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Learning: Computer Architecture Using php-terminal-gameboy-emulator
 PHPで学ぶコンピュータアーキテクチャ Digital Circus, Inc. HASEGAWA Tomoki

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勉強会 • 楽しみましょう! • 今年はPHPカンファレンスが、北海道、福岡、関西、東京 都開催されます。 • 普段の勉強会とはまた違った楽しみが! • 遠征ならではの楽しさも!長谷川全通予定。 • お友達がいるとより楽しいので是非PHP勉強会でお友達を 作ってみてください。

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HASEGAWA Tomoki @tomzoh Web / Mobile App Development, Watch soccer matches, Rental Kart Racing, Beer, IoT, … hasegawa
 tomoki Digital Circus, Inc. Vice-master CTO Tokyo, Japan Interests

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Today’s theme Learning: Computer Architecture Using php-terminal-gameboy-emulator

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Today’s theme Learning: Computer Architecture Using php-terminal-gameboy-emulator

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23, February

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Awesome!! Waste of talent!!

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Awesome!! Waste of talent!! Cool!!

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Source Files

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Source Files OMG. It’s PHP !

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Source Files OMG. It’s PHP ! We can read it.

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Source Files OMG. It’s PHP ! Yes, We can! We can read it.

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Source Files OMG. It’s PHP ! Yes, We can! Yes, We can! We can read it.

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Today’s theme Learning: Computer Architecture Using php-terminal-gameboy-emulator

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Common CPU architecture • Registers
 レジスタ • Memory Access
 メモリアクセス • Program Counter
 プログラムカウンタ • Instruction Set
 命令セット • I/O Access, Interrupt
 I/Oアクセス, 割り込み

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Memory Access メモリアクセス • Memory stores data including program.
 メモリには命令を含むデータが格納される。 • Each data is 8bit value and has address. The address is represented as hex value. 
 それぞれのデータは8bit=1byteの値で、16進数で表現されるアドレスを持つ。 IUUQXXXNKDOOFUKQQPUBGVMMNTYNPOIUNM

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Memory Access メモリアクセス • Memory stores data including program.
 メモリには命令を含むデータが格納される。 • Each data is 8bit value and has address. The address is represented as hex value. 
 それぞれのデータは8bit=1byteの値で、16進数で表現されるアドレスを持つ。 IUUQXXXNKDOOFUKQQPUBGVMMNTYNPOIUNM

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Registers レジスタ • Variables in programing language.
 プログラム言語で言うところの変数。 • Stores only integer value.
 整数値のみ格納可能。 • LR35902 has 7 8bit registers and 2 16bit registers.
 LR35902は7つの8bitレジスタと2つの16ビットレジスタを持っている。 • 8bit registers of LR35902 can be used as 16bit register.

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SHARP LR35902 registers ʜ ʜ " ' # $ ) - ʜ ʜ 41 4UBDL1PJOUFS 1$ 1SPHSBN$PVOUFS 8bit / 16bit registers 16bit registers Flag register ; / ) $ •Z - Zero Flag •N - Subtract Flag •H - Half Carry Flag •C - Carry Flag •0 - Not uses, always zero

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Program Counter プログラムカウンタ • A special register that contains the address of the instruction being executed now.
 現在実行中の命令のアドレスを指す特殊なレジスタ。 • As each instruction gets fetched, the program counter incremented, and holds the memory address of the next instruction.
 命令が読み込まれるとプログラムカウンタの値は加算され、次の命令のアドレスを指 す。

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Instruction Set 命令セット • Only primitive instructions.
 CPUは通常原始的な命令しか持たない。 • Instruction set: load a value into register, jump, conditional jump etc.
 レジスタに値を入れる、ジャンプする、条件付きでジャンプする、などの命令の集合。 • No functions, No loops. Some CPU including LR35902 has no multiplication / division.
 関数やループ命令は無い。LR35902を含むいくつかのCPUではかけ算や割り算命令も無 い。

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SHARP LR35902 instruction set 1byte instructions Prefix CB instructions 243 instructions 256 instructions + = 499 instructions

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LR35902 instruction - LD LD BC, 0x1234 Load 0x1234 into BC register.
 BCレジスタに0x1234を入れる。 LD (BC), A Load a value A register has into memory BC register points at.
 BCレジスタの指し示すメモリアドレスにAレジスタの内容を 入れる。

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LR35902 instruction - JP / JR JP 0x5678 Jump to address 0x5678.
 0x5678番地にジャンプする。 JR C,0x20 Jump to calculated address with respect to itself if carry flag is set.
 前の命令でキャリーフラグがセットされていれば現在の番地 +0x20番地にジャンプする。

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Assembler / Machine Code 38 27 2A 28 B6 7C B7 20 11 CD E1 1C 30 1B JR C, 0x27 LD HL, (0xB628) LD A,H OR A JR NZ, 0x11 CALL 0x1CE1 JR NC, 0x1B 38 27 2A 28 B6 7C B7 20 11 CD E1 1C 30 1B

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Instruction in memory 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x005 0x0301 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 0x02 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 LD (BC), A Memory Instruction x0 x1 x2 xE 0x 3x 0x01 LD BC, d16 0x00 NOP 0x02 LD (BC), A Address 0x3e LD A, d8

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Instruction in memory 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x005 0x0301 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 0x02 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 LD (BC), A Memory Instruction Load 0x0301 into BC register x0 x1 x2 xE 0x 3x 0x01 LD BC, d16 0x00 NOP 0x02 LD (BC), A Address 0x3e LD A, d8 PC (Program Counter)

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Instruction in memory 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x005 0x0301 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 0x02 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 LD (BC), A Memory Instruction x0 x1 x2 xE 0x 3x 0x01 LD BC, d16 0x00 NOP 0x02 LD (BC), A Address 0x3e LD A, d8 Load 0x99 into A register PC (Program Counter)

