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Copyright © NTT Communications Corporation. All rights reserved. Transform your business, transcend expectations with our technologically advanced solutions. 20 9 91 0 2 3 29 91 2 21 . 9 2 A 20 .. 88 9 0 9

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. . / / / / - Flexibility and agility - Integration from “in hardware” to “in software” - Innovations and upgrades from “per all-in-one nodes” to “per each component” - Target Domain - metropolitan - DC/Cloud Interconnect / / / / 2/ 2/ / From All-in-One to Disaggregation

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8 :201 A 8 2 28 8: 8: 28 :201 :. .: .- Open Line Systems OpenConfig 1 8 . 8 /20 . :8 . 8-. Transport API Topology Connectivity Path Computation Shared Network Information Context Virtual Network Notification NE Network Resource Groups NE NE SDN Controller NE NE SDN Controller NE NE Application Transport API Transport API Other SBIs 1 18 8 2 8 . . . 8 . 8 - 1 8 . . 8:42 0 8:0 8 . : 8: 1 8 . . 8:42 0 8:0 8 . : 8:

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. 5 . . . . . - Existing communities are focused on each specific target - No “Integrated Solution” in open source community → Build a reference implementation by using those communities outputs Open NBI SDN Controller Open SBI Open Ctrl Open Device Orchestrator Open Line System Transport API Vendor Controller Proprietary NBI Proprietary SBI Vendor Proprietary Device

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6 .. ) (( ( Optical telemetry Protection/ restoration Calendaring Power Management WSS TAPI Open Line System (OLS) OpenConfig OpenConfig MUX WSS AMP MUX xponder ODTN Controller TAPI xponder xponder . 6 xponder xponder xponder Transponders from multiple vendors Book-ended transponders OLS Controller

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. . - 5 operators - 12 vendors

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. . 55 2 5 .5 +2, 2 - Current progress - Implementation and testing for Transponder provisioning with OpenConfig: Done - Design OLS and optical media layer provisioning with latest TAPI and OpenConfig: On going - Next step - Implement path and config computation feature with leveraging onos optical-intent - Design mesh solution towards Phase 2.0 + 20 5+2 2, 5 + 5+2 2, 5 + 1 5+2 2, 5 Jun. 2018 Jan. 2019 We are here Jan. 2018

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. . - The journey to Software Integration of multi-vendor dis-aggregated devices is long and difficult - Lots of features to be realized among multi-vendor devices - Discovery, path computation, power control, protection, monitoring, etc.. - Common Open API is needed - TAPI is the most possible candidate, but there are some missing parts from the software integration perspective - ODTN is collaborating with OTCC/TAPI and growing into each other - Multi-device transaction and config state management features are needed - But there are no candidates in current Open SDN controllers - Now considering to implement these features in ONOS