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Writing Robust Android UI Tests @Alex_Zhukovich

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Non-UI testing UI testing Stress testing View Comparison testing

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Android tests Local Instrumentation

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Android tests Local Instrumentation Non-UI UI* UI Non-UI

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adb shell am instrument Instrumentation >_ Test app Dev app

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public class SampleTest { private AndroidDriver driver; @Before public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException { DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); desiredCapabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Android"); desiredCapabilities.setCapability("ensureWebviewsHavePages", true); URL remoteUrl = new URL("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub"); driver = new AndroidDriver(remoteUrl, desiredCapabilities); } @Test public void sampleTest() { MobileElement el7 = (MobileElement) driver.findElementById("com.alexzh.imbarista:id/emailEditText"); el7.sendKeys("[email protected]"); MobileElement el8 = (MobileElement) driver.findElementById("com.alexzh.imbarista:id/passwordEditText"); el8.sendKeys("test"); MobileElement el9 = (MobileElement) driver.findElementById("com.alexzh.imbarista:id/loginButton");; MobileElement el10 = (MobileElement) driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("Profile");; MobileElement el11 = (MobileElement) driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("More options");; MobileElement el12 = (MobileElement) driver.findElementByXPath("/hierarchy/android.widget.FrameLayout/android.widget.FrameLayout/android.widget.ListView/android.widget.LinearLayout[2] /android.widget.LinearLayout/android.widget.RelativeLayout/android.widget.TextView");; } @After public void tearDown() { driver.quit(); } } Appium Recorder

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@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class RecorderActivityTest { @Rule public ActivityTestRule mActivityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(SplashActivity.class); @Test public void recorderActivityTest() { ViewInteraction textInputEditText = onView( allOf(withId(, childAtPosition(childAtPosition(withId(,0),0))); textInputEditText.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText("[email protected]"), closeSoftKeyboard()); ViewInteraction textInputEditText2 = onView( allOf(withId(,childAtPosition(childAtPosition(withId(, 0), 0))); textInputEditText2.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText("test"), closeSoftKeyboard()); ViewInteraction materialButton = onView( allOf(withId(, withText("Login"), childAtPosition(childAtPosition(withId(, 0), 4))); materialButton.perform(scrollTo(), click()); ViewInteraction bottomNavigationItemView = onView( allOf( withId(, withContentDescription("Profile"), childAtPosition(childAtPosition(withId(, 0), 2), isDisplayed() )); bottomNavigationItemView.perform(click()); ViewInteraction overflowMenuButton = onView( allOf(withContentDescription("More options"), childAtPosition(childAtPosition(withId(, 1), 0), isDisplayed())); overflowMenuButton.perform(click()); ViewInteraction appCompatTextView = onView( allOf(withId(, withText("Log Out"), childAtPosition(childAtPosition(withId(, 0), 0), isDisplayed())); appCompatTextView.perform(click()); } ... } Espresso Test Recorder

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val textInputEditText = onView( allOf( withId(, childAtPosition( childAtPosition( withId(, 0 ), 0 ) ) ) textInputEditText.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText("[email protected]"), closeSoftKeyboard()) val textInputEditText2 = onView( allOf( withId(, childAtPosition( childAtPosition( withId(, 0 ), 0 ) ) ) textInputEditText2.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText("test"), closeSoftKeyboard()) val materialButton = onView( allOf( withId(, withText("Login"), childAtPosition( childAtPosition( withId(, 0 ), 4 ) ) ) materialButton.perform(scrollTo(), click()) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText("[email protected]")) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText("test")) onView(withId( .perform(click())

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Changes in app Network speed Unreadability Test data

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Layout Inspector UI Automator Viewer

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@Test fun shouldDisplayErrorWhenPasswordIsBlank() { val email = "[email protected]" val password = "" onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(email)) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(password)) onView(withId( .perform(click()) onView(withText(R.string.password_is_blank)) .check(matches(isDisplayed())) }

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onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(email)) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(password), closeSoftKeyboard()) onView(withId( .perform(click()) val progressBarIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(...) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(progressBarIR) onView(withId( .check(matches(withItemCount(13))) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(progressBarIR) onView(withId( .perform(click()) ...

