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Scene 1 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 1/39

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Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes salt dust clouds blow across dunes. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 2/39

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Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 3/39

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Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 4/39

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Scene 2 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 5/39

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Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes aliens working. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 6/39

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Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes aliens working. king and puddle enter. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 7/39

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Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog K: look at this puddle! Action Notes construction noise/wala. aliens working. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 8/39

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Scene 4 Panel 2 Dialog K: this is the beauty of progress Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 9/39

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Scene 4 Panel 3 Dialog K: take it in Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 10/39

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Scene 4 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 11/39

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Scene 5 Panel 1 Dialog K: Just open your lungs to that salty breeze... Action Notes salt blowing hard from an alien worker's vacuum pack into king and puddle's faces. large grains of salt bouncing off [...] AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 12/39

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Scene 5 Panel 2 Dialog K: ...refreshing! P: aghh Action Notes AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 13/39

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Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 14/39

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Scene 6 Panel 2 Dialog K: AH Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 15/39

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Scene 6 Panel 3 Dialog K: yes, Shortcake! Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 16/39

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Scene 7 Panel 1 Dialog K: Beautiful!! Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 17/39

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Scene 7 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes sound of shovel striking the earth. flower breaks. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 18/39

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Scene 8 Panel 1 Dialog K: your time at the strawberry mine has served you. Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 19/39

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Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 20/39

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Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 21/39

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Scene 8 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 22/39

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Scene 8 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 23/39

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Scene 8 Panel 6 Dialog K: your time at the strawberry mine has served you. Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 24/39

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Scene 8 Panel 7 Dialog K: i can't wait until it's a salt mine! Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 25/39

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Scene 8 Panel 8 Dialog K: i can't wait until it's a salt mine! Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 26/39

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Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog K: the well from which our our beautiful saline powder will spring eternal. Action Notes king's reflection in ring pop. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 27/39

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Scene 9 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 28/39

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Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes salt construction moves slowly past in the background. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 29/39

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Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 30/39

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Scene 10 Panel 3 Dialog P: i can't imagine that's that good. Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 31/39

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Scene 10 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 32/39

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Scene 10 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 33/39

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Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes conversion team and machine continue to move past K and P. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 34/39

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Scene 11 Panel 2 Dialog K: it's divine. Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 35/39

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Scene 11 Panel 3 Dialog P: is this really the person i married? this is such a quick test of our vows. they've barely're already off to the races with the bad stuff. Action Notes AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 36/39

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Scene 11 Panel 4 Dialog P: is this really the person i married? this is such a quick test of our vows. they've barely're already off to the races with the bad stuff. K: mmhmm. AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 37/39

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Scene 11 Panel 5 Dialog K: mmmm auuuuuughh uhuh Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 38/39

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Scene 11 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes Slugging AllTheKingsSlides abby 01 Page 39/39