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Vinicius Stock 2 years of the Ruby LSP Current state and future

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Vinicius Stock Sta ff dev @ Ruby DX team Shopify X: @vinistock GitHub: @vinistock

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What is the Ruby LSP?

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Ruby LSP A language server for Ruby made in Ruby

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Definition, hover and completion

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Code lens

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Formatting, diagnostics and quick fixes

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Dependencies view

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What is a language server?

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It's a separate process that serves features for editors

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require "open3" stdin, stderr, stdout, wait_thr = Open3.popen3("ruby-lsp")

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require "open3" stdin, stderr, stdout, wait_thr = Open3.popen3("ruby-lsp") # Uses stdin to send requests # Uses stdout to receive responses

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require "open3" stdin, stderr, stdout, wait_thr = Open3.popen3("ruby-lsp") # Uses stdin to send requests # Uses stdout to receive responses # Communication happens using JSON

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require "open3" stdin, stderr, stdout, wait_thr = Open3.popen3("ruby-lsp") # Uses stdin to send requests # Uses stdout to receive responses # Communication happens using JSON # Prints all stderr to the editor's output

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Notifications Requests No response expected Response expected

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EDITOR SERVER STDOUT STDIN textDocument/didOpen class Foo end textDocument/foldingRange textDocument/foldingRange textDocument/didChange class Foo def bar end end textDocument/foldingRange textDocument/foldingRange

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Open or edit fi le De fi nition, references, rename Notify the server Automatic Manual Trigger automatic requests Trigger desired request

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What's the advantage of language servers?

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Vim Ruby plugin Sublime VS Code Emacs Ruby plugin Ruby plugin Ruby plugin Go plugin Go plugin Go plugin Go plugin Rust plugin Rust plugin Rust plugin Rust plugin

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Vim Ruby LSP Sublime VS Code Emacs

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How does the Ruby LSP understands code? Analyzing Ruby code

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class Foo def bar end end { "textDocument": { "uri": "file: / / / foo.rb" } } [ { "startLine": 1, "endLine": 1, "kind": "region" } ]

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AST Ruby code Response Parse Analysis Prism Visitor + Observer

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Turning a Ruby code string into a useful object Parsing

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class Foo def bar "Hey!" end end CLASS CONST (Foo) DEF (bar) STRING (Hey!)

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Double dispatch visitor Allows traversing the AST with dedicated logic in an organized way

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class Visitor def visit(node) node.accept(self) end end

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class ClassNode def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_class_node(self) end end

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class Visitor def visit_child_nodes(node) node.child_nodes.each do |child| visit(child) end end alias_method :visit_class_node, :visit_child_nodes alias_method :visit_module_node, :visit_child_nodes end

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class MyVisitor < Prism : : Visitor def visit_class_node(node) puts "Hi, # { node.constant_path.full_name}" super end end

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ast = Prism.parse_file("foo.rb").value visitor = visitor.visit(ast) # = > Hi, Foo

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Observer Allows us to have multiple concerns triggered by the same events

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dispatcher = dispatcher.on(:certain_event) do do_something! end

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dispatcher = dispatcher.on(:certain_event) do do_something! end

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Ruby LSP uses a mix of both

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The dispatcher is a visitor that fi res events for each node encountered in the AST

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class Dispatcher < Prism : : Visitor def initialize @listeners = do |h, k| h[k] = [] end end end

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class Dispatcher < Prism : : Visitor def register(listener, *events) events.each do |e| @listeners[e] < < listener end end end

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class Dispatcher < Prism : : Visitor def visit_class_node(node) @listeners[:on_class_node].each do |l| l.on_class_node(node) end super end end

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All features are listeners that respond to speci fi c nodes being found in the AST

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class Foo def bar "Hey!" end end

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CLASS CONST (Foo) DEF (bar) STRING (Hey!) Listener 1 classes Dispatcher Listener 2 classes and methods Event Event Event

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The Ruby LSP computes 5 distinct features in a single traversal of the AST

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Traversing our ~270 line implementation of folding range once produces ~1000 visits

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Implementing folding range Creating a listener to fold class declarations

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class FoldingRange def initialize(dispatcher) dispatcher.register( self, :on_class_node ) @ranges = [] end end

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class FoldingRange def on_class_node(node) loc = node.location @ranges < < { startLine: loc.start_line, endLine: loc.end_line, kind: "region" } end end

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ast = Prism.parse_file("foo.rb").value

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ast = Prism.parse_file("foo.rb").value dispatcher = Prism : :

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ast = Prism.parse_file("foo.rb").value dispatcher = Prism : : listener =

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ast = Prism.parse_file("foo.rb").value dispatcher = Prism : : listener = dispatcher.dispatch(ast)

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ast = Prism.parse_file("foo.rb").value dispatcher = Prism : : listener = dispatcher.dispatch(ast) # The listener's response will be populated # with all ranges

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How would we compute many features during the same traversal of the AST?

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ast = Prism.parse_file("foo.rb").value dispatcher = Prism : : folding_range = document_symbol = semantic_highlighting = dispatcher.dispatch(ast)

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And we concluded our folding range implementation 🎉

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What's next for the Ruby LSP? • Making Ruby activation more robust and improving error handling • Full method support for de fi nition, hover and completion and signature help • Refactors

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• Rename • Occurrences • Show type hierarchy • More debugging features What's next for the Ruby LSP?

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Great DX comes from good integration Future bets

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The Ruby tooling ecosystem is fragmented Future bets

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Many formatters, linters, type checkers, test frameworks, documentation tools, version managers, web frameworks... Future bets

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We want to provide a one click set up experience Future bets

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You get features based on the tools your application uses without having to con fi gure anything Future bets

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Addons • A way for other gems to enhance Ruby LSP features • The Ruby LSP should automatically detect which addon to load based on your project's dependencies • Rails addon:

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Challenges with addons • How to detect which addons to install based on the dependency? • Should the addons be embedded in the gems they are related to? Or should they be separate gems? • How do we allow for con fi guration that is editor agnostic? A `~/.ruby-lsprc` fi le?

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We need your help

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We can de fi nitely have a one-click set up experience

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Thank you!

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• • • • Font: • fi cations/lsp/ 3.17/speci fi cation/ • All videos/screenshots made with VS Code References