Slide 27
Slide 27 text
9th Solution
• Summary: Adam, Cosine with restarts, CosFace, ArcFace, High-
resolution images, Weighted sampling, new_whale distillation,
Pseudo labeled test, Resnet34, BNInception, Densenet121,
AutoAugment, CoordConv, GAPNet
• 1024x1024 resnet34, 512x152 BNInception, 640x640
• CosFace: s=32, m=0.35. ArcFace: m1=1.0, m2=0.4, m3=0.15
• Augumentation: Horizontal Flip, Rotate with 16 degree limit,
ShiftScaleRotate with 16 degree limit,
RandomBrightnessContrast, RandomGamma, Blur, Perspective
transform: tile left, right and corner, Shear, MotionBlur,
GridDistortion, ElasticTransform, Cutout
CosFace + ArcFace