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Mu-Fan @ RubyConf AU 2024 Reconstructing Taiwan's Internet-Based Party Politics

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Self Introduction • Mu-Fan Teng • Ruby Evangelist in Taiwan. • Organize most Ruby Community Events in Taiwan. • CEO of • Twitter / GitHub: @ryudoawaru

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RubyConf Taiwan • 2010~ • One of Matz's "Major" Ruby Conference choices outside Japan • Featured Matz all the time after 2012

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Regular Ruby Meetups in Taiwan • Monthly Event @ PicCollage O ffi ce, Taipei. • Sharing and networking. • If you happen to be in Taiwan, please remember to join. • @rubytaiwan

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COSCUP 2024 Ruby Track 2024/8/3~4, Taipei • Community-led agenda track at COSCUP. • Scheduled for August 3-4 at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei. • Call for proposals now open. • CFP open now at: https:// coscup-2024/

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AGENDA • Introduction of New Power Party and major political parties' internet participation in Taiwan. • Development history and issues of the legacy version. • Challenges and problems encountered when creating the new version.

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New Power Party(NPP, 時代 力 量) • Was one of the major political parties in Taiwan. • Known for its internet participation. • Maximum number of active party members was around 2,000.

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Main Features of NPP Website Membership Application Membership Due Payment Donation Internal Election CMS

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Party Joining Process • Fill in basic information. • Pay online or O ff l ine in local branches. • Become a member after Review & Approve by Headquarter Sta ff s.

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Membership Expiration Rules • Annual membership is similar to a subscription service. • Divided by fi rst and second half of the year. • Unpaid memberships will enter an expired state. • Membership can be restored by paying within two years. • After two years, it will change to a withdrawa state.

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Donations Diverse Ways to Support the Party • One-time • Premium • Monthly Recurring

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NPP’s Distinctive Approach Fully Online Elections for Core Decision-Making Bodies • Decision Making Committee (DMC) • Serves as the primary operational decision-making body. • Elects the party chairperson from among its members. • Party Representative Committee (PRC) • A statutory body required by Taiwanese party law. • Convenes semi-annually for tasks like amending the party constitution and ratifying fi nancial reports.

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Party Election Process

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Legacy Version Development Status • Built with Ruby on Rails from day 1. • First version completed by volunteers. • Later taken over by a full-time Junior Engineer for development. • Took over by 2021 after the last engineer quits.

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Issues of Legacy Version—Project Management • No professional project management from the start. • Many features developed but rarely or never used. • Senior members unclear on the purpose of numerous functions. • Over-engineered features with unnecessary complexity and poor system design.

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Issues of Legacy Version—Data Integrity • Frequent errors due to data errors. • DB Migration cannot be executed normally.

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The History of Remaking Decision Making • Took over project maintenance in 2021, focusing on front-end and infrastructure. • End of 2021, faced challenges due to party charter amendments and dues calculation changes. • Spent considerable time on remediation and data adjustments. • Initiated project rebuild in Q3 of 2022, o ffi cially starting in October 2022.

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Application Stack Changes Legacy New Ruby 2.6 3.1 Rails 5.2 7.0 Database PostgreSQL 9 PostgreSQL 14 Worker Sidekiq 5 + Redis GoodJob CSS Framework Bootstrap 3 TailwindCSS 3 + CSS Bundling JS Framework jQuery Stimulus JS + Importmap Deploy Tool Capistrano Docker Swarm

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Main Improvement Goals for the New Version • Normalize the database schema. • Retain only essential functions. • Isolate election functionality, enhancing security and reliability. • Achieve >80% unit test coverage, including feature tests for critical functions. • Improve DevOps practices with CI/CD automation. • Integrate data from the legacy system into the new system.

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Schema Improvement — User, Membership and Due

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Use AASM to Reduce Code Coupling and Complexity

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Before class User def set_status if ["friend", "member_unchecked", "member_unchecked_paperworked", "member"].include? (self.classi fi cation.to_s) if con fi rmed_membership_dues.any?(&:lifelong?) && ! && self.member?! self.issue_membership_number if self.membership_number.blank? update_columns membership_expires_on: LIFELONG_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_ON return self.membership_number end last_due = con fi rmed_membership_dues.last # …… end end

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After class Membership aasm column: :state do event(:pay) do before { |due| extend_by_due(due) } after_commit { |due| send_applied_mail(due) } transitions from: :applying_unpaid, to: :applying_paid transitions from: :legal, to: :legal transitions from: :expired, to: :legal end event(:cancel_applying, after_commit: :send_cancel_mailer) do transitions from: %i[applying_unpaid applying_paid], to: :applying_cancelled end end end class MembershipDue aasm column: :state do state :pending, initial: true state :paid event :pay, before: :before_pay, after: :after_pay, guard: :payable? do transitions(from: :pending, to: :paid) end end end

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Improvement Results: Lines of Code Model Before After Di f User 1,212 190 -1,022 Membership 0 225 225 MembershipDue 369 157 -212 Total 1,581 572 -1,009 *W/O Comment, Concerns Included.

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Issues with the Legacy Election Functions • Need to manually generate voter lists, noti fi cations, and ballots using rake tasks • Voting can be done just by accessing the ballot URL, although part of the ballot URL uses random numbers and alphabets, the identity of the voter cannot be ensured. • Ballot data is not encrypted, so risks cannot be ensured in case of data leakage.

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Election System Refinement Plan • Separate the election functionality as an independent website. • Ensure compatibility with both new and old website logins and data. • Complete the development within one month due to unexpected political schedule changes.

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OAuth Sign In • Use Doorkeeper Gem to establish OAuth Authorization Server on both legacy & new sites. • Respond with the same OAuth Raw Info through API.

