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12.12.2023, Lausanne Testcontainers Faker Synthesized

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2 * Testcontainers/AtomicJar is a WireMock partner

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Outline ● Intro to API integration testing ● Testcontainers and WireMock ● Using them together ● And Python examples! (mostly) 3 Slides

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> whoami @oleg_nenashev oleg-nenashev Dr. Nenashev / Mr. Jenkins Developer tools hacker Community builder & DevRel consultant #RussiansAgainstPutin #StandWithUkraine

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● Build, Test and CI automation in Jenkins ● Zenoss plugins for database monitoring ● Jupyter playbooks ● MkDocs ● Finding excuses to not use Python :=( 6 censored censored censored /me and Python

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* Testcontainers/AtomicJar is a WireMock partner

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8 IF (request_url) THEN (response) * * it gets MUCH more complex WireMock Config JSON: Client library response request Client App Mock API Server HTTP/2

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12 GROWTH IN WEB APIS SINCE 2005 Over 90% of developers use APIs. Skyrocket growth of APIs JANUARY 2006 JANUARY 2008 JANUARY 2010 JANUARY 2012 JANUARY 2014 JANUARY 2016 JANUARY 2018 MONTH The growth over time of the Programmable Web API API directory to more than 22,000 entries 22000 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 TOTAL API COUNT Programmable Web * Gartner Hype Cycle for APIs, 2022

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Source: dags/warehouse.html

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Source: dags/warehouse.html Data Provider APIs

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16 Source:

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Most of data comes from APIs ● ● ● ● ● ● 17

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18 Source:

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20 Build Unit tests Publish Reports Integration tests Publish Reports WAS

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21 Build Unit tests Publish Reports Integration tests Publish Reports NOW “Shift Left” Fast integrations tests are critical

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Ways to do integration testing 1. Testing against Production/Staging servers 2. Testing against a simplified/containerized instance (e.g. Testcontainers) 3. Mocking at the API provider level (e.g. WireMock) 4. Mocking at the code level 22 Slow Fast Nope Accu- rate

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23 Staging & QA Tests Build Integration tests Build Tests Gaining confidence in you software

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* Testcontainers/AtomicJar is a WireMock partner

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25 IF (request_url) THEN (response) * * it gets MUCH more complex WireMock Config JSON: Client library response request Client App Mock API Server HTTP/2

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27 WireMock 101 Open Source tool for building mock APIs Available beyond Java, on Python too You can can: ● Create stable development environments ● Isolate from unstable 3rd party APIs ● Simulate APIs that don't exist yet

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WireMock Cloud by WireMock Inc. 28 ● WireMock creator is a co-founder of the Inc. ● WireMock Cloud - SaaS for end-to-end API mocking ● Private beta: K8s Edition for managed / on-premises

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WireMock Ecosystem & Features 29

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WireMock for Python ● Python SDK ● REST API Client library ● Pytest and Robot Framework integrations ● Testcontainers Module * Custom logo is approved by the Python Software Foundation 31 More:

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WireMock Ecosystem & Features 32

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33 WireMock Standalone client from wiremock.constants import Config from wiremock.client import * Config.base_url = '' mapping = Mapping( priority= 100, request=MappingRequest( method=HttpMethods.GET, url= '/hello' ), response=MappingResponse( status= 200, body= 'hi' ), persistent= False, ) mapping = Mappings.create_mapping(mapping=mapping) all_mappings = Mappings.retrieve_all_mappings() More: Client library response request Test Mock API Server HTTP/2

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Using WireMock in unittest 34 class MyTestClassBase(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): wm = self.wiremock_server = WireMockServer() wm.start() Config.base_url = 'http://localhost:{}/__admin' .format(wm.port) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): self.wiremock_server.stop() More: unittest

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Robot Framework 35

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Robot Framework 36

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* Testcontainers/AtomicJar is a WireMock partner

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41 Congrats to the team!

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Why containers? ● Configuration Management ● Fast provisioning ● Clean environments ● Disposability ● Clustering

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Docker ● Popular container engine ● Developer-friendly ● Huge ecosystem ● DockerHub and Container Registries ● Docker Compose – multi-container apps ● Universal image format (OCI)

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46 SDKs C/C++

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Testcontainers for Python 48 ● Started by Sergey Pirogov, now - Till Hoffmann ● ●

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Example - MongoDB 49

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Containers are not always slow! ● On-demand image build ● Caching Docker image builds ● Suspending containers between tests ● Graceful termination ○ 50

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* Testcontainers/AtomicJar is a WireMock partner

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52 WireMock has an official Testcontainers module!

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WireMock as a Proxy 55 Tests Real API Provider OR ● Recording ● Fault injection ● Protocol Verification

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WireMock Record & Playback ● Record communications ● Capture data ● Replay the requests ● Reverse-engineer protocols to OpenAPI 56

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WireMock Faker Extension ● There’re many Data::Faker library ports ○ Python: joke2k/faker ○ Ruby: faker-ruby/faker (logo source!) ○ Java: datafaker-net/datafaker ● We use the Java one ● It can be included in a Testcontainer image 57

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WireMock Faker Extension 58 "response": { "status": 200, "jsonBody": { "namme": {{random 'Name.first_name'}} "surname": {{random 'Name.last_name'}} "postcode": {{random 'Address.postcode_by_state.AL' }} } }

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Simple data is not enough? 59

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Synthesized’ Data offerings 60 Synthesized Scientific Data Kit (SDK) Synthesized Test Data Kit (TDK) Synthesized Fairlens (Data Bias) Data sets / Streams *.CSV Relational datasets (for databases)

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61 Testcontainers Module for Synthesized TDK ● Only TDK - Relational Data ● Only Java Module No Runtime Use at the moment, But NOT a showstopper

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62 TDK SDK Database Module for Testcontainers App Tests WireMock Module Build On-Demand Your App Tests ● Random Fetch ● CSV => JSON generator

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WireMock Public Roadmap 66

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Python WireMock - My Wishlist wiremock/python-wiremock/issues ● Feature parity with WireMock Java in the SDK ● More features in the Testcontainers module ● Removing the JVM process implementation ● Integrations with FastAPI and Hug ● Making Python a first class citizen in WireMock docs 67

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WireMock docs move to MkDocs! PoC: 68 * we plan to contribute to a few plugins like Multi-Repo

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Takeaways 70 ● Shift left your integration testing ● Mock APIs and Data ● There are tools for that, including WireMock and Testcontainers ● WireMock and Testcontainers co-exist well ● They are available in Python!

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Get Started 71

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It’s [always] a great time to contribute! 72

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THANK YOU Contacts: E-mail: [email protected] GitHub: oleg-nenashev Twitter: @oleg_nenashev QUESTIONS? 73

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Credits to ● All WireMock contributors ● WireMock Inc. Team ● All Testcontainers contributors and AtomicJar folks ● All FOSS contributors 74