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Paris TypeScript June 4th 2019

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Premier Field Engineer @spontoreau In ❤️ with Co-organizer

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Data Driven Development Domain Driven Design Domain Driven Development != Data structure MCD CRUD Behavior Bounded Context Event

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Bounded context Independent Autonomous Loosely coupled

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Query Just a read operation Command Data validation Business logic Persistence CQRS

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CQRS GetOrderById Query UpdateProduct Command GetProducts Query DeleteOrder Command … … Dispatcher Dispatcher QueryHandler CommandHandler Validation Plugin Monitoring Plugin Telemetry Plugin … Eventual consistency

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Consistency • All system nodes needs to manipulate exactly the same data at the same time. Availability Partition tolerance • Requests must succeed. • Node failure must not create a complete system failure. A distributed system can only guarantee 2 constrains at the same time, not 3… you have to embrace eventual consistency when building Microservices! Eventual consistency?

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CQRS & Event Sourcing GetOrderById Query UpdateProduct Command GetProducts Query DeleteOrder Command … … Dispatcher Dispatcher QueryHandler CommandHandler Projection Projection Aggregate State Events

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Cosmos DB as an Event Store Read Enpoint Write Enpoint Event Store Projector Read DB publish trigger persist query

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Resources cosmos-db-48a557757c8d us/dotnet/standard/microservices-architecture/microservice-ddd-cqrs-patterns/

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