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Bringing Python 3 to LinkedIn ​Zvezdan Petković ​LinkedIn

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Overview Motivation Goals Comparisons Justification Introduction Python interpreters Migration Multi-version testing Dependencies Design Platform Dependencies Legacy code base Build system Challenges Order Compatibility Code patterns Deployable vs. library Porting

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“I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.” W O O D Y A L L E N C A V E A T E M P T O R

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Motivation • Use of system Python was hard-coded into our build tooling • The vendor’s site- packages were heavily tainted • Some of our acquisitions already used Python 2.7 Flexibility Independence Transparency Progress • We used Python 2.6 because it was vended with RHEL 6 • RHEL 7 ships with Python 2.7 by default • Our apps and build tooling would be blocked from update • Internal command-line tools had to be rolled back sometimes because: • An external script (ab)used addsitedir() or • Depended on the tainted package from system site-packages • Python 2.6 retired with the release of Python 2.6.9 on October 29, 2013 • Python 2.7 end-of-life is in 2020 • Our developers want to use the newest features, such as asyncio or type hints (PEP 484)

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Goals • Clean Python interpreters on all platforms we actively support • Code that works with multiple versions of Python • Support for multiple versions of Python Provide Enable Do • Incremental migration • Python 2.7 — completed in December 2015 • Python 3 — completed in September 2016 • Break the dependency on the single vendor supplied version of Python • Migrate base libraries — completed Fall 2016 • Pave the way for the full migration to Python 3

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Existing solutions • The support for multiple Python interpreter versions can be accomplished through: • System vended Python • Clean Python Multiple Python versions Code base for multiple versions • There are existing tools that can migrate the code to work with multiple versions of Python

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System vended Python • Convenience • Vendors offer multiple versions of Python • One of the versions is the default • Red Hat offers Software Collections in RHEL 7 … but not for Python 2.6 • Apple supports library frameworks Advantages Disadvantages • The dependency on vendor for updates • Incompatible backport changes • Tainted libraries • Interactions with 3rd party packages installed in site-packages • Different paths to Python interpreter on different platforms or for different versions of Python

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Clean Python • Isolation from changes caused by the vended Python • Reproducibility of issues, without strange interactions • Control over updates Advantages Disadvantages • Must maintain the custom build • Must follow the security updates closely

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Code support for multiple versions • The package six abstracts the differences from the users • Automated rewriting with python- modernize • Uses six when it can • Supports Python 2.6 to 3.x • Straddling code • All Python developers faced the need to support Python 2 and 3 • The best tools and practices developed over the last decade • They maintain the compatibility with Python 2.6 • Extend the compatibility to the latest Python 3 version

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Justification ​WHAT IS A RETURN-ON-INVESTMENT FOR SUCH A MIGRATION? • Botched backport fixes • Strange interactions with vendor's packages • Problems caused by a package installed into system's site-packages • Modernization reveals bad code patterns and improves our code base Prevents Enables • Migration of products to new versions of Python at developer’s own pace • Mission-critical teams can use Python 3 features they need • Be ready for 2020 instead of scrambling in the last moment • Be leaders in Python community

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Design and Implementation INFRASTRUCTURE CHANGES

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Requirements • Clean Python interpreters • Code migration • Multi-version testing • Conditional dependencies

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Clean Python Interpreters • A cleanpythonXY product for each X.Y version of Python • Optimal compilation options for each platform (Linux/Darwin) • Python source archive as an external dependency, C/C++ Gradle plugin, multi-variants • Patches as needed for specific platform • Support for native packaging formats — RPM and pkg • Distribution into a specific path: /…/python/X.Y/… • Breaks the dependency on vendor’s Python and avoids tainted environment • Allows incremental migration — OS or language version

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Code Migration • Keep compatibility with multiple versions of Python for libraries • Analyze the dependency graph of a web application • Modernize libraries with: • External dependencies only • One internal dependency • Products that depend on the previous groups [rinse and repeat] • Modernize the deployable application at the top of the graph • Spread the effort to other libraries used by CLI tools by engaging owners

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Multi-version testing • Add to the build system a feature that allows declaring the Python version used • Add a feature that allows declaring the supported versions for libraries • Needs to build with all declared supported versions • Needs to run tests with all declared supported versions • Ensures continuous compatibility • Should we use an existing Python tool — tox? — or build an extension in Gradle? • Investigation + prototype à Gradle extension was better for us

