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Keynote, Urs Hölzle

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Cloud is still too hard Highlights from last year...

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May 2013 Google Compute Engine in Preview PHP for App Engine in Preview The Last Year in Compute November 2013 1 Million RPS on Compute Engine Load Balancing August 2013 Layer 3 Load Balancing December 2013 Compute Engine GA

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The Last Year in Storage May 2013 Cloud Datastore August 2013 Encryption at Rest for Google Cloud Storage June 2013 Offline Disk Import October 2013 Native Connections for Cloud SQL December 2013 Persistent Disks February 2014 Cloud SQL GA

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And a whole lot more... March 2013 Big JOIN in BigQuery February 2014 HIPAA Support July 2013 Dedicated Memcache September 2013 Major BigQuery Updates November 2013 Cloud Endpoints GA Dedicated Memcache GA October 2013 Mobile Backend Starter for iOS

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Demo Live Migration in Google Compute Engine

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Source: Google Internal Data 4.75 Million active applications

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28 Billion requests per day on App Engine App Engine Wikipedia Popular Site Average Server 86M 500M 2.6B 28B Source: Google Internal Data Source: Google Internal Data

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6.3 Trillion Cloud Datastore operations per month Source: Google Internal Data Source: Google Internal Data

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“Google was the fastest overall. The three Google instances completed the benchmarks in a total of 575 seconds, compared with 719 seconds for Amazon and 834 seconds for Windows Azure. A Google machine had the fastest time in 13 of the 14 tests… Google was also the cheapest overall.”

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Great Customers

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Bobby Murphy CTO and Co-Founder, Snapchat

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Bobby Murphy CTO and Co-Founder, Snapchat

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Cloud is still too hard Cloud is still too hard

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Pricing changes Pricing is Complex

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Pricing changes Pricing is Complex Current clouds force design trade-offs

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Prices are falling • Public cloud prices have dropped 6-8% annually Source: Google Internal Data 2014 2006 Public Cloud Prices

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But prices are not falling fast enough • Hardware costs have dropped 20-30% annually Hardware Cost Public Cloud Prices • Public cloud prices have dropped 6-8% annually Source: Google Internal Data 2014 2006

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Pricing changes On Demand Price Reductions

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Pricing changes On Demand Price Reductions Sustained-Use Discounts

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Cloud is still too hard On demand price reductions

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Google Compute Engine All Regions | All Sizes | All Classes 32% price drop

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Google Cloud Storage 68% price drop $.026 per GB | $.02 per GB DRA

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Google BigQuery 85% price drop $5 per TB for on demand usage

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● Introducing new model with assured and predictable capacity ● Easily purchase capacity from 5 to 50GB per second BigQuery

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Current Industry Pricing Google BigQuery $80,000+ Source: Google Internal Data

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Current Industry Pricing New Monthly Pricing Google BigQuery $20,000 $80,000+

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Google BigQuery than the alternatives 75% less expensive Source: Google Internal Data

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To recap... 32% 68% 85% price drop on Cloud Storage price drop on BigQuery price drop on Compute Engine

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The original promise of the cloud: low cost, on-demand computing with no need to provision or reserve

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$0 $500 $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000 Total cost over 3 years Much more complicated 0% 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% % of 3-year period the instance is running Price On Demand Pricing Reservation Pricing

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You should get the best price with... No Upfront Payments No Lock-in No Complexity

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Announcing Sustained-Use Discounts

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Sustained-use discounts $0.11 $0.10 $0.09 $0.08 $0.07 $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Previous On Demand New On Demand Sustained Use Net Price Per Hour

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100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Sustained Use Previous On Demand New On Demand $0.11 $0.10 $0.09 $0.08 $0.07 $0.06 $0.05 $0.04 $0.03 Sustained-use discounts Net Price Per Hour

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Sustained-Use Pricing 53% price drop on Compute Engine instances with 24x7 use

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To recap... price drop on Cloud Storage price drop on BigQuery price drop on Compute Engine 30-53% 68% 85% Automatic discounts for sustained usage

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Help realize the original promise of cloud computing Predictable pricing Low on-demand pricing Pricing Principles Simplified pricing Moore’s Law pricing

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Cloud is still too hard Cloud is still too hard

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Cloud is still too hard Developers often make trade offs to work around the weaknesses and limitations of today’s public clouds

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Cloud is still too hard Time to Market or Scalability

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Cloud is still too hard Time to Market or Scalability Flexibility or Automatic Management

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Cloud is still too hard Big Data or Real Time Time to Market or Scalability Flexibility or Automatic Management

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Cloud is still too hard Big Data or Real time Time to Market or Scalability Flexibility or Automatic Management We are changing or to and

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Greg DeMichillie Director of Product Management

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Announcing Cloud DNS

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Cloud is still too hard Big Data or Real Time Time to Market or Scalability Flexibility or Automatic Management

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Developer Productivity Time to Market Scale

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Developer Productivity Time to Market Scale and

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Developer Productivity • Use the tools you know and love • • Fast, reliable deployments • • Isolate and fix issues in production Developer Productivity Time to Market Scale and

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Demo Zero to 60

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IaaS vs PaaS Flexibility Management

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and IaaS vs PaaS Flexibility Management

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Announcing Managed Virtual Machines

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Managed VMs • Flexibility of Compute Engine with productivity of App Engine • Provides best of both worlds Flexibility Management and

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Demo Managed VMs

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$ gcloud app update .

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Managed VMs: under the hood OS OS

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Managed VMs: under the hood OS OS Monitoring / Health Checking Task Queues Memcache Cloud Datastore

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Managed VMs: under the hood Web Server Application Server JVM Web Server Application Server JVM OS OS Monitoring / Health Checking Task Queues Memcache Cloud Datastore

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Managed VMs: under the hood Web Server Application Server JVM 3rd Party Your Code Web Server Application Server JVM 3rd Party Your Code OS OS Load Balancer Monitoring / Health Checking Task Queues Memcache Cloud Datastore

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Managed VMs: under the hood Web Server Application Server JVM 3rd Party Your Code Web Server Application Server JVM 3rd Party Your Code OS OS Load Balancer Monitoring / Health Checking Task Queues Memcache Cloud Datastore

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Demo Managed VMs

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Big Data Big Data Real Time

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and Big Data Real Time BigQuery

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Announcing BigQuery Streaming at 100k Rows Per Second

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and • Near real-time analysis • High fidelity, low latency • Focus on results, not sharding and transforming Big Data Big Data Real Time

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Demo BigQuery Streaming

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BigQuery Streaming • Smart Monitoring • 60 events/hour • Intelligent Network • 400,000 meters • Interactive Analysis • 17,280,000,000 events/month

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Demo BigQuery Streaming

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• Build and test in the cloud • AppEngine with Managed VMs • BigQuery Streaming @ 100k RPS • Cloud DNS • Windows Server, SuSE, RHEL support Launches

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Moore’s Law in the cloud price drop on Cloud Storage price drop on BigQuery price drop on Compute Engine 30-53% 68% 85% Automatic discounts for sustained usage

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Everything we’re doing is about helping you, the developer, do what you love

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Cloud Platform Developer Roadshow We’re visiting 27 cities around the world beginning April 7

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Thank you

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