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Angular 14 Features and Beyond State of Angular

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About Me Software Engineer, Typescript aficionado @mwycliffe_dev This is Learning @Thisis_Learning Author of the All Things Typescript Newsletter - Maina Wycliffe

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- Standalone Components - Strictly Typed Forms - Page Title Accessibility - Extended developer diagnostics - Other Features & Improvements - Angular CLI Improvements Angular 14 Features

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Standalone Components

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- Affects Components, Pipes, Directives - Components that can be used without NgModules - In developer preview - Standalone property for standalone components What’s changing

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app.component.ts @Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'], imports: [RouterModule, CommonModule], }) export class AppComponent {} Indicates a component is a Standalone component

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date-time.pipe.ts @Pipe({ name: 'dateTime', standalone: true, }) export class DateTimePipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value: unknown, ...args: unknown[]): string | null { // ... } } Indicates a pipe is a Standalone pipe

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complete-strike-through.directive.ts @Directive({ selector: '[appCompleteStrikeThrough]', standalone: true }) export class CompleteStrikeThroughDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges { // ... } Indicates a directive is a Standalone component

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Using Standalone Components

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Lazy Loading Use loadComponent property to lazy load a component instead of loadChildren

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What’s next? - NgModules are not going anywhere - You can use a combination of both

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Standalone Angular WebApp Demo

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Strictly Typed Forms

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Strictly Typed Forms - Top requested feature - Ensure values are typesafe - New UntypedFormGroup - Automated Untyped Forms Migration - Incremental Migration

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Page Title Accessibility

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Page Title Accessibility - Title property of Route - Set page titles on the routes - You can providing a custom TitleStrategy for complex use cases

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Using Title Strategy

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Extended developer diagnostics

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Extended developer diagnostics - More insight and Improvement Suggestions into your templates - Precise, Actionable compile time suggestions - Catch bugs during compile time - Catch nullish coalescing on non-nullable values

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Other Features & Improvements

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Other Features & Improvements - Tree-shakeable error messages - use codes instead of long string error messages - Support for Typescript 4.7 - ES2020 output by default - Ability to Bind to to protected component properties - Angular DevTools - Works Offline and is Available on Firefox - Experimental ESM Application Builds

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Angular CLI Improvements

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Angular CLI Improvements - ng completion - CLI Autocompletion - ng analytics - control analytics settings - ng cache - manage cache

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What’s in the Roadmap

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What’s in the Roadmap - Improvements on Standalone Components - Improve image performance - Explore hydration and server-side rendering usability improvements - Modern CSS Features - And many others

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Thank you! Software Engineer @mwycliffe_dev mainawycliffe Maina Wycliffe