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Member Data Integration • Synchronize member data from the o ffi cial website for voter roll creation. • Initially used database syncing from the legacy version to the election site’s Voter Model due to tight development schedules. • Adopt RESTful integration with the new o ffi cial website for subsequent updates.

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Encrypting Ballot Data • The ballot data stores the voter's member number. • Use ActiveRecord Encryption to encrypt the ballot data to prevent leakage of voting details.

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Automate All Batch Processing • Write ActiveJob to do the batch tasks. • Use ActiveJob's set_wait to schedule corresponding Jobs based on the creation time of the election data.

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The Test Coverage • Developed by 2 members in 1 month. • Achieved 81% test coverage.

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DevOps Improvement

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Concrete Goals • When submitting a Pull Request: • Automatically scan and check the code for syntax and security issues. • Automated testing. • Automatically generate an executable environment for User Testing (Review Apps). • When a Pull Request is merged into the main branch: • Can automatically deploy to staging environment. • Can semi-automatically deploy the program to the production through CI/CD Job.

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Actions Needed to Achieve Goals • Dockerize the project. • Write CI/CD pipeline jobs to automate the work fl ow. • Choose an appropriate runtime stack.

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Gems For Dockerize The Project Quickly • boxing:Generate a Docker fi le for the project. • openbox:Generates the Entrypoint for Docker. • liveness:Generates a health check endpoint.

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boxing Gem • • Multi-stage builds. • Use Alpine Linux to compact the image size. • DSL & Ruby way to set up Docker fi le. # con fi g/boxing.rb Boxing.con fi g do |c| c.revision = true c.sentry_release = true c.health_check = true c.build_packages = %w[gcompat] end

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openbox Gem • • Checks DB connection automatically before starting any command • Easy to extend new commands • Use the same entrypoint with di ff erent entrypoint commands # Docker fi le ENTRYPOINT ["bin/openbox"] # docker-compose.yml version: '3.8' x-application: &application image: "${IMAGE_NAME}:$ {IMAGE_TAG}" #... services: # Default entrypoint: 'bin/openbox server' application: <<: *application good_job: <<: *application command: good_job

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liveness Gem • The Rack middleware to provide health check endpoints • Con fi gurable by DSL • Easy to extend check provider and add endpoint security like token and IP whitelist # con fi g/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do mount Liveness::Status => '/status' end # con fi g/initializers/liveness.rb Liveness.con fi g do |c| c.add :postgres, timeout: 10 c.add :redis, timeout: 10 end

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Docker Compose File version: '3.8' x-application: &application image: "${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}" environment: - AUTO_MIGRATION=yes services: good_job: <<: *application deploy: replicas: ${WORKER_REPLICAS:-1} command: good_job healthcheck: test: ["NONE"] application: <<: *application deploy: replicas: ${APPLICATION_REPLICAS:-1} labels: - trae fi k.enable=true - trae fi k.http.routers.${DEPLOY_NAME}-https.rule=Host(`${DEPLOY_DOMAIN}`) - trae fi k.http.routers.${DEPLOY_NAME}-https.entrypoints=https - trae fi${DEPLOY_NAME}.loadbalancer.server.port=3000 networks: - trae fi k-public

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Review Apps Provide an automatic live preview of changes made in a feature branch

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Predefined CI/CD variables review:deploy: when: manual extends: .deploy stage: deploy environment: name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME #prede fi ned variable on_stop: review:stop # Job name for stopping the app variables: # $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME is one of prede fi ned vars DEPLOY_NAME: npp2023-$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG tags: # Ensure Run on Docker Swarm - swarm-deploy only: - merge_requests needs: - docker - job: assets:precompile artifacts: true

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Use Templates to Templatize Repeated Configurations • • GitLab CI templates for Ruby and Rails projects. • Contains many examples for reference. • Supports deployment via Trae fi k and Docker Swarm Mode.

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What it Looks Like(Pull Request)

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What it Looks Like(PR Merged)

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Data Migration

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Encapsulate Migration Code as a Rails Engine • The Migrator works for: 1. Migrate Database. 2. Migrate Carrierwave Attachment to Active Storage. • Developed as an independent Rails Engine Gem. gem 'legacy', git: '', branch: 'main'

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Migrator Implementation: Base Model class Legacy::ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true establish_connection ENV['LEGACY_DATABASE_URL'] scope :scope2export, -> { all } def skip?; false; end # De fi ne conditions if do want this row to be converted def migrate; raise NoMethodError; end def migrate!!(validate: self.class.const_get(:VALIDATE_ON_MIGRATING), callbacks: self.class.const_get(:SAVE_WITH_CALLBACKS)) end class << self def after_migration; return; end def migrate! ::ApplicationRecord.transaction do scope2export. fi nd_each do |lrec| unless lrec.skip? new_record = lrec.migrate! lrec.record_migration!(new_record) end end rescue StandardError => e e.inspect end after_migration

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Migrator Implementation: Attachments class Legacy::FileVault < ApplicationRecord mount_uploader : fi le, GeneralUploader scope :scope2export, -> { preload(:creator, :updator).all } def migrate @new_ fi le_vault =, legacy_creator_name: creator&.name, legacy_updater_name: updator&.name) @new_ fi le_vault. fi le.attach(io: fi le.sanitized_ fi le. fi le, content_type: fi le.content_type, fi lename: fi le. fi le. fi lename ) @new_ fi le_vault end def skip? begin fi le.cache_stored_ fi le! # Skip the record if the fi le does not exist rescue Errno::ENOENT return true end false end

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On Launch Day • Migration took about 30 minutes • Including subsequent data veri fi cation, it took about 2 hours • Re-entering news and other CMS data took about 2 days • No data loss issues occurred

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