Slide 14
Slide 14 text
l Points of intersection between boundary curve and shading plane
β Those with π§ = 0 on the boundary curve
β Solving cubic equation for z coordinates is sufficient (3rd-order Bezier)
l Owing to affine invariance of Bezier, we can efficiently evaluate transformed
curve by transforming only control points
β We can instantly obtain the cubic equation
Algebraic clipping
π = βπ&,(
+ 3 π),(
β π*,(
+ π+,(
π = 3(π&,(
β 2π),(
+ π*,(
π = 3(βπ&,(
+ π),(
π = π&,(
Specifically, we solve the equation below
ππ‘+ + ππ‘* + ππ‘ + π = 0,
We can algebraically solve polynomial equation whose order is less than five.
π‘ β 0, 1