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Conditional dependencies • Dependencies vary between Python 2 and 3 for the same library • Python has native solutions for conditional dependencies • The setuptools has extras_require • An empty key in extras_require means the default requirement • The wheel package has support too • Environment markers: PEP 508 • Another extension to enable markers in PyGradle with shortcut markers for ease-of-use • Additions to our custom distutils class helped to tie loose ends

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Environment markers in build.gradle dependencies { python(spec.external.avro) { environmentMarkers(it, 'py26') environmentMarkers(it, 'py27') } python(spec.external.'avro-python3') { environmentMarkers(it, 'py3') } }

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Environment markers in pinned.txt PyGradle converts the shortcut markers into expanded markers: avro-json-serializer==0.4.1 ... lipy-utils==4.0.17 avro==1.3.3 ; python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7' avro-python3==1.8.1 ; python_version>='3.4' configparser==3.5.0 ; python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7' enum34==1.1.2 ; python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7'

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Environment markers to extras_require Then, distgradle.GradleDistribution converts them into extras_require: install_requires=['avro-json-serializer', … , 'lipy-utils'] extras_require={ ":python_version>='3.4'": ['avro-python3'], ":python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7'": [ 'avro', 'configparser', 'enum34' ] }

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Python package metadata from markers ... [:python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7'] avro configparser enum34 [:python_version>='3.4'] avro-python3

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Wheel metadata from markers ... Requires-Dist: lipy-utils Requires-Dist: avro; python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7' Requires-Dist: configparser; python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7' Requires-Dist: enum34; python_version=='2.6' or python_version=='2.7' Requires-Dist: avro-python3; python_version>='3.4'

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Platform issues ​SLOWER ADOPTION • Different versions of C libraries across • major OS versions — libffi • minor releases of the operating system — OpenSSL (RHEL) • Vendor stops shipping header files for a C library — OpenSSL (Apple) • How to resolve these issues? • Multi-variant builds for major OS versions • Custom OpenSSL product — fulfills other needs too • The cleanpython products are linked against this OpenSSL

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Dependency issues ​NEED FOR IMPROVEMENTS OF BUILD TOOLING • Ivy format was made for Java and does not have some features • The subprocess32 package will break a build with Python 3 • The functools32 package will work only with 2.7, but not 2.6 or 3 • Wait, didn’t we solve that with environment markers? • Yes, but during the migration old packages don’t have correct metadata • They bring transitively “dependencies” that cannot be processed • In PyGradle, the environment markers extension keeps track of such dependencies • It excludes transitive dependencies based on the language version

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Code base issues ​TIGHT COUPLING MAKES FOR A HARDER MIGRATION • Doing this with the old monolithic repo would be nearly impossible • Large products or dependency clusters of products are more difficult to migrate • Experience with 2.7 modernization in 2015 — apollo cluster • Once that cluster was simplified it was easier for Python 3 migration • Lessons learned: • Loosely coupled code base enables more agile development • Open-sourcing PyGradle while building Python 3 support • Stepping on each other’s toes all the time J

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Build system requirements • Pluggable — easy to add another build plugin for different type of artifact • Flexible — easy to add custom changes for one specific product • Extensible — easy to add support features, such as our markers and versions • Fit to the existing ecosystem: • Polyglot builds — Java, Scala, Python, JavaScript; all build together • Multiple products — a library and a deployable backend and frontend, for example • Python only builds with our older build system were OK — polyglot builds impossible • Had to upgrade setuptools, wheel, pip, virtualenv, …

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Bottom-to-top porting of libraries • Follow the dependency graph from the leaves up as described • Modernize the code • Upgrade PyGradle version and configuration files • Provide the correct environment markers • Bump the major version • Produce the updated package metadata for conditional dependencies • Proceed up the graph until all the libraries have the correct metadata

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Ensure the continued compatibility • Assert through multi-version testing • How to use? python { details.pythonVersion = '3.5' versions.supportedVersions = ['2.6', '2.7', '3.5'] } • Using Python 3 as the default fails early if Python 3 compatibility is broken