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Instruction in memory 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x005 0x0301 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 0x02 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 LD (BC), A Memory Instruction Load A register’s value into memory indicates with BC register x0 x1 x2 xE 0x 3x 0x01 LD BC, d16 0x00 NOP 0x02 LD (BC), A Address 0x3e LD A, d8 PC (Program Counter)

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Implementation with

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CPU - Opcode.php class Opcode { public $functionsArray = []; public function __construct() { //NOP //#0x00: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD (BC), A //#0x02: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { };

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CPU - Opcode.php class Opcode { public $functionsArray = []; public function __construct() { //NOP //#0x00: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD (BC), A //#0x02: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; Implementation of instructions 命令の実装

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CPU - Opcode.php class Opcode { public $functionsArray = []; public function __construct() { //NOP //#0x00: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD (BC), A //#0x02: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; 0x00 NOP Implementation of instructions 命令の実装

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CPU - Opcode.php class Opcode { public $functionsArray = []; public function __construct() { //NOP //#0x00: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD (BC), A //#0x02: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; 0x01 LD BC, d16 Implementation of instructions 命令の実装

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CPU - Opcode.php class Opcode { public $functionsArray = []; public function __construct() { //NOP //#0x00: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; //LD (BC), A //#0x02: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { }; 0x02 LD (BC), A Implementation of instructions 命令の実装

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//LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { $parentObj->registerC = $parentObj->memoryReader[$parentObj->programCounter]($parentObj, $parentObj->programCounter); $parentObj->registerB = $parentObj->memoryRead(($parentObj->programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF); $parentObj->programCounter = ($parentObj->programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; }; Implementation of LD BC, d16 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 Data Instruction Address PC (Program Counter)

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//LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { $parentObj->registerC = $parentObj->memoryReader[$parentObj->programCounter]($parentObj, $parentObj->programCounter); $parentObj->registerB = $parentObj->memoryRead(($parentObj->programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF); $parentObj->programCounter = ($parentObj->programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; }; Implementation of LD BC, d16 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 Data Instruction Address PC (Program Counter) C

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//LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { $parentObj->registerC = $parentObj->memoryReader[$parentObj->programCounter]($parentObj, $parentObj->programCounter); $parentObj->registerB = $parentObj->memoryRead(($parentObj->programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF); $parentObj->programCounter = ($parentObj->programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; }; Implementation of LD BC, d16 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 Data Instruction Address PC (Program Counter) B

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//LD BC, nn //#0x01: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { $parentObj->registerC = $parentObj->memoryReader[$parentObj->programCounter]($parentObj, $parentObj->programCounter); $parentObj->registerB = $parentObj->memoryRead(($parentObj->programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF); $parentObj->programCounter = ($parentObj->programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; }; Implementation of LD BC, d16 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x003 0x004 0x01 0x01 0x03 0x3e 0x99 LD BC, d16 0x0301 LD A, d8 0x99 Data Instruction Address PC (Program Counter)

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Implementation of JP a16 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0xc3 0x29 0x03 JP a16 0x0329 Data Instruction Address PC (Program Counter)

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Implementation of JP a16 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0xc3 0x29 0x03 JP a16 0x0329 Data Instruction Address Jump to address 0x0329 PC (Program Counter)

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Implementation of JP a16 //JP nn //#0xC3: $this->functionsArray[] = function ($parentObj) { $parentObj->programCounter = ($parentObj->memoryRead(($parentObj->programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) + $parentObj->memoryReader[$parentObj->programCounter]($parentObj, $parentObj->programCounter); }; 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0xc3 0x29 0x03 JP a16 0x0329 Data Instruction Address Jump to address 0x0329 PC (Program Counter)

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Not difficult

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Simple, Easy

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Let’s read php-terminal-gameboy-emulator

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Learning: Computer Architecture Using php-terminal-gameboy-emulator

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Thanks @tomzoh WE ARE HIRING Drupal / Mobile App Engineer
 Digital Circus, Inc. Tokyo, Japan @tomzoh

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Thanks @tomzoh WE ARE HIRING Drupal / Mobile App Engineer
 Digital Circus, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

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5月 チケット販売開始 /トーク募集開始
 6月上旬 トーク募集〆切
 6月下旬 タイムテーブル決定 iOS Developers Conference Japan 2016 2016.08.20 スポンサー企業さま、大絶賛募集中

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2次会 ・勉強会終了後この近くのお店で23:30ぐらいまで。 ・この後発表する方で2次会行く方もいるはず。 ・話し足りないと思ったら是非。 ・後で再度アナウンスします。

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Run loop public function executeIteration() { $op = 0; while ($this->stopEmulator == 0) { $op = $this->memoryRead($this->programCounter); $this->programCounter = ($this->programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; $this->CPUTicks = $this->TICKTable[$op]; $this->OPCODE[$op]($this); $this->updateCore(); } }

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Links • • gameboy_opcodes.html • The_Cartridge_Header •

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More FPS? PHP5.5.30 OSX Native FPS: 4 PHP7.0.1 VirtualBox FPS: 14

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SHARP LR35902 registers ʜ ʜ " ' # $ ) - ʜ ʜ 41 4UBDL1PJOUFS 1$ 1SPHSBN$PVOUFS 8bit / 16bit registers 16bit registers Flag registor ; / ) $ •Z - Zero Flag •N - Subtract Flag •H - Half Carry Flag •C - Carry Flag •0 - Not uses, always zero “stack overflow”

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Duration in cycles table

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Duration in cycles table

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Duration in cycles table

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Duration in cycles table