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We know you have a choice in conference tracks. Thank you for choosing ours. Welcome to the Fringe Ruby track.

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My Little C Extension: Lego Robots are Magic!

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Brandon Hays. Catsultant. @tehviking.

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About C Extensions?

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About Robots?

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About Ponies?

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Actually a story about BURNOUT

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Crazy passionate about software

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Programming: SUPER FUN

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Programming: SUPER FUN

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Started running out of steam

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Because fun would be unprofessional.

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Lazy? Incapable? Broken?

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I FEAR these things about myself, but I don’t BELIEVE them.

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So... What was wrong with me?

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How can you combat these demons?

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More work?

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Distraction ROI High Not so good Worthless

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How can you *actually* combat these demons?

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You STOP and PLAY.

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You STOP and PLAY. and SHIP.

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ONE WEIRD TRICK the high clergy of Computerology don’t want you to know...

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Coin an acronym.

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H it burnout I nspiration purchase P laytime S teal knowledge C heat to win A tone for your cheating F ind a practical application E njoy a Coca-Cola™

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Hit burnout

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(this means stop)

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Inspiration purchase

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My stupid dream

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Yak shaving can be fun when it’s a pet yak

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Let’s write in C

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Let’s write in C

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Let’s write in C

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Why can’t I just use Ruby?

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If you’re doing it right, this is where you get stuck

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Steal knowledge

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You must build your own mentorship.

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Devs: We have a responsibility to the community that nurtured us.

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@cowboyd my mentor therubyracer his experience

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Advisor Helper Collaborator Secret Puppeteer

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My prior experience with C extensions

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Building a C extension

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1. Create a gem $ bundle gem brick_pi - Edit .gemspec - Edit lib/brick_pi/version.rb - Add `gem 'rake-compiler'` to Gemfile

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2. Lay filesystem groundwork - Create ext/brick_pi/ - Include C files needed for the robot (tick.h, BrickPi.h) - Create native.c - Create extconf.rb

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2. Lay filesystem groundwork require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/extensiontask""native", eval("brick_pi.gemspec"))) do |ext| ext.ext_dir = "ext/brick_pi" ext.lib_dir = "lib/brick_pi" ext.source_pattern = "*.{c,h}" end Rakefile

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2. Lay filesystem groundwork do |spec| = "brick_pi" spec.version = BrickPi::VERSION ... spec.license = "MIT" spec.require_paths = ["lib", "ext"] spec.extensions = ["ext/brick_pi/extconf.rb"] ... end .gemspec

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require 'mkmf' find_header 'wiringPi.h' find_library 'wiringPi', 'serialOpen' create_makefile 'brick_pi/native' ext/brick_pi/extconf.rb 2. Lay filesystem groundwork

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“We go to war with the API we wish we had, not the API we have. - Robert Schuller

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3. Specify Ruby API # I want this API: BrickPi::Native.brickPiSetup() # In Ruby it’d look like this: module BrickPi module Native def self.brickPiSetup() # do some C stuff here end end end

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# I want this API: BrickPi::Native.brickPiSetup() # In Ruby it’d look like this: module BrickPi module Native def self.brickPiSetup() # do some C stuff here end end end 3. Specify Ruby API Top namespace (from gem)

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# I want this API: BrickPi::Native.brickPiSetup() # In Ruby it’d look like this: module BrickPi module Native def self.brickPiSetup() # do some C stuff here end end end 3. Specify Ruby API “Native” namespace

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# I want this API: BrickPi::Native.brickPiSetup() # In Ruby it’d look like this: module BrickPi module Native def self.brickPiSetup() # do some C stuff here end end end 3. Specify Ruby API Setup method

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4. Write first wrapper #include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } ext/brick_pi/native.c

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; 4. Write first wrapper #include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } ext/brick_pi/native.c Ruby C libs Include:

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; 4. Write first wrapper #include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } ext/brick_pi/native.c C dependencies Include:

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } void Init_native() { 4. Write first wrapper ext/brick_pi/native.c “magic” init_ method

