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Fastly in Cookpad Sorah Fukumori @ Fastly Yamagoya 2017

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$ whoami Sorah Fukumori (׉׵כ | GitHub @sorah | Twitter @sora_h Site Reliability Engineer at Cookpad Global Rubyist, Ruby committer Operating AS59128 Interests: Site Reliability, Networking, Distributed systems

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Agenda • About us • Latency • Fastly usage in Cookpad • How we manage/use Fastly

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Cookpad? • The world’s largest recipe sharing platform • 69 countries, 22 regions • Rapidly growing in the world • Code is different, unshared between Global and JP

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Cookpad? • The world’s largest recipe sharing platform • 69 countries, 22 regions • Rapidly growing in the world • Code is different, unshared between Global and JP • But the domain name is shared!

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Infrastructure • Everything on AWS • JP uses Tokyo (ap-northest-1),
 Global uses US East (N.Virginia, us-east-1) • 2 CDNs (Fastly, CloudFront)

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Fighting with Latency • Assume everyone know latency affects user experience heavily • TCP/TLS handshake…

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Fighting with Latency • Q. Apps live in multiple regions, but share the single, same domain • … What?

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• We chose Route53 Latency Based Routing at first • DNS returns IP addresses of the closer region from a resolver • If a requested service lives in another region, reverse- proxy to the alternate region Fighting with Latency

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! "

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location ~ ^/(ae|ar|bh|bo|br|cl|co|cr| cu|de|dj|do|dz|ec|eeuu|eg|es|fr|gt|hn| hu|id|in|iq|ir|it|jo|km|kr|kw|lb|ly|ma| mr|mx|ni|om|pa|pe|ph|pri|ps|py|qa|sa|sd| so|sv|sy|th|tn|tw|uk|us|uy|ve|vn|ye)(/| $) { proxy_pass http://cookpad_use1; } location / { proxy_pass https://cookpad_apne1; }

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• This is the minimum • 2 regions are not enough • We have to serve in Middle East, Europe, UK … • They’re too far away from both US east and Japan Fighting with Latency

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• But who want to manage many proxy servers in the all available AWS regions? • tips: AWS doesn’t cover the • CDN? Fighting with Latency

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Past CDN usage in Cookpad • User provided Images • Dynamic resizing provided by an internal service • Cache resized images • Static assets (CSS, JavaScript, Images) • No Dynamic Content

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No Dynamic Content • No dynamic content • (Contents served via CDN are guaranteed static by their URL) • As an old-school CDN user: • Slow deployments, slow purging… • It’s too risky when we fail at something

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Meet with Fastly • “less-risky?” • Fast purge! • Fast deployment! • VCL! • Decided to start using as a replacement of existing CDN, to take a try

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The first use case • Images and Assets for Global Platform

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The first use case • Images and Assets for Global Platform • Achieved higher hit rate, better performance
 than our previous CDN provider • Shielding <3 • Few and fast POPs

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now, Fastly in Cookpad • Primarily for Cookpad Global • 13 services, and 7 in production

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No content

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Fastly in Cookpad • Global Platform • Static Assets • Images (user provided) • API

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Fastly in Cookpad • And

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Fastly in Cookpad • And (except JP)

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Fastly in Cookpad • And (except JP) • Existing traffic in JP is high, but most doesn’t need CDN • We have many legacy clients, also we determined so risky, on TLSv1.0/1.1 and 3DES issue.

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How we manage & use Fastly

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Tips • Managing Fastly services • VCL implements a kind of “presigned URL” • Retry with Restart • Dealing with X-Forwarded-For • Use as reverse proxy

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Managing Fastly services • In Cookpad, we do codification for (almost) everything • i.e. AWS Route 53, EC2 Security Groups, ELB, … • Codification makes reviewing and managing history very easy • Fastly isn’t a exception

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sorah/codily • • Simple tool to manage Fastly services • (Alternate way available now is Terraform, but we’ve never used)