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Recognize suspicious code patterns • I presented a talk internally at LinkedIn — Craftsmanship with Python: Code Patterns • It pointed out code patterns that cause issues during migration • Some of them are a natural result of the changes between Python 2/3 • Some were caused by the original code • We documented them so that developers can port the products easier • The names in the code have been changed for space and privacy reasons • The irrelevant content was replaced by ellipses

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Porting deployable products • Deployable products are at the root of the dependency tree • Can be directly migrated to use only one version of Python • Use Python 3 unless you depend on a package that works with 2 only • They do not need straddling code • Consolidated language features • Simpler library APIs — see • Ported an example Python web app and a widely used CLI tool generate-skeleton

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La ménagerie des folies • Relying on dictionary order is bad • Language idiom and performance — if key in d.keys() — list() can help • Ordering operators; total ordering; __eq__ and __ne__ both return True • unicode/str (ASCII) vs. str/bytes • Mind your encode/decode calls • Namespaces: how to handle and how to fix? • urllib, urllib2, and urlparse calls

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Misguided Assumptions • Some of the code and tests written in Python 2 worked without noticeable defects • Python 3 revealed places where the assumptions were incorrect, misguided, or misinterpreted

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“October. This is one of the particularly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. Others are November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and September.” M A R K T W A I N

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Reliance on dictionary order • Observed in the test code most frequently • Makes tests flaky and unreliable • Fails randomly • It’s more pernicious in runtime code • Random failures • Hard to reproduce • Needs to be rooted out and replaced with stable code and test patterns

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Reliance on dictionary order in code First, the dictionary: valid_operators = { '<=': operator.le, '>=':, '>':, '<':, '==': operator.eq, '!=':, }

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Reliance on dictionary order in code … Original code (replaced the class name with C): for key, op in C.valid_operators.iteritems(): # peek using key; consume if present; fetch operand Fixed code (the real fix would be to rewrite it as a solid parser): for key in sorted(C.valid_operators, key=len, reverse=True): op = C.valid_operators[key] # peek ..., consume ..., fetch ...

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Reliance on dictionary order in tests 2010 2012 2014 2014 2010 2012

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Reliance on dictionary order in tests … Original test code: assert filecmp.cmp(produced_file, expected_file) Fixed test code (replaced the class name with A): produced = A.parse_from_file(produced_file) expected = A.parse_from_file(expected_file) assert expected == produced

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Be careful with testing repr output Due to changes between Python 2 and 3 the repr output can change: assert repr(A.m(mock_S, 'a', 'd')) == "" The changed test is then: obj = A.m(mock_S, 'a', 'd') expected = "".format( 'set()' if six.PY3 else 'set([])') assert repr(obj) == expected

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Reconsider assumptions • Mappings are not guaranteed to keep the order of the keys • JSON objects are mappings • Do not rely on JSON order of entries • Order of XML attributes is not significant • Do not rely on order of XML attributes • Pass encoding parameter to JSON and XML parsers/processors if needed

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Idiomatic Use • Spoken languages have idioms specific to each language • Mastering the idiomatic use of language is equally important with programming languages

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“The determined Real Programmer can write FORTRAN programs in any language.” E D P O S T , R E A L P R O G R A M M E R S D O N ' T U S E P A S C A L , 1 9 8 2

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Performance concerns • A code pattern: if key in d.keys(): • Found in the original code base • Python 3 modernizer turns it into: if key in list(d.keys()): • This is required to preserve the semantics • It also reveals what is wrong with this pattern • A simple, idiomatic, Pythonic, if key in d: is an O(1) lookup • The d.keys() creates a list in Python 2; then in is an O(n) lookup in the list • This code pattern turns an O(1) mapping lookup into an O(n) list lookup

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O(1) traded for O(n)! • Exactly my thought when I saw this code.

