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The Python You Don’t Know

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import antigravity

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The Obvious • import this • python -m json.tool • python -m http.server • python -m zipfile • ...

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Me • Call me TP • Follow @uranusjr •

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www. .com

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Do Things Better

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Do Things Better • Nothing you couldn’t do • Can be done easier, better

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pathlib • Path object • Neutral or OS-specific • Path & file operations • open, os, os.path • glob

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>>> import pathlib >>> base_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent >>> base_dir / 'data' / 'main.cfg' PosixPath('data/main.cfg') >>> conf = base_dir.joinpath('data', 'main.cfg') >>> str(conf) 'data/main.cfg' >>> str(log_dir.resolve()) '/User/uranusjr/my_project/log/project.log'

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glob >>> for path in base_dir.glob('**/*.py'): ... print(path) ... MacDown/Code/Dependency/ Tools/ Tools/

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OS-independent >>> str(PureWindowsPath('foo', 'bar')) foo\bar >>> str(PurePosixPath('foo', 'bar')) foo/bar

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enum • Augment common enum pattern • Metaclass magic • Useful decorators

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>>> class Color: ... RED = 1 ... GREEN = 2 ... BLUE = 3 >>> print(Color.RED) 1 >>> print(type(Color.RED))

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>>> import enum >>> class Color(enum.Enum): ... RED = 1 ... GREEN = 2 ... BLUE = 3 >>> print(Color.RED) Color.RED >>> print(type(Color.RED))

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>>> print(Color.RED.value) 1 >>> print( RED >>> isinstance(Color.RED, Color) True >>> Color['BLUE'] Color.BLUE >>> Color(1) Color.GREEN

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No Duplicate Keys >>> class Shape(enum.Enum): ... SQUARE = 'square' ... SQUARE = '█' Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Attempted to reuse key: 'SQUARE'

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Value Alias Are Fine >>> class Shape(enum.Enum): ... SQUARE = '█' ... RECTANGLE = '█' >>> Shape.SQUARE == Shape.RECTANGLE True

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Unless You Say No >>> @enum.unique ... class Shape(enum.Enum): ... SQUARE = '█' ... RECTANGLE = '█' Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: duplicate values found in : SQUARE -> RECTANGLE

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More • enum.IntEnum • enum.Flag • enum.IntFlag • Functional API • …

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Do Things Better • Nothing you couldn’t do • Can be done easier, better • More type-safety?

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Write Better Code

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“More Correct” • Program safety • Cross-platform • User friendliness

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Slide 33 text • ABC = Abstract Base Classes • Object-oriented interface for feature checking

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def normalize_data(data): if isinstance(data, list): return data return [data]

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def normalize_data(data): if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): return data return [data]

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def normalize_data(data): if hasattr(data, '__iter__'): return data return [data]

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def normalize_data(data): if (hasattr(data, '__iter__') and hasattr(data, '__len__')): return data return [data]

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def normalize_data(data): if (hasattr(data, '__iter__') and hasattr(data, '__len__') and hasattr(data, '__contains__')): return data return [data]

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def normalize_data(data): if isinstance(data, __________): return data return [data]

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from import Collection def normalize_data(data): if isinstance(data, Collection): return data return [data]

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ABC • Metaclass magic! • Represents a set of features • Does not require inheritance

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class Emptiness: def __contains__(self, x): return False def __iter__(self): return iter([]) def __len__(self): return 0 emptiness = Emptiness() isinstance(emptiness, Collection) # True!

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class Emptiness(Collection): def __contains__(self, x): return False def __iter__(self): return iter([]) def __len__(self): return 0 emptiness = Emptiness() isinstance(emptiness, Collection) # True!

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class Emptiness(Collection): def __contains__(self, x): return False def __iter__(self): return iter([]) # Forgot to implement __len__ emptiness = Emptiness() # TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class # Emptiness with abstract methods __len__

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contextlib • You should know @contextmanager • class AbstractContextManager

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f = open('output.txt') f.write('Hello!') f.close()

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with open('output.txt') as f: f.write('Hello!')

