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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom Exploring the Unhappy Path How can it go to heck in a handbasket?? #devopsdays !1

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom Julia Wester Co-Founder & Principal Consultant at Lagom Solutions Blogger at Based in Seattle, WA Web Developer Manager Coach !2 #devopsdays

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1. Making space with TRIZ 3. How can you game this? 5. Ritual Dissent (if time) @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !3 #devopsdays Workshop Activities in priority order

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Liberating Structure: Making Space with TRIZ ▪ Make it possible to speak the unspeakable and get skeletons out of the closet ▪ Make space for innovative solutions ▪ Lay the ground for creative destruction by doing the hard work in a fun way ▪ Build trust by acting all together to remove barriers @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !4 #devopsdays

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Theory of Inventive Problem Solving @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !5 #devopsdays TRIZ /ˈtriːz/

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !6 #devopsdays Move into groups of 7-8ish… choose a VERY unwanted result to use in this exercise Here are some examples:

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Liberating Structure: Making Space with TRIZ @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !7 #devopsdays Groups of 8 1 - 2 - 4 - ALL 2m - 3m - 5m - 5m

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Liberating Structure: Making Space with TRIZ 1. Make a list of everything you could do to make that unwanted result happen. @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !7 #devopsdays Groups of 8 1 - 2 - 4 - ALL 2m - 3m - 5m - 5m

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Liberating Structure: Making Space with TRIZ 1. Make a list of everything you could do to make that unwanted result happen. 2. Note which things on the list you do, capture other similar items @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !7 #devopsdays Groups of 8 1 - 2 - 4 - ALL 2m - 3m - 5m - 5m

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Liberating Structure: Making Space with TRIZ 1. Make a list of everything you could do to make that unwanted result happen. 2. Note which things on the list you do, capture other similar items 3. Decide on first steps to stop doing those things. @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !7 #devopsdays Groups of 8 1 - 2 - 4 - ALL 2m - 3m - 5m - 5m

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !8 #devopsdays Share your takeaways!

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How Can You Game This? @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !9 #devopsdays

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To surface and explore unintended consequences of seemingly good choices @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !10 #devopsdays How Can You Game This?

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!11 #devopsdays @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom Choose a metric you would use if pursuing the goal from the previous exercise. How Can You Game This? Groups of 4

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !12 #devopsdays How Can You Game This? How can you game it? Groups of 4 1 - 2 - ALL 2m - 3m - 3m

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !12 #devopsdays How Can You Game This? What is the impact? How can you game it? Groups of 4 1 - 2 - ALL 2m - 3m - 3m

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !12 #devopsdays How Can You Game This? How can we make this safer? What is the impact? How can you game it? Groups of 4 1 - 2 - ALL 2m - 3m - 3m

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !13 #devopsdays Share your takeaways!

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !14 #devopsdays Ritual Dissent

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!15 #devopsdays Ritual Dissent @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom • It focuses the dissent on the idea itself and not the person presenting • It removes any body language from the discussion. • It makes the person with their back turned listen.

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Take ~5 minutes to create a proposal for achieving the goal from our first exercise. Appoint a spokesperson to present it to a small audience. @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !16 #leanagileus Ritual Dissent

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!17 #devopsdays Ritual Dissent 1. Spokesperson presents to silent audience. 2. Audience attacks the ideas with full and complete vigor. The spokesman listens in silence and takes note. 3. Spokesman relays key takeaways / learnings back to audience. @everydaykanban | @TeamLagom Groups of 4 3m - 4m - 3m

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !18 #devopsdays Share your takeaways!

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@everydaykanban | @TeamLagom !19 @everydaykanban & @TeamLagom Contact me to talk more #devopsdays