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Namespaces • Some products had code modules in the linkedin namespace • To fix we had to: • Move src/linkedin/ to src/linkedin/xxx/ • Re-export for backward compatibility from src/linkedin/xxx/ from import * from import __doc__ • Add :imported-members: to automodule directive for API documentation • Apply any custom handling of to

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Heed the warnings of the static analyzer assert (parse_lines(line) is '---', 'Integration | Component | ...', 'blah blah: something something') assert parse_lines(line) == ( '---', 'Integration | Component | ...', 'blah blah: something something', )

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“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” G R A C E H O P P E R

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“Look before you leap.” P R O V E R B

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EAFP vs. LBYL • LBYL is widely used in C programming • EAFP is preferable for readability, clarity, DRY, completeness, race conditions

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EAFP vs. LBYL in the code if isinstance(filename, file): filename = elif not isinstance(filename, six.string_types): filename = None if not isinstance(filename, six.string_types): # assume it's a file-like object try: filename = except AttributeError: filename = None

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EAFP in the tests expected = [expected_counter, expected_gauge, expected_gauge2] expected_reordered = [ expected_counter, expected_gauge2, expected_gauge] try: fake_post.assert_called_with( topic='...', host='...', app='...', metrics=expected) except AssertionError: fake_post.assert_called_with( topic='...', host='...', app='...', metrics=expected_reordered )

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Python Changes • What to look for? • Consolidation of the language

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Comparisons • No more cmp() in Python 3 • Use instead __eq__ and __lt__ combined with functools total ordering @totalordering class Comparable(object): def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.x == other.x return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): # similar approach

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Total ordering in Python 2 • Beware __ne__ with Python 2 total ordering: if six.PY2: def __ne__(self, other): equal = self.__eq__(other) return equal if equal is NotImplemented else not equal • Beware that __hash__ returns id() by default; define it instead def __hash__(self): return hash(self._comparison_keys())

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Strings vs. bytes • Python 2 code for line in packet.splitlines(): becomes packet_as_str = ( packet if not (six.PY3 and isinstance(packet, bytes)) else packet.decode('utf-8') ) for line in packet_as_str.splitlines(): • Do not forget to add a test that explicitly passes in b'...' instead of a string

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Know the binary APIs Python 2: base64.b64encode(, body, hashlib.sha1).digest()) Converted to: def ensure_bytes(str_or_bytes): return (str_or_bytes if isinstance(str_or_bytes, bytes) else str_or_bytes.encode('utf-8')) base64.b64encode(, ensure_bytes(body), hashlib.sha1).digest())

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Learn the API changes String functions and methods: try: # Python 3 has maketrans() as a static method of str type. maketrans = str.maketrans except AttributeError: # Python 2 has it in string module. from string import maketrans

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The API consolidation from urllib import url2pathname, quote_plus, unquote_plus from six.moves.urllib.request import url2pathname from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus httplib.responses à six.moves.http_client.responses log.warn à log.warning sys.maxint à sys.maxsize

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API removals Watch for completely removed functions/methods: tmp = os.tempnam(os.path.dirname(dest), 'ts_') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=os.path.dirname(dest), prefix='ts_') as f: tmp = from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function print >> sys.stderr, repr(e) à print(repr(e), file=sys.stderr)

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Type changes Watch for type changes and provide the code that can handle them: ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 → ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23.value if six.PY3: long = int Instead of the __metaclass__ attribute, the syntax changed to class Custom(metaclass=Meta): The six package provides compatibility: six.with_metaclass(Meta, Base)

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Exceptions changed The message attribute is deprecated The exceptions are not sequences any more, use args instead: str(err[-1]) à str(err.args[-1]) except SomeException, variable à except SomeException as variable raise exc_class, value, traceback à six.reraise(exc_class, value, traceback) Beware: raise e vs. raise — do not hide traceback Exception chaining possible with Python 3: raise EXCEPTION from CAUSE Exception hierarchy changed — see Python documentation

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Standard library vs. backports • Replace the 3rd party backport packages with the standard library: • simplejson vs. json • mock vs. unittest.mock • subprocess32 vs. subprocess (especially in Python 3.5) • trollius vs. asyncio • Stay up-to-date with the changes in the language: • izip and similar functions are not needed any more • etree API can take encoding • subprocess can take universal_newlines=True

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Status ​PYTHON 3 29% August 2017 • Percentage of Python products building with Python 3 • Early August 2017 • LinkedIn

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Future • Python 2.6 will not be supported at all starting August 2017 • We will make Python 3 the default • Automated migration to the new major version of PyGradle • Users can still set 2.7 as their default build interpreter • Pre-commit or build checks to warn about non-compatible code • Type checking • Requires an effort to annotate our code with type information • Product dashboard checks

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Thank you

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