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); 4. Write first wrapper ext/brick_pi/native.c module BrickPi module BrickPi:Native

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } rb_define_singleton_method 4. Write first wrapper ext/brick_pi/native.c def self.brickPiSetup()

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } Native, 4. Write first wrapper ext/brick_pi/native.c defined on

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } "brickPiSetup" 4. Write first wrapper ext/brick_pi/native.c Ruby method name

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } VALUE call_brickPiSetup call_brickPiSetup 4. Write first wrapper ext/brick_pi/native.c C helper method

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } 0 4. Write first wrapper ext/brick_pi/native.c no Ruby args

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } 4. Write first wrapper VALUE call_brickPiSetup ext/brick_pi/native.c wrapper/helper function

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } 4. Write first wrapper BrickPiSetup() ext/brick_pi/native.c original C function

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } 4. Write first wrapper INT2FIX ext/brick_pi/native.c cast C int to Ruby Fixnum

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } 4. Write first wrapper (VALUE self) { 0 ext/brick_pi/native.c wait, what?

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Object-oriented C

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } Object-oriented C VALUE VALUE ext/brick_pi/native.c magic ‘VALUE’ type

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#include "ruby.h"; #include "tick.h"; #include "BrickPi.h"; VALUE call_brickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brickPiSetup", call_brickPiSetup, 0); } Object-oriented C self ext/brick_pi/native.c always pass self as 1st argument

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4. Build gem & experiment $ rake compile $ cd ~/projects/brick_pi_test $ cat "gem 'brick_pi', '/users/pi/projects/brick_pi'" > Gemfile $ bundle exec irb > require 'brick_pi' > BrickPi::Native.brickPiSetup()

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It’ll probably look more like this

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Holy crap, it worked > BrickPi::Native.brickPiSetup() => 0 => Also hey nice and cool job you are a pretty good => programmer you should maybe do this for a living

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But wait, our Ruby file is empty! require "brick_pi/version" require "brick_pi/native" module BrickPi # Your code goes here... end lib/brick_pi.rb

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So where did that Ruby come from?

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From here! void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "brick_pi_setup", call_brick_pi_setup, 0); } ext/brick_pi/native.c

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So we just wrote Ruby... in C?

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Of course! How do you think Matz does it?

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Heck, how do you think Ruby does it?

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Believe it or not, that was the hard part.

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The rest: - Flesh out API - Spin the motors

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Flesh out the API

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Find what you want to wrap

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Documentation/ example code

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MotorSpeed Addresses PORT_X constants MotorEnable Use example code...

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MotorSpeed Addresses PORT_X constants MotorEnable decipher source code

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C Extension Style Guide

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Hard-Won knowledge

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Is best when won by someone else

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• Keep low-level Ruby ugly, close to C code as possible • Low-level wrappers in BrickPi::Native module • Prefix C method helpers for easy identification

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Keep low-level Ruby ugly, close to C code as possible rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "BrickPiUpdateValues", bprb_BrickPiUpdateValues, 0); BrickPi::Native.BrickPiUpdateValues() lib/brick_pi/bot.rb ext/brick_pi/native.c

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Low-level wrappers in BrickPi::Native module void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); VALUE MotorSpeed = rb_define_module_under(Native, "MotorSpeed"); module BrickPi class Motor def spin(speed) speed = [-100, [100, speed].min].max motor_speed = (speed * 2.55).round Native::MotorSpeed[@port] = motor_speed end end end lib/brick_pi/motor.rb ext/brick_pi/native.c

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Prefix C method helpers for easy identification VALUE bprb_BrickPiSetup(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetup()); } VALUE bprb_BrickPiSetupSensors(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(BrickPiSetupSensors()); } VALUE bprb_ClearTick(VALUE self) { return INT2FIX(ClearTick()); } VALUE bprb_MotorSpeed_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.MotorSpeed[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } bprb, for brick_pi_ruby

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2);

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); module Native::SensorType

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", def self.[]=(key, val)

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); bprb_SensorType_set bprb_SensorType_set call to C helper/wrapper