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// -- LOGIN -- onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(email)) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(password), closeSoftKeyboard()) onView(withId( .perform(click()) // -- HOME SCREEN -- val progressBarIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(...) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(progressBarIR) onView(withId( .check(matches(withItemCount(13))) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(progressBarIR) onView(withId( .perform(click()) ...

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Domain Specific Language

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Scenario: 1. Login to application

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Scenario: 1. Login to application 2. Open Profile screen 3. Check name and email

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Scenario: 1. Login to application 2. Open Profile screen 3. Check name and email 4. Open menu 5. Logout from application

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// LOGIN onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(EMAIL)) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD)) onView(withId( .perform(click())

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// LOGIN onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(EMAIL)) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD)) onView(withId( .perform(click()) open class BaseTestRobot { fun enterText(viewId: Int, text: String) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(replaceText(text)) } fun clickOnView(viewId: Int) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(click()) } }

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// LOGIN onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(EMAIL)) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD)) onView(withId( .perform(click()) open class BaseTestRobot { fun enterText(viewId: Int, text: String) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(replaceText(text)) } fun clickOnView(viewId: Int) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(click()) } } class LoginScreenRobot : BaseTestRobot() { fun login(email: String, password: String) { enterText(, email) enterText(, password) clickOnView( } }

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// LOGIN onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(EMAIL)) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD)) onView(withId( .perform(click()) loginScreen { login(EMAIL, PASSWORD) } open class BaseTestRobot { fun enterText(viewId: Int, text: String) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(replaceText(text)) } fun clickOnView(viewId: Int) { onView(withId(viewId)) .perform(click()) } } class LoginScreenRobot : BaseTestRobot() { fun login(email: String, password: String) { enterText(, email) enterText(, password) clickOnView( } } fun loginScreen(func: LoginScreenRobot.() -> Unit) = LoginScreenRobot().apply { func() }

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loginScreen { enterEmail(EMAIL) enterPassword(PASSWORD) pressLogin() } homeScreen { waitCoffeeDrinks() pressProfile() } profileScreen { waitUserData() hasEmail(EMAIL) hasUserName(USER_NAME) openMenu() pressLogout() } loginScreen { isOpen() } loginScreen { login(EMAIL, PASSWORD) } homeScreen { navigateToProfile() } profileScreen { hasEmail(EMAIL) hasUserName(USER_NAME) logout() } loginScreen { isOpen() }

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Test case Screen Robot Basic operations

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Readability Reusability Building complexity Framework independant

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Approaches and tools

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Clear data

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No content

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Mock Fake

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End to End tests Functional tests 1 1 Entry point Start test from the main screen 2 Interaction with server Verification interaction with server 3 Navigation Verification navigation between screens Entry point Start application from any screen 2 Interaction with server Usually no interaction with prod server 3 Navigation Usually no navigation between screen Navigation between neighbor screens 4 UI verification Fast verification of UI components 4 App verification Slow verification of entire product

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Espresso UiAutomator Appium onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(EMAIL) onView(withId( .perform(replaceText(PASSWORD) onView(withId( .check(matchers(isDisplayed())) Synchronization IdlingResources Run any Activity

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Espresso UiAutomator Appium val email = device.findObject(By.res(PACKAGE, "email")) email.text = EMAIL val password = device.findObject(By.res(PACKAGE, "password")) email.text = PASSWORD val login = device.findObject(By.res(PACKAGE, "login")) if (login != null) { ... } Interact with OS Interact with any application

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Espresso UiAutomator Appium val email = driver.findElement("email")) email.value = EMAIL val password = driver.findElement("password")) password.value = PASSWORD val login = driver.findElement("login")) login.isDisplayed() Interact with OS Interact with any application Support many languages

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Espresso UiAutomator Appium Support of Android resources Yes No No

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Espresso UiAutomator Appium Support of Android resources Yes No No Test cases type GrayBox BlackBox BlackBox

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Espresso UiAutomator Appium Support of Android resources Yes No No Test cases type GrayBox BlackBox BlackBox Execution time 0.976 s 8.743 s 12.154 s

