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Thinking Functionally Carlos Souza - @caike Code School / Pluralsight with Elixir

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Functional Programming

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Elixir = Erlang VM (BEAM)

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Elixir = Erlang VM (BEAM) movie: "Erlang - The Movie" Erlang: The Movie

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No content

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My Life The CompSci Years

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The Comp Sci Years #1
 Learn to 
 Learn New Things

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The Comp Sci Years PROLOG
 Describe the problem and not the solution

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A Taste of Prolog (@the_thagomizer)

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Paradigms #1
 Learn to 
 Learn New Things

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Paradigms #2 
 Forget What
 You Know

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Paradigms conf = "ATO"

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Functional Programming

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Functional Programming - Pure Functions - Pattern Matching - Recursion

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Functional Programming - Pure Functions - Pattern Matching - Recursion

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Pure Functions - Pure Functions - Pattern Matching - Recursion

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Two Rules of Pure Functions #1 - Return value should rely 
 entirely on arguments #2 - No side effects

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Pure Functions

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Pure Functions

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Pure Functions How many in the basket ?

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Pure Functions

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Pure Functions I place in an empty
 basket and eat . 
 How many are left ?

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Pure Functions

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#1 - Return value should rely 
 entirely on arguments #2 - No side effects Two Rules of Pure Functions

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Pure Functions Pure Functions defmodule Account do def balance(initial, spending) do initial - spending end end

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Pure Functions Pure Functions defmodule Account do def balance(initial, spending) do initial - spending end end IO.puts 800 Account.balance(1000, 200)

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Pure Functions vs. Objects account.currentBalance() vs. Account.balance(1000, 200)

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Pure Functions Invoke function f on data x Invoke function g on the return value of function f on data x, and on data y f(x) g(f(x), y) j(i(h(g(f(x),y),z))) Now this is getting silly...

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It’s Hard to Read “From the Inside Out” defmodule Account do def balance(initial, spending) do interest(discount(initial, 10), 0.1) end def discount(total, amount) do ... end def interest(total, rate) do ... end end

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Piping Functions - |> defmodule Account do def balance(initial, spending) do discount(initial, 10) |> interest(0.1) end ... end defmodule Account do def balance(initial, spending) do discount(initial, 10) |> interest(0.1) |> format("$") end ... end read from left to righ new functions added to the end

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Piping Functions the Elixir style - |> defmodule Account do def balance(initial, spending) do initial |> discount(10) |> interest(0.1) |> format("$") ... end end

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Reading contents from a CSV file defmodule Budget do def list_transactions do"transactions.csv") |> parse_file |> filter |> normalize |> sort |> print end ... end

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Pattern Matching - Pure Functions - Pattern Matching - Recursion

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Pattern Matching Primitives conf = "ATO"

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BrookeSam Brooke, Sam Elements from the list on the right... ...are a perfect match against those from the list on the left. users = ["Brooke", "Sam"] IO.puts users [first, second] = users IO.puts "#{first}, #{second}" Pattern Matching Lists - [ ]

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Splitting Lists with [head|tail ] [head|tail] = ["Brooke", "Sam", "Niki"] "Brooke" ["Sam", "Nikki"]

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Pattern Matching Tuples - { } {:ok, content} {:ok, "some content"} {:error, :enoent} Reading a file"transactions.csv") =

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Pattern Matching in Functions defmodule Budget do def list_transactions do |> parse_file end ... end or takes ONE argument {:ok, content} {:error, error}"transactions.csv")

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Pattern Matching in Functions No IF statement! defmodule Budget do ... 
 def parse_file({:ok, content}) do
 ... end 
 def parse_file({:error, error}) do ... end end

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Pattern Matching Maps - %{ } empty variables are populated person = %{ "name" => "Brooke", "age" => 42 } = person , "age" => age matches keys on the right %{ "name" => name }

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Pattern Matching Portions of Maps - %{ } person = %{ "name" => "Brooke", "age" => 42 } only reads portion of the map %{ "name" => name } = person

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Pattern Matching Nested Maps - %{ } person = %{ "name" => "Brooke", "address" => %{ "city" => "Orlando", "state" => "FL"}} %{ "address" => %{ "state" => state }} = person matching on portion of the nested keys

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Pattern Matching in Phoenix defmodule FireStarterWeb.VideoController do ... def show( ) do video = Repo.get(Video, id) render conn, "show.html", video: video end end Phoenix is MVC Elixir for the web. pattern matching! conn, %{"id" => id}

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Pattern Matching in the wild pattern matching!

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Pattern Matching Everywhere

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Recursion - Pure Functions - Pattern Matching - Recursion

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Recursion "Recently refreshed sourdough, bubbling
 through fermentation: the recipe calls for 
 some sourdough left over from the last 
 time the same recipe was made." From

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Two Cases for Recursion All recursive functions involve the following two cases (or two clauses): 1. The base case or terminating scenario, 
 where the function does NOT invoke itself. 2. The recursive case, where computation 
 happens and the function invokes itself.

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Recursive Factorial defmodule MyMath do def factorial(1) do 1 end def factorial(n) do n * factorial(n - 1) end end MyMath.factorial(3) #=> 6 MyMath.factorial(4) #=> 24 terminating
 scenario recursive case

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No content

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No content

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Recursion [%{"name" => "Cyle Larin", "position" => "forward"}, %{"name" => "Antonio Nocerino", "position" => "midfielder"}, %{"name" => "Joe Bendik", "position" => "goalkeeper"}, %{"name" => "Jason Kreis", "position" => "coach"}] %{"name" => "Joe Bendik", "position" => "goalkeeper"} Listing players from Orlando City Soccer

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Recursion defmodule SoccerTeam do def list_all() do end def get_goalie() do end end SoccerTeam.list_all SoccerTeam.get_goalie

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Recursion defmodule SoccerTeam do def list_all() do end end SoccerTeam.list_all

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Recursion defmodule SoccerTeam do use HTTPoison.Base def list_all() do url = "https://..." get_url(url) |> parse end defp parse( ) do end end %{status_code: 200, body: json_response} {:ok, list } = Poison.Parser.parse(json_response) list

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Recursion [%{"name" => "Cyle Larin", "position" => "forward"}, %{"name" => "Antonio Nocerino", "position" => "midfielder"}, %{"name" => "Joe Bendik", "position" => "goalkeeper"}, %{"name" => "Jason Kreis", "position" => "coach"}] A list of maps

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Recursion %{"name" => "Joe Bendik", "position" => "goalkeeper"} Finding the goalkeeper

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Recursion defmodule SoccerTeam do def get_goalie() do end end SoccerTeam.get_goalie

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Recursion defmodule SoccerTeam do use HTTPoison.Base def get_goalie() do url = "https://..." get_url(url) |> parse end end |> find_goalie

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Recursion defmodule SoccerTeam do ... def find_goalie([%{"position" => "goalkeeper"} = head|_]) do head end def find_goalie([_|tail]) do find_goalie(tail) end def find_goalie([]) do raise "Error. No goalie found" end end No for loop No while statement

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Recursive Factorial defmodule MyMath do def factorial(1) do 1 end def factorial(n) do n * factorial(n - 1) end end MyMath.factorial(10_000_000)

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Recursion with no TCO

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Recursive Factorial defmodule MyMath do def factorial(1) do 1 end def factorial(n) do n * factorial(n - 1) end end MyMath.factorial(10_000_000) not the LAST expression in this function

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Recursive Factorial defmodule MyMath do def factorial(1) do 1 end def factorial(n) do n * factorial(n - 1) end end MyMath.factorial(10_000_000) the LAST expression in this function

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Tail Call Optimization MyMath.factorial(10_000_000) defmodule MyMath do def factorial(1, acc) do acc end def factorial(n, acc) do factorial(n-1, n * acc) end def factorial(n) do factorial(n, 1) end end

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Tail Call Optimization

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That was a lot! - Functional Programming - Elixir - Pure Functions, Pattern Matching and 
 Recursion - Recursion with TCO FTW

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Thinking Functionally with Elixir Thank you! # Carlos Souza - @caike Code School / Pluralsight