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); VALUE self pass self 1st

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); VALUE key, VALUE value ... 2 2 Ruby arguments def self.[]=(key, val)

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); { int index = FIX2INT(key); FIX2INT(value) cast Fixnum in Ruby to INT in C

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = value Set value at position in C array

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Putting it together VALUE bprb_SensorType_set(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) { int index = FIX2INT(key); BrickPi.SensorType[index] = FIX2INT(value); return value; } ... VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); return value; return VALUE ‘value’ to Ruby

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Lather, rinse, repeat

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void Init_native() { VALUE BrickPi = rb_define_module("BrickPi"); VALUE Native = rb_define_module_under(BrickPi, "Native"); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "BrickPiSetup", bprb_BrickPiSetup, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "BrickPiSetupSensors", bprb_BrickPiSetupSensors, 0); rb_define_singleton_method(Native, "ClearTick", bprb_ClearTick, 0); VALUE MotorSpeed = rb_define_module_under(Native, "MotorSpeed"); rb_define_singleton_method(MotorSpeed, "[]=", bprb_MotorSpeed_set, 2); VALUE MotorEnable = rb_define_module_under(Native, "MotorEnable"); rb_define_singleton_method(MotorEnable, "[]=", bprb_MotorEnable_set, 2); VALUE Address = rb_define_module_under(Native, "Address"); rb_define_singleton_method(Address, "[]=", bprb_Address_set, 2); VALUE SensorType = rb_define_module_under(Native, "SensorType"); rb_define_singleton_method(SensorType, "[]=", bprb_SensorType_set, 2); VALUE Sensor = rb_define_module_under(Native, "Sensor"); rb_define_singleton_method(Sensor, "[]", bprb_Sensor_get, 1); VALUE Encoder = rb_define_module_under(Native, "Encoder"); rb_define_singleton_method(Encoder, "[]", bprb_Encoder_get, 1); Does this look repetitive?

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rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_A", INT2FIX(0)); rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_B", INT2FIX(1)); rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_C", INT2FIX(2)); rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_D", INT2FIX(3)); rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_1", INT2FIX(0)); rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_2", INT2FIX(1)); rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_3", INT2FIX(2)); rb_define_const(Native, "PORT_4", INT2FIX(3)); rb_define_const(Native, "US_PORT", INT2FIX(2)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_TOUCH", INT2FIX(32)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_ULTRASONIC_CONT", INT2FIX(33)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_ULTRASONIC_SS", INT2FIX(34)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_COLOR_FULL", INT2FIX(36)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_COLOR_RED", INT2FIX(37)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_COLOR_GREEN", INT2FIX(38)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_COLOR_BLUE", INT2FIX(39)); rb_define_const(Native, "TYPE_SENSOR_COLOR_NONE", INT2FIX(40)); } That’s because it is repetitive.

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OK, stop.

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How do you know all these methods?

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I didn’t. I cheated.

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Cheat to win

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What’s so bad about cheating, anyway?

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Why should the race always be to the swift, or the Jumble to the quick-witted? Should they be allowed to win merely because of the gifts God gave them? Well I say, "Cheating is the gift man gives himself." - C. Montgomery Burns

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/via Life Cheating @cheatsoflife

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C Ext Cheat Sheets Pickaxe book

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Can you tell me all the secrets of C extension methods? Ok, then we can go get tacos.

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The C is done. Locked in a mysterious black box

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Ruby API == MVP

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no. nonono. require 'brick_pi' include BrickPi motor1 = Native::PORT_A motor2 = Native::PORT_B Native.ClearTick() Native.BrickPiSetup() Native::MotorSpeed[motor1] = 200 Native::MotorSpeed[motor2] = -200 Native::Address[0] = 1 Native::Address[1] = 2 Native::MotorEnable[motor1] = 1 Native::MotorEnable[motor2] = 1 Native.Timeout = 3000 Native.BrickPiSetTimeout() Native.BrickPiUpdateValues() pseudo.rb

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Motors spin! Can haz tacos nao?