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writeTo(, EMAIL) writeTo(, PASSWORD) clickOn( assertDisplayed(, USER_NAME) assertDisplayed(, EMAIL) Kakao Barista Kaspresso

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writeTo(, EMAIL) writeTo(, PASSWORD) clickOn( assertDisplayed(, USER_NAME) assertDisplayed(, EMAIL) @Rule ClearPreferencesRule @Rule ClearDatabaseRule @Rule ClearFilesRule Kakao Barista Kaspresso

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writeTo(, EMAIL) writeTo(, PASSWORD) clickOn( assertDisplayed(, USER_NAME) assertDisplayed(, EMAIL) @Rule ClearPreferencesRule @Rule ClearDatabaseRule @Rule ClearFilesRule @Test @AllowFlaky(attempts = 5) @Repeat(times = 5) fun flaky_test() { ... } Kakao Barista Kaspresso

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@Test fun should_verify_account_information() { val toolbarVisibilityIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(, View.VISIBLE) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(toolbarVisibilityIR) assertDisplayed( IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(toolbarVisibilityIR) // LOGIN writeTo(, EMAIL) writeTo(, PASSWORD) closeKeyboard() clickOn( // NAVIGATE TO PROFILE val progressBarIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(, View.GONE) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(progressBarIR) assertDisplayed( IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(progressBarIR) clickOn( // VERIFY PROFILE INFO val progressProfileIR = ViewVisibilityIdlingResource(, View.GONE) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(progressProfileIR) assertDisplayed(, USER_NAME) assertDisplayed(, EMAIL) IdlingRegistry.getInstance().unregister(progressProfileIR) // LOGOUT clickMenu( // LOGIN SCREEN intended(hasComponent( } Kakao Barista Kaspresso

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Kakao Barista Kaspresso onScreen { email.replaceText(EMAIL) password { replaceText(PASSWORD) closeSoftKeyboard() } }

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onScreen { email.replaceText(EMAIL) password { replaceText(PASSWORD) closeSoftKeyboard() } } Interceptors Kakao Barista Kaspresso

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@Test fun should_verify_account_information() { onScreen { email.replaceText(EMAIL) password { replaceText(PASSWORD) closeSoftKeyboard() } } onScreen { waitCoffeeDrinkList() } onScreen { waitForProfileInfo() name.hasText(USER_NAME) email.hasText(EMAIL) openMenu() } onScreen { loginScreenIntent.intended() } } Kakao Barista Kaspresso

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onScreen { email.replaceText(EMAIL) password { replaceText(PASSWORD) closeSoftKeyboard() } } Include KAutomator Injecting data DSL Interaction with Device Advanced reporting system Handling flaky tests Kakao Barista Kaspresso

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Kakao @Test fun should_verify_account_information() = beforeTest { activityTestRule.launchActivity(intent) }.afterTest { ... }.run { onScreen { email.replaceText(EMAIL) password { replaceText(PASSWORD) closeSoftKeyboard() } } onScreen { waitCoffeeDrinkList() } onScreen { waitForProfileInfo() name.hasText(USER_NAME) email.hasText(EMAIL) openMenu() } onScreen { loginScreenIntent.intended() } } Barista Kaspresso

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Pre-populating WireMock RestMock MockWebServer Fake Mock

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Activity Fragment

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Activity @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class LoginActivityTest { @Test fun superImportantTest() { ... ActivityScenario.launch( ) ... } } Fragment @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class LoginActivityTest { @Test fun superImportantTest() { ... launchFragmentInContainer() ... } }

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End To End tests Functional tests

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Shared tests

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Local tests Instrumentation tests Shared tests

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android { ... sourceSets { androidTest { java.srcDirs += "src/sharedTest/java" } test { java.srcDirs += "src/sharedTest/java" } } } androidTest sharedTest test

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How to start

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App flow Priorities Analytical data

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App flow Priorities Analytical data

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App flow Priorities Analytical data

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Flaky tests

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Testing approaches Tools Parallel execution Test data

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Android Test Orchestrator @Rule ClearPreferencesRule ClearDatabaseRule ClearFilesRule Interceptors @AllowFlaky @

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#ExploreMore Android UI testing @AlexZhukovich