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service "" do backend "addr …" do hostname … error_threshold 0 first_byte_timeout 21000 weight 100 address … connect_timeout 1000 port 443 between_bytes_timeout 10000 auto_loadbalance false ssl_check_cert true ssl_cert_hostname "" max_conn 200 use_ssl true end domain "" condition '!req.url' do # for logging priority 10 statement '!req.url' type 'RESPONSE' end vcl "default" do content file: '' main true

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sorah/codily • codily --apply
 --target my-awesome—service
 • So easy • Useful… especially when testing VCLs
 (Edit in local editor → Run command → Activation done → Test → Edit → …)

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Presigned URL • For some reason we need to restrict access to some dynamically resized image in CDN • But, we want to keep cache across users

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Presigned URL • Fastly VCL has “Cryptographic- and hashing-related VCL functions” • Implement HMAC signature based access control in VCL

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if (!table.lookup(keys_table, req.http.X-Tmp-Sign-Key)) { error 701 "forbidden"; } if (time.is_after(now,
 std.integer2time(std.atoi(req.http.X-Tmp-Expiry)))) { error 701 "forbidden"; } set req.http.X-Tmp-Path = regsub(req.url.path, …) if (req.http.X-Tmp-Signature !=
 table.lookup(keys_table, req.http.X—Tmp-Sign-Key),
 req.http.X-Tmp-Expiry ":" req.http.X-Tmp-Path)) { error 701 "forbidden"; } } else { error 701 "forbidden"; } } else { error 701 "forbidden"; }

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Retry with Restart • Varnish, of course Fastly has “restart”

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Retry with Restart • “restart” allows us to restart processing from the (almost) beginning • What’s important here is “some variables are kept after restarts” • We can do any magics here, like dispatching multiple backend requests, in a single user request, intentionally, using “restart” • (Original use case is just for retry I guess)

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Retry with Restart • We replicates some production data to development servers • But for images, without copying, we implement “retry on production backend” when 404 returned from development backend

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sub vcl_recv { # … set req.backend = F_dev_origin; if (req.http.X-Dev-Retry && req.restarts > 0) { set req.http.Fastly-Force-Shield = "yes"; set req.backend = F_prd_origin; } sub vcl_deliver { # … if (server.identity ~ "-IAD$" || req.http.Fastly-FF) { if (resp.status != 200 && !req.http.X-Dev-Retry) { set req.http.X-Dev-Retry = "1"; restart; }

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Retry with Restart • (Found this is mentioned in the official doc now) • checking-multiple-backends-for-a-single-request

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Dealing with X-Forwarded-For • Source IP of requests is important. • Logging, Analyzing … • We have to deal with X-Forwarded-For header when requests come from CDN

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Dealing with X-Forwarded-For • Most web application framework whitelists “private IP range” for a proxy included in X-Forwarded-For header • Implementing whitelisting Fastly IPs carefully in every app takes maintenance cost • And, some load balancers (e.g. AWS ELB) overwrites XFF header!

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Dealing with X-Forwarded-For • How we did: • Send X-Forwarded-For in different name
 (Requires VCL) • Overwrite X-Forwarded-For with it, , on our-side reverse proxy… when request comes from Fastly IPs

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Dealing with X-Forwarded-For # nginx.conf geo $trust_xff { # list Fastly IPs } server { set $cond “$trust_xff,$http_x_my_xff"; if ($cond ~ "1,.") { set $myxff “$http_x_my_xff, $remote_addr"; } if ($myxff = "") { set $myxff $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } proxy_set_header X-My-XFF $myxff; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $myxff; proxy_set_header X-Raw-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

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Use as a reverse proxy

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Use as a reverse proxy sub vcl_recv { #FASTLY recv # Never cache by default return(pass); }

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˖ 2*T$%/XJUIPVU$BDIJOHFDJFOU ˖ "4FFPVSEBUB Use as a reverse proxy

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What we require to a CDN • Stable • Don’t obscure failures, incidents • High cache efficiency

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No content

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No content

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What we require to a CDN • Stable • I think it’s really improved in these years • Don’t obscure failures, incidents • always truthful • High cache efficiency

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Conclusion • Cookpad Global is using Fastly • Introduced how we use Fastly