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Better? require 'brick_pi' include BrickPi class BrickBot def start @stop = false ...setup code... do until @stop do Native.BrickPiUpdateValues() sleep(50/1000) end end end def stop @stop = true end end pseudo.rb

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“I have a passion for writing terrible software.”

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Sorry, no

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No content

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module BrickPi class Bot include BrickPi::Configuration attr_accessor :motor_A, :motor_B, :motor_C, :motor_D attr_accessor :sensor_1, :sensor_2, :sensor_3, :sensor_4 def initialize ...same old init code as before... end def start ...same old init code as before... end def stop @stop = true end def run start yield stop end end end

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# Instantiate the Bot bot = BrickPi.create do |bot| bot.motor :port_B bot.motor :port_C end # Get this party started do # Half speed on both motors. Max value is 100. bot.motor_B.spin 50 bot.motor_C.spin 50 sleep 5 # Stop motors bot.motor_B.stop bot.motor_C.stop end

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gem “brick-pi” v. 0.1.0

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rake  release is a miracle

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0.1.0 + 45 minutes: remote control

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Atone for your cheating

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def tick self.class.devices.each { |d| } next_behaviors = [] @behaviors.sort.each do |behavior| behavior.apply(next_behaviors) if next_behaviors << behavior end end @behaviors = next_behaviors { |p| p.apply self } end def behavior(priority=1, &block), &block).tap do |behavior| @behaviors << behavior end end def add_behavior(*behaviors) @behaviors.concat behaviors end def stop @stop = true @thread = nil end

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class BehaviorBot < BrickPi::Bot attr_accessor :speed motor :port_A motor :port_B ultrasonic_sensor :port_3 # A property is always settable and gettable, even while things are running. property :speed_left do |value| @motor_A.spin value end property :speed_right do |value| @motor_B.spin value end def move_forward(seconds) behavior do |time, done| self.speed_left = self.speed_right = speed if time > seconds end end ... end

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@bot = @bot.speed = 100 @bot.start # move forward for 4 seconds # then turn left for 3 seconds # then move forward for another 10 seconds @bot.move_forward(4).then do @bot.turn_left(3).then do @bot.move_backward(3).then do @bot.stop_motors(nil, true) end end end # Add a behavior to watch sensor and stop if motors are moving @bot.behavior(9) do |time, done| print "SENSOR DISTANCE: " puts @bot.sensor_3.distance if @bot.sensor_3.distance < 10 @bot.speed_left = @bot.speed_right = 0 end end @bot.wait

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Find a practical application

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What else can it do?

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No content

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What else can it do? # Square 4.times do @bot.forward 2 @bot.turn -90 end

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What else can it do? # Crazy spirograph 12.times do @bot.forward 2 @bot.turn -140 end

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What else can it do?

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Portrait of the artist as a young robot

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Enjoy an ice-cold Coca-Cola™

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Conditioning is delicious™

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Oh no, people are using it.

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Hit burnout (again)

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A confession

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First, a confession That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always burned out.

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How did I manage to pour dozens of hours into learning C extensions while severely burned out?

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More importantly, how did that activity actually help alleviate and even fix my burnout?

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Programming is for humans.

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You are a human.

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H it burnout I nspiration purchase P laytime S teal knowledge C heat to win A tone for your cheating F ind a practical application E njoy a Coca-Cola™

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Play is how you get your <3 back.

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Play is how you remember your limitless potential.

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Look at this little guy <3

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Sharing “play projects” is behind a huge portion of good done in the world.

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_why’s poignant guide to ruby

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The world needs you to stop. and play. and ship.

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Play is the only power fun enough to inspire the next generation.

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Thank you. @tehviking

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Sunset Airplane Landing by dgmiami Yak by Chandan Kumar Hello World by Windell Oskay Stuck in the Mud by Jason Rogers Lego porn by Eric Black box by thierry ehrmann Taco cat by Shannon Des Roches Rosa Number Five is Alive by emilydickinsonridesabmx Rainbow Dash at BrickCon by Katie Walker Elvis Diner by Rahel Jaskow Mini Fluttershy by Pascal Black Cover for Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby by Why the Lucky Stiff Image credits