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@andypipe Scaling Twitter Infrastructure with Mesos Chris Aniszczyk (@cra)

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Fail Whale and Growth

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300M+ 500M+ 80% Active users Tweets per day of users are outside the US 2006 2015 100TB compressed data per Twitter Scale

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0% 11% 22% 33% 0% 11% 22% 33% 0% 11% 22% 33% Mixed Utilization Devs requesting CPUs slows you down Static Partitioned Datacenters

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0% 11% 22% 33% 0% 11% 22% 33% 0% 11% 22% 33% 0% 33.333% 66.667% 100% Didn’t we learn as children that we should share :)? Resource Sharing!?

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• Google was ahead of the game of managing warehouse scale cluster computing: v=0ZFMlO98Jkc • NEW (2015): Google Borg paper (https:// pub43438.html) • 2009: Universities (Berkeley) was doing research in this area, we decided to partner and hire researchers: https:// Evaluated industry + academia

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• May 2012: Took university research and spun into a independent open source project at the Apache Foundation: incubating-apache-mesos • June 2013: ApacheMesos/statuses/ 360039441500340224 (graduated) Enter Apache Mesos

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Where does Mesos Fit?

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build and run a PaaS on top of Mesos: Apache Aurora / Marathon use OpenStack or EC2 or physical machines to run Mesos Where does Mesos Fit?

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Mesos treats your datacenter nodes as one big computer! Not as individual machines (or VMs), but as computational resources like CPU cores, memory, disks, network ports, etc… Mesos: Datacenters as 1 CPU

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offer hostname 4 CPUs offer hostname 4 CPUs 4 GB RAM offer hostname 4 CPUs 4 GB RAM offer hostname 4 CPUs 4 GB RAM Schedulers get resource offers Executors run tasks Mesos Framework = Scheduler + Executor Mesos at a High Level

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Mesos Slave Hadoop task-tracker Mesos Executor Task #1 Task #2 ./ruby XYZ Mesos Slave Docker Executor Docker Executor java -jar XYZ.jar ./xyz Mesos Master Mesos Master Mesos Master Hadoop scheduler Marathon scheduler Zookeeper quorum Master schedules tasks to run on slaves’ available resources; slaves use executors to coordinate execution of tasks Tasks are the unit of execution

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Mesos provides fine-grained resource Compute Node Mesos Slave Process Hadoop task-tracker Mesos Executor Task #1 Task #2 ruby XYZ Container (Cgroups) Executor Slaves isolate executors and tasks via containers (dotted line) Compute Node Mesos Slave Process Hadoop task-tracker Task #1 Task #2 Container (Cgroups) Task #3 Containers can GROW AND SHRINK as tasks

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Thank you for listening! Chris Aniszczyk (@cra) [email protected] email: {user,dev}