOutside/ DistributingApplicationsOutside.html

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·ͱΊ ཧ۶Λ஌Ε͹ɺ࡞ۀ͕ݟ͑ͯ͘Δɻ Code Signing Λཧղͯ͠ɺ
 ϦϦʔε௚લͷτϥϒϧΛճආ͠Α͏ʂ ϓογϡ௨஌ɺExtensionɺAppleWatchɺApplePay

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