Slide 7
Slide 7 text
Data analysis results
Category Key elements Description
Value Values for the field Values for the region/city created through the sustainable operation of the PF-level living lab
Values for the PF Values or benefits for the PF organising team created through the sustainable operation of the PF-level living lab
Vision Visions/goals of the field Visions or challenges to be solved in the region/city where the PF-level living lab is (or will be) set-up and operated
Visions/goals of the PF Visions and goals that represent what the PF organising team aims to achieve
Field Field The region/city where the PF-level living lab is (or will be) set-up and operated
Features of the field Geographical, cultural, resource, and urban features of the region/city where the PF-level living lab is (or will be)
set-up and operated
Local actors Local actors (e.g., individuals, companies, organisations, associations, etc.) who are (or potentially will be) directly
or indirectly involved in a PF-level living lab
PF owner The owner of the PF-level living lab
Features of the PF owner Features of the PF owner (e.g., their positioning, technologies, business, etc.)
Organising team Stakeholders (e.g., individuals, companies, organisations, associations, etc.) involved in and committed to the
organising team of the PF-level living lab
Community Local communities in the region/city as the infrastructure of the PF-level living lab
Orchestrator A PF-level living lab manager who facilitates collaboration between different stakeholders and acts as an
orchestrator to create new values for the region/city
Space/facility Places (e.g., physical space, digital space, and an activity base) and facilities (e.g., experimental equipment) that
act as infrastructure for the PF-level living lab
Networking Community development activity Activities to maintain and expand the local communities as infrastructure of the PF-level living lab
Partnership development activity Activities to maintain and expand the relationships with companies and organisations outside the region/city
committed to co-creation projects (i.e., project-level living labs) prompted in the PF-level living lab
Business model A business model to realise the sustainable operation of the PF-level living lab
Projects Co-creation projects that are promoted (or will be promoted, or should be promoted) within the PF-level living lab
Key elements for sustainable management of platform-level living labs