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  Try English LT! for engineers 第10回 2024.03.18 WaTTson

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3 Rookie @senpai plz help me! I'm stuck at this step.... screenshot.png ▼

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4 Rookie @senpai plz help me! I'm stuck at this step.... screenshot.png ▼ Senpai Oh, be careful! Your personal access token is visible in the screenshot 😱 secret:wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDEN G/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

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5 Senpai I dedicate this song for you: "Do not Post Credentials on Slack" High School Song ▼ YouTube

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  "Do not post credentials on Slack" High School Song 2024.03.18

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  7 2022.4 joined freee K.K. PSIRT: product security incident responce team WaTTson PSIRT Takeshi Tokunaga プロフィール画像の トリミング⽅法

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8 freee K.K. Empower Small Businesses to Take Center Stage accounting HR Tax filing Founding Workload management Smart ordening

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9 Information assets accounting HR ● financial information ● accounting journal ● bank account information ● credit card statement ● employee personal information ● attendance ● payroll information

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10 Protect information assets: trust boundary S A × × trust boundary ● not allow information to go outside the boundary ● strictly control access to the information ✓ ✓ × ✓

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11 Credential information ● user id ● secret id ● password ● client token ● access token ● secret token ● access key ● private key etc.... Credential information must be treated as securely as the information assets which you can access with it user id ********** LOGIN

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12 Rookie @senpai plz help me! I'm stuck at this step.... screenshot.png ▼ Senpai Oh, be careful! Your personal access token is visible in the screenshot 😱 # public_channel secret:wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDEN G/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

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13 Systematically treat secret informations password managers Multi-Factor Authentication **********

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14 So, what should we do?

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15 "Do not post credentials on Slack" High School Song

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17 ◀ featured in ITmedia news answer song by GitHub Japan ▶

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