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Ways To Do Things By your friend,

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Outline Actor stuff Running stuff Orchestrating stuff

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Outline Actor stuff Running stuff Orchestrating stuff ➫

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ctrl-C handler Storage HTTP API Cron State machine

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ctrl-C handler Storage HTTP API Cron State machine

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Actors (basic) type stateMachine struct {
 state string
 fooc chan fooReq
 barc chan barReq
 quitc chan struct{}
 } func (sm *stateMachine) loop() {
 for {
 select {
 case r := <-sm.fooc:
 case r := <-sm.barc:
 case <-sm.quitc:
 } func (sm *stateMachine) foo() int {
 c := make(chan int)
 sm.fooc <- fooReq{c}
 return <-c

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Actors (advanced?) type stateMachine struct {
 state string
 actionc chan func()
 quitc chan struct{}
 } func (sm *stateMachine) loop() {
 for {
 select {
 case f := <-sm.actionc:
 case <-sm.quitc:
 } func (sm *stateMachine) foo() int {
 c := make(chan int)
 sm.actionc <- func() {
 if sm.state == "A" {
 sm.state = "B"
 c <- 123
 return <-c

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No content

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N chans 1 chan + Clean separation of concerns - Logic separate from methods - More types and fields; verbose
 - Mixing mechanics and logic
 · Relatively few API methods
 · Request/response pattern - Maybe not totally obvious 
 + Colocate method and logic + Fewer types and fields
 + Mechanics and logic separate
 · More API methods
 · More complex input/output

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Outline Actor stuff Running stuff Orchestrating stuff ➫

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Outline Actor stuff Running stuff Orchestrating stuff ➫

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Hidden goroutine func newStateMachine() *stateMachine {
 sm := &stateMachine{
 state: "initial",
 actionc: make(chan func()),
 quitc: make(chan struct{}),
 go sm.loop()
 return sm
 } func (sm *stateMachine) loop() {
 for {
 select {
 // ...
 case <-sm.quitc:
 } func (sm *stateMachine) stop() {

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Hidden goroutine++ func newStateMachine() *stateMachine {
 sm := &stateMachine{
 state: "initial",
 actionc: make(chan func()),
 quitc: make(chan chan struct{}),
 go sm.loop()
 return sm
 } func (sm *stateMachine) loop() {
 for {
 select {
 // ...
 case q := <-sm.quitc:
 } func (sm *stateMachine) stop() {
 q := make(chan struct{})
 sm.quitc <- q

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Run method func newStateMachine() *stateMachine {
 return &stateMachine{
 state: "initial",
 actionc: make(chan func()),
 } func (sm *stateMachine) Run(cancel <-chan struct{}) {
 for {
 select {
 // ...
 case <-cancel:

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Run method func newStateMachine() *stateMachine {
 return &stateMachine{
 state: "initial",
 actionc: make(chan func()),
 } func (sm *stateMachine) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
 for {
 select {
 // ...
 case <-ctx.Done():
 return ctx.Err()

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go loop Run + Obvious (?)
 + Self-contained component + Lifecycle encapsulation - Tricky to get determinism - Tricky to make re-entrant
 · Simpler components
 · When easy > correct - More work for caller
 - More state to track
 + Less scaffolding in component
 + Straightforward determinism + Much easier to test! 
 · More complex components
 · When correct > easy

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Outline Actor stuff Running stuff Orchestrating stuff ➫

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Outline Actor stuff Running stuff Orchestrating stuff ➫

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ctrl-C handler Storage HTTP API Cron State machine

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// Setup
 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) 
 go sm.Run(ctx) 
 go http.ListenAndServe(":8080", api)
 go cronJobs(sm)
 go signalCatcher(???)
 // wait for shutdown somehow

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// Setup
 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
 go sm.Run(ctx) // cancel() 
 go http.ListenAndServe(":8080", api) // ?
 go cronJobs(sm) // ?
 go signalCatcher(???) // ?
 // wait for shutdown somehow

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// Setup
 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) 
 ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
 go sm.Run(ctx) // cancel()
 go http.Serve(ln, api) // ln.Close()
 go cronJobs(sm) // ?
 go signalCatcher(???) // ?
 // wait for shutdown somehow

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// Setup
 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) 
 ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
 cancelCron := make(chan struct{})
 go sm.Run(ctx) // cancel()
 go http.Serve(ln, api) // ln.Close()
 go cronJobs(cancelCron, sm) // close(cancelCron)
 go signalCatcher(???) // ?
 // wait for shutdown somehow

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// Setup
 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) 
 ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
 cancelCron := make(chan struct{})
 cancelSig := make(chan struct{})
 go sm.Run(ctx) // cancel()
 go http.Serve(ln, api) // ln.Close()
 go cronJobs(cancelCron, sm) // close(cancelCron)
 go signalCatcher(cancelSig) // close(cancelSig)
 // wait for shutdown somehow

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// Setup
 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) 
 ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
 cancelCron := make(chan struct{})
 cancelSig := make(chan struct{})
 go sm.Run(ctx) // cancel()
 go http.Serve(ln, api) // ln.Close()
 go cronJobs(cancelCron, sm) // close(cancelCron)
 go signalCatcher(cancelSig) // close(cancelSig)
 // wait for shutdown somehow

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Use a group var g group.Group
 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
 g.Add(func() error {
 return sm.Run(ctx)
 }, func(error) {

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Use a group 
 ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
 g.Add(func() error {
 return http.Serve(ln, api)
 }, func(error) {

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Use a group 
 cancel := make(chan struct{})
 g.Add(func() error {
 return cronJobs(cancel, sm)
 }, func(error) {

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Use a group 
 cancel := make(chan struct{})
 g.Add(func() error {
 return signalCatcher(cancel)
 }, func(error) {

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tomb errgroup + Complex lifecycles
 - Complex API - net.Listener? group + Small API
 - Context-only - net.Listener? + Super flexible
 - Esoteric API?
 + net.Listener!

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Maybe the moral here is
 Give more control to the caller

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Ways To Do Things Thanks y'all