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PROMISE THEORY ...enjoy the ride! From: Configuration Management To: Team Leadership Class Ticket type Adult Child STD RETURN ONE NIL telenor digital Start date Route Conductor March 9th, 2018 Incontro DevOps Italia Marco Marongiu Version 1.1 “Bologna”

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Agenda ● Me and Telenor Digital ● A primer in Promise Theory ● Putting it all together... ● What’s here, what’s next, what we don’t know yet

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Me and Telenor Digital

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Who I am ● Sysadmin for several organisations; in Opera Software (Oslo, Norway) 2010-2016, did lot of configuration management there (Puppet first, then CFEngine); ● Leader of the 24/7 squad of the IT Services Management team in Tiscali (Italian ISP), June 2005 June 2006 (5 reports); ‑ ● Head of the Systems group in Sardegna IT (agency of the Regional Government of Sardinia), November 2008 March 2009 (8 reports). ‑

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Meet Telenor Digital ● Part of the Telenor group, the biggest telephony operator in Norway with subsidiaries in Europe and Asia ● Immersed in a “traditional” environment, yet modern – Agile methodologies – Heavily cloud-based – Freedom of experimentation, freedom to fail – Focus on innovation – DevOps culture

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Telenor Digital’s IT before November 2016 ● Routine work distributed across the company (e.g. on-/off- boarding of employees, order of equipment...) ● Bigger IT tasks (e.g. office network, company-wide systems) looked after by skilled engineers, but on a case-by-case basis ● IT was no-one’s job and no-one’s priority ● Technical debt accumulated year after year and the organisation was now feeling the pressure of it ● It was time for TD to get a dedicated IT team

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Telenor Digital in November 2016 ● I joined the company on November 1st, 2016 ● Day-to-day tasks, the pile of legacy on my lap, different expectations coming from all directions ● Lots of highly-important things, difficult to understand what should be on top and what should wait ● One-man team until March 2017, a dozen helpers but no line of command to anyone.

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Rethink leadership ● Traditional, “line-of-command-based” leadership cannot work ● To succeed, I needed to exploit my helpers’ autonomy – Notice how my helpers’ autonomy is exactly what makes the traditional leadership style fail… ● What leadership style is suitable to coordinate a group of people who don’t report to you for the most part?

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The three traits of my “leadership style” ● You start by trusting each person in the team and being on their side ● Don’t be a jerk ● Don’t impose unless absolutely necessary

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A primer in Promise Theory

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Key concepts ● An agent is anything that can promise an outcome or a capability (explicitly or implicitly)

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Things to notice about agents ● There will be agents making promises and agents using promises ● They make promises voluntarily, and they try keep promises voluntarily (agents are autonomous) – Autonomy and voluntary cooperation are so key to promise theory that you must always keep them in mind when using it; ● There may be boundaries, limits or conditions to where the promise holds; ● If an agent is unwilling to cooperate you can try to incentivize its will to cooperate somehow, as long as promising what you want is in its capabilities; ● ...or you can try to impose on an agent, YMMV.

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Assessing promises ● Who decides if a promise was kept or not? The agent making the promise or the agent using the promise? ● There is an entire chapter in “Thinking in Promises” about assessing promises and it’s not only about assessing the outcome of an agent; however, in this particular talk we have to focus on assessing the outcome only. – Hint: you either have children or you were a child to someone: when parents ask a child to tidy his bedroom, who does the assessment of the outcome? ● A successful outcome requires that the outcome is well specified in advance and is clear to both the agents making the promise and the agent using that promise.

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Putting it all together...

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Thinking in promises... ● Helper == agent offering/promising me a service – Help with video conference systems: orders, accounts, contracts… – Help with hardware orders and supplies – Help with managing the office network in a remote office – Help with managing Jira projects and other requests regarding Atlassian tools ● Agents may not be able to keep their promises – e.g. they may receive conflicting orders from their managers, and those take a higher priority ● Me == agent using helpers’ promises, super-agent offering IT services to the company – Promise IT services to employees and manager, based on the promises used – Represent my network of promises to others,or disclose as much details as needed, depending on the agent requesting information

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Advantages ● I was not imposing on people; ● I knew clearly what I could expect and by when, and what I could not expect – I was myself able to set realistic expectations for the IT team towards others – I was able to decide what tasks were better to take on and what were simply impossible to achieve at the current state.

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There is more than “herding people” ● Promise theory can be used to model processes – Design processes so that involved “agents” can promise to follow them ● Promise-based leadership can be used with direct reports – Remember that impositions don’t guarantee the outcome, so there is no real advantage in using impositions instead of promises ● Promise theory can show what is required from management to improve processes at scale.

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What’s here What’s next What we don’t know yet

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Establishing processes ● How it works: understand what people can promise, then design processes around that; ● What’s new with this process: minimum reliance on imposition, effective processes, almost no need for “police”; ● Does it work? It does. ● Open problem: one year is not enough to tell if it’s sustainable.

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promise promise promise promise PB-OKR for a company: seems familiar? proposal can’t keep - reformulate proposal can’t keep - reformulate promise can’t accept - reformulate promise can’t accept - reformulate can’t keep - reformulate proposal can’t keep - reformulate can’t keep - reformulate proposal can’t keep - reformulate If you don’t know OKR:

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IPv6 MTU path discovery

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Did you invent this thing?

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Is it a new thing?

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Is it just for team leadership or for management in general?

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Isn’t this a subset of Scrum?

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Summing up ● A promise-based leadership style contributes to better relationships with the team, helps setting more realistic goals by making it clear which objectives are doable, which are a stretch and which are impossible; it also contributes to set the right expectations on the people “using” your team; ● A promise-based leadership style has minimum reliance on imposition; instead, it relies on empowered team members and helps them develop so that they can promise more; ● The implementation of promise-based leadership requires a company culture open to negotiations across different levels in the hierarchy, where it is OK to say “no” and “I can’t do that”.

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Thank you! Marco Marongiu Email: Twitter: @brontolinux Web: LinkedIn:

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Inscription ● This work is dedicated to: – Ann Karin Tonstad – Anna Kennedy – Anne Omholt – Christoffer Viken – Eva Reisersen – Eyvind Bernhardsen – Gro Kvamme Johnsen – Holger Ihrig – Jarrod Harbrucker – John Corrigan – Kristian Barek – Miha Pirc – Ole Kristian Brattli – Tina Stenberg – Tina Tan – Volker Hilsheimer – ...and all those who helped me and the IT team since I joined Telenor Digital