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Creating The Conditions For An Awesome Developer Experience Hibri Marzook • Software Practice Lead

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2 Hibri Marzook Software Practice Lead Helps teams deliver fast and enjoy doing it Likes the challenge of using Public Cloud and Continuous Delivery to help teams deliver sustainably. Likes to use systems thinking to navigate the challenges of complexity @hibri

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The Wall of Confusion

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Impact of a poor DevEx Cochran, T. (2021)

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What is DevEx? Developer Experience is about creating an environment in which a developer can do their best work.

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How do developers feel about the processes, systems and services they use?

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Why is DevEx important? Developer productivity underpins the success of your organisation.

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Srivasta, S. et al. (2020)

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Hire expensive developers and make it hard to do their jobs . . Profit?

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DevEx is contextual Developers exist in an environment that is unique to your organisation and environment ?

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A good developer experience is emergent

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Create boundaries for risk and responsibility

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No content

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Good fences make good neighbours

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Create a shared responsibility model

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Create Team Interactions for Fast Flow

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Conway’s Law 17 Conway’s Law “Organisations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organisations”

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Conway’s Law affects the developer experience 18

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Understand Team Interactions

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Adopt an Internal OSS Model Adopt Communities of Practice

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Create Fast Feedback Loops

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The Simplest Feedback Loop is a Conversation 22

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Optimize Feedback Loops, Not Pipelines 23

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Get to Real Users Quicker. Only Prod Matters 24

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How do we measure DevEx?

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The SPACE Framework S - Satisfaction and Well-being P - Performance A - Activity C - Communication and Collaboration E - Efficiency and flow Yu, A. (2021)

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Key findings Finding flow is key, and interruptions are a drag. Minimal or no interruptions give developers an 82% chance of having a good day, but interruptions throughout the day decrease the chance of a good day to just 7%. Meetings are both awesome and terrible. Collaboration improves our work, but too many meetings can be a blocker; going from two to three meetings per day lowered the chances of developers making progress toward their goals by 60%. A two minute daily reflection can help developers improve their days

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A good Developer Experience helps devs find flow and reduces interruptions

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A good Developer Experience reduces the cognitive load for a developer

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A good Developer Experience creates an environment of psychological safety

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References Cochran, T. (2021) Maximizing Developer Effectiveness. Available at: (Accessed: January 11, 2021) Srivasta, S. et al. (2020) How software developers can drive business growth | McKinsey, Available at: oftware-excellence-fuels-business-performance. Yu, A. (2021) Introducing Developer Velocity Lab – A Research Initiative to Amplify Developer Work and Well-Being, TECHCOMMUNITY.MICROSOFT.COM. Available at: -initiative-to/ba-p/2333140 (Accessed: 5 May 2022).

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