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tacit programming Point-free, Concatenatives & J

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.。oO(さっちゃんですよヾ(〃l _ l)ノ゙ ☆)

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I'll talking about tacit programming

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tacit? tacit : silent, unspoken

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tacit programming is a programming method to assembly functions with no free variables. a.k.a. point-free style

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point-free style in Haskell

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Let's do point-free style Let's define functions without arguments.

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Example 1 : factorial Non-point-free factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1) factorial 0 = 1 factorial 9

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Example 1 : factorial foldr (*) 1 [1..9] ↓ (foldr (*) 1) . (enumFromTo 1) $ 9

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Example 1 : factorial point-free factorial = (foldr (*) 1) . (enumFromTo 1) factorial 9

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Let's do point-free style Compose functions. Don't think about values.

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Example 2 : average Non-point-free average xs = foldr (+) 0 xs / (fromIntegral . length $ xs) average [2, 3]

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Example 2 : average point-free average = ((/) . foldr (+) 0) <*> (fromIntegral . length) average [2, 3]

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Slide 14 text raries/base/GHC/Base.hs#L973 instance Applicative ((->) a) where pure = const (<*>) f g x = f x (g x) liftA2 q f g x = q (f x) (g x) (<*>) f g x = f x (g x) is S.

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(<*>) f g x = f x (g x) What is S?

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point-free style is under combinatory logic

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combinatory logic You know λ-calculus? λx.1+x This term has a variable x .

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combinatory logic An raugh image of combinators is, that λx.1+x becomes + 1 x . + 1 the part of it makes sence. 1 x also makes sence.

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One of a form of combinatory logic is SKI combinator calculus Sxyz=xz(yz) S copies z. Kxy=x K discards y. Ix=x I is identity. SKI is Turing complete.

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SKI combinator calculus I=SKK because SKKx=Kx(Kx)=x . I=SKS because SKSx=Kx(Sx)=x .

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SKI combinator calculus self-application SIIx=Ix(Ix)=xx

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SKI combinator calculus recrusion Y=S(K(SII))(S(S(KS)K)(K(SII))) Yx=xYx

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combinatory logic has no "function application". It has only function composition & quotation.

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concatenative programming language is based on combinatory logic

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concatenative programming language You know Forth? Forth is a stack-based programming language.

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concatenative programming language Add in Forth. 2 3 + 1. Put 2 on the stack. 2. Put 3 on the stack. 3. Pop 3 & 2 from the stack, then plus them, put the result 5 on the stack.

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concatenative programming language If 3 + evaluated lazily it makes sence. 1. Put 3 on the stack. 2. Pop 3 & another value from the stack, then plus them, put the result ont the stack. concatenative programming language like Factor & Popr do this.

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Example 1 : average in Popr. average: dup sum swap length /f [2 3] averge concatenatives are always tacit.

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Example 2 : factorial in Factor. : factorial_rec ( n n -- n ) dup 0 = [ drop ] [ [| n m | n m * m 1 - factorial_rec ] call ] if ; : factorial ( n -- n ) dup 0 < [ drop 0 ] [ 1 swap factorial_rec ] if ; 9 factorial [ ] is quotatin. It's evaluated in lazy.

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Example 2 : factorial another one in Factor. MEMO: factorial ( n -- n! ) dup 1 > [ [1,b] product ] [ drop 1 ] if ; 9 factorial

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Example 2 : factorial in Popr factorial: [1 == 1 swap !] [dup dup 1 - factorial * swap 1 > !] | pushl head 9 factorial 1 == 1 swap ! fails when the value is greater than 1. dup dup 1 - factorial * swap 1 > ! fails when the value is 1.

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concatenative programming language Unix pipe & filter is tacit. Concatenatives are extends pipe & filter using stacks.

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concatenative programming language is a only way to extends conbinatory logic? is a only way to extends pipe & filter?

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J quicksort (the most famous example of J). quicksort=:(($:@(<#[),(=#[),$:@(>#[))({~?@#))^:(1<#) quicksort 1 _9 2 _8 3 _7 4 _6 5 _9 _8 _7 _6 1 2 3 4 5

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Example 1 : add 2+3 5 dyadic + plus 2 numbers.

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Example 1 : add +/2 3 5 2 3 is a vector. / is fold. So +/ sums the vector.

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Example 2 : average average:=(+/%#) average 2 3 2.5 This is tacit.

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Example 2 : average Evaluation flow. (+/ % #) 2 3 (+/ 2 3) % (# 2 3) NB. monadic fork monadic fork : (fgh)x=(fx)g(hx)

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Example 3 : factorial !9 362880 :)

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Example 3 : factorial */1+i.9 362880

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Example 3 : factorial Evaluation flow. J evaluates a program from right. */ 1 + i. 9 */ 1 + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NB. `i.` creates a vector */ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NB. vector operation 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 NB. fold `*` 362880

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Example 3 : factorial another tacit one. factorial =: 1: ` (* factorial@<:) @. * factorial 9 362880

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Example 3 : factorial Evaluation flow. factorial 2 1: ` (* factorial@<:) @. * 2 (* factorial@<:) 2 NB. `@.` selects the second 2 * (factorial@<: 2) NB. monadic hook monadic hook : (fg)x=xf(gx)

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Example 3 : factorial Evaluation flow. 2 * (factorial@<: 2) 2 * (factorial 1) 2 * (1 * (factorial 0)) NB. same as `factorial 2` 2 * (1 * (1: ` (* factorial@<:) @. * 0)) 2 * (1 * (1: 0)) NB. `@.` selects the first 2 * (1 * 1) 2 * 1 2

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Example 4 : permitation in Ruby "mswd" { |cs| cs.join("") } - ["mswd"]

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Example 4 : permitation in J str=:'mswd' ((i.!#str)A.str)-.str

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Example 4 : permitation tacit J ((([:i.[:!#)A.])-.])'mswd'

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J J is a vein of gold.