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from pymongo import MongoClient c = MongoClient(MONGODB_URL) c['mycol'].find_one({}) c.close()

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from contextlib import closing from pymongo import MongoClient with closing(MongoClient(MONGODB_URL)) as c: c['mycol'].find_one({})

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try: os.remove('') except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): pass

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from contextlib import suppress with suppress(FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): os.remove('')

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with connect(server, user, password, 'tempdb') as conn: with conn.cursor(as_dict=True) as cursor: cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM persons WHERE salesrep=%s', 'John Doe' ) for row in cursor: print('ID={}, Name={}'.format( row['id'], row['name'], ))

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import contextlib with contextlib.ExitStack() as es: conn = es.enter_context(connect(...)) cursor = es.enter_context(conn.cursor()) do_things(cursor)

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contextlib • redirect_stdout • redirect_stderr • ContextDecorator

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“More Correct” • Program safety • Cross-platform • User friendliness

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Write Better Code Functional Special Edition!

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Avoid Lambdas • Limited introspection • No function name (anonymousness!) • No local scope • Difficult to make sense in traceback

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Lambda Alternatives • Comprehensions go a long way • If you need a function, just def one • But maybe you don’t!

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Local Closures def job_callback(loop): print('Finish job in', loop) def run_app(): ... loop.call_later( lambda: job_callback(loop), )

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import functools def job_callback(loop): print('Finish job in', loop) def run_app(): ... loop.call_later(functools.partial( job_callback, loop, ))

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Semantically Functional correct_obj_iter = ( obj for obj in object_list if obj.correct )

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correct_obj_iter = filter( lambda obj: obj.correct, object_list, )

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import operator correct_obj_iter = filter( operator.attrgetter('correct'), object_list, )

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result_iter = map( lambda data: data.validate(), data_list, )

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import operator result_iter = map( operator.methodcaller('validate'), data_list, )

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# Something like this. pair_list = [ (2, 3), (19, 8), (42, 1), ] summed_iter = map( lambda x, y: x + y, pair_list, )

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import operator pair_list = [ (2, 3), (19, 8), (42, 1), ] summed_iter = map( operator.add, pair_list, )

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pair_list = [ (2, 3), (19, 8), (42, 1), ] summed_iter = map( sum, pair_list, )

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import math pair_list = [ (2, 3), (19, 8), (42, 1), ] summed_iter = map( math.sum, pair_list, )

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list_of_lists = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], ] joined_list = functools.reduce( lambda s, x: s + x, list_of_lists, initializer=list, )

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list_of_lists = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], ] joined_list = functools.reduce( operator.add, list_of_lists, initializer=list, )

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list_of_lists = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], ] joined_list = list( itertool.chain.from_iterable( list_of_list, ), )

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Lambda Alternatives • functools.partial • operator for builtin operators • itertools to handle iterables

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Useful When Needed

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getpass • getpass.getpass() • “input() without echo” • Not really (but better)

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difflib • Generates diff — diff-ing • Restores input — patching • Utilities for content comparison

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textwrap • Break text into lines • Indent, dedent, tab expansion • Simple hyphenation & trimming

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xml.* • “Mom, I don’t need lxml!” • Generate and parse XML • Different parsers (e.g. expat)

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re • Wait, you should know this • Unless you don’t really!

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def s_ident(scanner, token): return token def s_operator(scanner, token): return "op%s" % token def s_float(scanner, token): return float(token) def s_int(scanner, token): return int(token) scanner = re.Scanner([ (r"[a-zA-Z_]\w*", s_ident), (r"\d+\.\d*", s_float), (r"\d+", s_int), (r"=|\+|-|\*|/", s_operator), (r"\s+", None), ]) print(scanner.scan("sum = 3*foo + 312.50 + bar")) # (['sum', 'op=', 3, 'op*', 'foo', 'op+', 312.5, 'op+', 'bar'], '')

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The sre Modules

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The sre Modules • sre_constants defines constants • sre_parse defines a pattern and how to parse string input into one • sre_compile provides an interface to convert a pattern list to internal format

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Go Third-Party

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asyncore • Wait, does anyone actually still use it? • I don’t need to tell you about asyncio • Wait that’s built-in too

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getopt & optparse • argparse is fine • click • docopt

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urllib.request • Use Requests • No good SSL support • Don’t use httplib either • urllib.parse is fine

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xml.* • Wait didn’t you just say… • Not good for parsing • defusedxml • Need to beware of vulnerabilities in any case

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venv • Virtualenv: marginally better • pew • pipenv • pex

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Final Words • There are more! • Read the docs as a novel • Read the source

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