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Henry Lim · Web GDE · @henrylim96

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What’s New in Web 2020 Browsers PWA Web Capabilities JavaScript and V8 CSS Tooling

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What’s New in Safari 14 RIP Flash Safari Web Extensions Picture-in-Picture API WebShare API (Level 2) Web Authentication WebP image support

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What’s New in Safari 14 WebShare API (Level 2)

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What’s New in Safari 14 Web Authentication

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What’s New in Safari 14 Web Authentication

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What’s New in Safari 14 WebP image support

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What’s New in Safari 14 WebP image support

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What’s New in Chrome 84 App Shortcuts Wake Lock API Content Indexing API Quieter notifications UI Same Site Cookie Policy Idle Detection (Origin Trials)

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What’s New in Chrome 84 App Shortcuts

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{ "name": "Player FM", "start_url": "", …… "shortcuts": [ { "name": "Open Play Later", "short_name": "Play Later", "description": "View the list of podcasts you saved for later", "url": "/play-later?utm_source=homescreen", "icons": [{ "src": "/icons/play-later.png", "sizes": "192x192" }] } ] } What’s New in Chrome 84 App Shortcuts

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What’s New in Chrome 84 Wake Lock API let wakeLock = null; // Function that attempts to request a screen wake lock. const requestWakeLock = async () => { try { wakeLock = await navigator.wakeLock.request('screen'); console.log('Screen Wake Lock is active'); } catch () {} }; // Request a screen wake lock… await requestWakeLock(); // … and release it. wakeLock.release();

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What’s New in Chrome 84 Quieter notifications UI

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What’s New in Chrome 84 Same Site Cookie Policy

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What’s New in Web 2020 Browsers PWA Web Capabilities JavaScript and V8 CSS Tooling

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What’s New in PWA and Fugu Content Indexing API Badging API Web OTP API Native File System API Notification Triggers

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What’s New in PWA and Fugu Badging API

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What’s New in PWA and Fugu Web OTP API

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What’s New in PWA and Fugu Native File System API

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What’s New in PWA and Fugu Notification Triggers

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What’s New in PWA and Fugu Fugu API Tracker

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What’s New in Web 2020 Browsers PWA Web Capabilities JavaScript and V8 CSS Tooling

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What’s New in JavaScript and V8 Up to 4GB of memory in WASM BigInt Optional Chaining Nullish coalescing JS Timers Throttling in Background

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const max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; console.log(max); // 9007199254740991 console.log(max + 1); // 9007199254740992 console.log(max + 2); // 9007199254740992 (Wth?) console.log(max + 3); // 9007199254740994 const maxBig = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); console.log(maxBig) // 9007199254740991n console.log(maxBig + 1n) // 9007199254740992n console.log(maxBig + 2n) // 9007199254740993n (Yay!) console.log(maxBig + 3n) // 9007199254740994n What’s New in JavaScript and V8 BigInt

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// Old method: Lots of && let nameLength; if (db && db.user && nameLength =; // New method: Shorter code, and more readable const nameLength = db?.user?.name?.length; What’s New in JavaScript and V8 Optional Chaining

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const result = db?.user?.isPsyduck || true; // If the value of isPsyduck is undefined // Then the value of result will be true ue; // true What’s New in JavaScript and V8 Nullish coalescing

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const result = db?.user?.isPsyduck || true; // If the value of isPsyduck is false // Then the value of result will be true ue; // true What’s New in JavaScript and V8 Nullish coalescing

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// Without Nullish Coalescing const result = db?.user?.isPsyduck || true; // true // With Nullish Coalescing const result = db?.user?.isPsyduck ?? true; // false What’s New in JavaScript and V8 Nullish coalescing

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Test A : 1 blank foreground tab (about:blank) + 36 background tabs (CNN, Facebook, Slack, Twitter, Gmail, etc.) Test B : 1 foreground tab playing YouTube video + 36 background tabs (CNN, Facebook, Slack, Twitter, Gmail, etc.) What’s New in JavaScript and V8 JS Timers Throttling in Background Source:

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What’s New in Web 2020 Browsers PWA Web Capabilities JavaScript and V8 CSS Tooling

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What’s New in CSS place-items aspect-ratio gap Scroll-linked Animations CSS Grid Tooling (Chrome DevTools)

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// Flexbox Method display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; // I don't know why you are using this method top: 50%; left: 50%; position: absolute; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); What’s New in CSS place-items

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// Grid display: grid; place-items: center; What’s New in CSS place-items

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// Padding Method (Or just copy from Stack Overflow) padding-top: calc(9 / 16 * 100%); overflow: hidden; ... // New Method aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; What’s New in CSS aspect-ratio

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What’s New in CSS gap, column-gap, row-gap

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display: flex; gap: 8px; What’s New in CSS gap

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element.animate( { transform: ['rotate(0)', 'rotate(360deg)'] }, { timeline: new ScrollTimeline(), duration: 10000 } ) What’s New in CSS Scroll-linked Animations Spec: Polyfill:

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#background { animation-name: parallax; animation-timeline: parallax-timeline; } @keyframes parallax { 0% { backgroundPosition: 50% 100%; } 100% { backgroundPosition: 50% 0%; } } @scroll-timeline parallax-timeline { start: selector(#background) end; end: (#background); } What’s New in CSS Scroll-linked Animations Spec: Polyfill:

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What’s New in CSS CSS Grid Tooling

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What’s New in Web 2020 Browsers PWA Web Capabilities Trusted Web Activity JavaScript and V8 CSS Tooling

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools Issues Tab Web Assembly Debugging Color Vision Deficiency Emulation New icons for breakpoint and logpoint Capture node screenshot from context menu Lighthouse 6

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools Issues Tab

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools Web Assembly Debugging

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools Color Vision Deficiency Emulation

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools New icons for breakpoint and logpoint

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools Capture node screenshot from context menu

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools Lighthouse 6.0

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What’s New in Chrome DevTools Lighthouse 6.0

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New Audits Focus on JavaScript analysis and accessibility unused JavaScript aria-hidden-body aria-hidden-focus aria-input-field-name aria-toggle-field-name form-field-multiple-labels heading-order duplicate-id-active duplicate-id-aria maskable icons charset declaration What’s New in Chrome DevTools Lighthouse 6.0

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Slide 53 text ● Choose the right build tool for your next project ● Determine whether migrating to a new build tool is worth it ● Optimize your current build tool configuration

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Follow me on Twitter: @henrylim96