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Thomas Vitale Devoxx Ukraine Sep 2nd, 2022 Supply Chain Security For Cloud Native Java @vitalethomas

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Systematic • Software Architect at Systematic, Denmark. • Author of “Cloud Native Spring in Action” (Manning). • OSS Contributor. Thomas Vitale @vitalethomas

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Software Supply Chain #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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Software Supply Chain The set of everything needed to deliver software to production, including code, dependencies, tools, practices, and people. #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Software Supply Chain Every step has multiple security risks and impacts CNCF Software Supply Chain Security Paper Source Code Build Materials Artefacts Deployment

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Supply Chain Security Tools are not enough ORGANIZATION PRACTICES TOOLS #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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Where to begin? #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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Containerization #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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Dockerfiles “Dockerfiles are easy to write, but the current development guidelines do not produce containers that are repeatable and hardened.” #devoxxUA @vitalethomas CNCF Software Supply Chain Security Paper

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Cloud Native Buildpacks #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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Image pack build Cloud Native Buildpacks From source code to container image #devoxxUA @vitalethomas Cloud Native Buildpacks

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Cloud Native Buildpacks From source code to container image Separation of concerns Security and compliance Maintainability Advanced caching Multi-language and multi-platform Reusability #devoxxUA @vitalethomas Cloud Native Buildpacks

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Software Supply Chain Every step has multiple security risks and impacts CNCF Software Supply Chain Security Paper Source Code Build Materials Artefacts Deployment

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Securing a software supply chain 1 Securing the Source Code CNCF Software Supply Chain Security Paper 2 Securing the Materials 3 Securing the Build Pipelines 4 Securing the Artefacts 5 Securing Deployments #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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1. Securing the Source Code #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Require signed commits Keyless Git signing with Sigstore Sigstore gitsign # Sign all commits git config --local commit.gpgsign true # Sign all tags git config --local tag.gpgsign true # Use gitsign for signing git config --local gpg.x509.program gitsign # gitsign expects x509 args git config --local gpg.format x509

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Sigstore gitsign

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2. Securing the Materials #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Generate an immutable SBOM Software Bills of Materials with Syft Syft syft band-service • Generate a SBOM from a pre-built image pack sbom download band-service • Extract SBOMs generated at build-time with Buildpacks

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Scan software for vulnerabilities Vulnerability scanning with Grype Grype grype ./repos/band-service • Scan source code grype band-service • Scan container image

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas a-closer-look-at-cvss-scores/

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas a-closer-look-at-cvss-scores/

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3. Securing the Build Pipelines #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Eliminate sources of non-determinism Reproducible builds with Cloud Native Buildpacks Cloud Native Buildpacks Image pack build Image pack build Time = =

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SLSA Framework #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas SLSA

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SLSA #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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SLSA Level 1 Documentation of the build process #devoxxUA @vitalethomas Build ❖ All build steps de fi ned in a script Provenance ❖ Provenance data available to the consumer SLSA

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas in-toto

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4. Securing the Artefacts #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Sign every step in the build process Signing artefacts with Sigstore cosign cosign sign band-service • Sign container image cosign attest \ -—predicate predicate.att \ --type slsaprovenance \ band-service • Sign provenance and add attestation to image Sigstore cosign

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SLSA Level 2 Tamper resistance of the build service #devoxxUA @vitalethomas Source ❖ Every change to the source is tracked in a version control system Build ❖ All build steps ran using some build service, not on a developer’s workstation SLSA Provenance ❖ Data in the provenance obtained from build service ❖ The provenance’s authenticity and integrity can be veri fi ed by the consumer.

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5. Securing Deployment #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Perform verification of artefacts Verifying signatures and provenance with Kyverno • Keyless veri fi cation of image signature • If missing compliance, the deployment is blocked • Keyless veri fi cation of the SLSA provenance metadata • If missing compliance, the deployment is blocked. Kyverno

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Cartographer #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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#devoxxUA @vitalethomas Cartographer

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Minimal Supply Chain Source -> Image -> URL Deploy to Kubernetes Package as container image Checkout source code

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Resources #devoxxUA @vitalethomas

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Thomas Vitale Devoxx Ukraine Sep 2nd, 2022 Supply Chain Security For Cloud Native Java @vitalethomas Source code: