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What I Learned Optimizing 20+ WooCommerce Sites Luke Cavanagh WooCommerce Specialist - There is no spoon!

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Why should I optimize my site? A faster site will mean better conversions & less performance issues.

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How do I even know if I have performance problems? For front-end issues I would recommend to use GTmetrix or WebPageTest and look in the waterfall results of your site. For deeper performance issues I would recommend New Relic APM and install the New Relic plugin from 10up. If you have to use a plugin option then Query Monitor.

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Easy Ways To Reduce The Number of Active Plugins? Look for duplicate features in plugins and look for duplicate plugin types.

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How to Optimize Images Tools and some plugins with services.

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Plugins with Performance issues Which plugins can cause performance issues.

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How to find which plugins are causing issues? New Relic APM will help you find out which plugins are causing the slowest database queries and the most time consuming requests.

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What deeper issues can be found in New Relic APM? New Relic APM will also help you find the slowest external services on your site. You can use this data to find out which plugins are integrating with 3rd party services.

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How many transients are on your site? Transients are used for short-term cached data which are stored in your sites options database table. But a number of plugins can create high transient levels which will cause performance issues.

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Plugins that should be replaced with dedicated services Plugin examples would be abandoned cart recovery, cart reporting, self-hosted analytics or email newsletters. ● Recapture or Jilt ● ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign or EmailOctopus ● Fathom Analytics or Google Analytics

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Enable Caching at the end not before The site should be fast and optimized without full page cache, minification or a CDN being enabled on it.

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Masking the real issues with caching plugins Using caching plugins for full page cache could be masking the real issues with the sites plugin stack. Enable caching when you have finished with all site optimization work.

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Which full page cache or CDN? Use server-side caching, a solid full page caching plugin there are number pick the one you like the most. The best CDN options for features and price: ● Cloudflare ● KeyCDN ● BunnyCDN

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Easy Optimization Wins Some easy wins to make on your sites.

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Useful Links

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