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Caching your data graph Offline & Reactive apps with Apollo Kotlin

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Hello, World! @BoD @MartinBonnin apollographql/apollo-kotlin

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What is GraphQL? An open source language to describe and run your API

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What is GraphQL? ● Schema ○ Int, Float, String, Boolean ○ Objects, Interfaces, Unions ○ Lists ○ Nullability ● Introspection ● Deprecation

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APIs in a REST world

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How does it look in practice query UserQuery { user { id login } }

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How does it look in practice query UserQuery { user { id login avatar { small medium } } }

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How does it look in practice query UserQuery { user { id login name } } { "data": { "user": { "id": "42", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } }

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How does it look in practice query UserQuery { user { id login name } } { "data": { "user": { "id": "42", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } }

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How does it look in practice query UserQuery { user { id email login name } } { "data": { "user": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } }

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Caching entities

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How to deal with partial entities query ViewerQuery { # Returns a User viewer { id email avatarUrl } } query UserQuery($id: String) { # Also a User user(id: $id) { id email login name } }

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How to deal with partial entities

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How to deal with partial entities null means not cached? null means null?

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How to deal with partial entities 👎 both are User - should share cache

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Cache the HTTP response? { "data": { "viewer": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "avatarUrl": "http://…" } } } { "data": { "user": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } } key: ViewerQuery key: UserQuery(42) same entity, but different keys 👎

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Entering Cache normalization Response → List A Record is a Map

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Cache normalization { "data": { "user": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } } Response

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Cache normalization { "data": { "user": CacheReference("42"), }, "42": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } { "data": { "user": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } } Response 2 Records

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Adding fields { "data": { "user": CacheReference("42"), }, "42": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek", } }

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Adding fields { "data": { "user": CacheReference("42"), }, "42": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek", // New Record field "avatarUrl": "https://…", } }

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Adding fields { "data": { "user": CacheReference("42"), }, "42": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek", // New Record field "avatarUrl": "https://…", } } Ids!

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What if there’s no id? { "data": { "user": { "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } }

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Use the field’s path as key { "data": { "user": CacheReference("data.user"), }, "data.user": { "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } }

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What if there are several paths? { "data": { "user": {…} "comments": [ { "text": "#dcldn22 is awesome 😎󰏅", "date": "2022-10-28T10:00Z", "user": { "login": "BoD", "avatarUrl": "https://" }, }, ], } }

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Use the field’s path as key { "data": { "user": CacheReference("data.user"), "comments": [CacheReference("data.comments[0]")], }, "data.user": { "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" }, "data.comments[0]": { "title": "Write retrowave slides!", "checked": true, "user": CacheReference("data.comments[0].user") }, "data.comments[0].user": { "login": "BoD", "avatarUrl": "https://" } } Duplication

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Always query your ids

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This is all typesafe { "data": { "user": CacheReference("42"), }, "42": { "id": "42", "email": "[email protected]", "login": "BoD", "name": "Benoit Lubek" } } Data( user=User( id=42, [email protected], login=BoD, name=Benoit Lubek ) ) 2 Records 1 Data class

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Apollo Kotlin

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Storage: in-memory or persistent val memoryCache = MemoryCacheFactory(maxSizeBytes = 5_000_000) val apolloClient: ApolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder() .serverUrl(SERVER_URL) .normalizedCache(memoryCache) .build()

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Storage: in-memory or persistent val sqlCache = SqlNormalizedCacheFactory(context, "app.db") val apolloClient: ApolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder() .serverUrl(SERVER_URL) .normalizedCache(sqlCache) .build()

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Storage: in-memory and persistent val memoryCache = MemoryCacheFactory(maxSizeBytes = 5_000_000) val sqlCache = SqlNormalizedCacheFactory(context, "app.db") val memoryThenSqlCache = memoryCache.chain(sqlCache) val apolloClient: ApolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder() .serverUrl(SERVER_URL) .normalizedCache(memoryThenSqlCache) .build()

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The cache updates after a mutation mutation { updateUser(id: "42", status: "At dcldn22 😃") { id status } }

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The cache updates after a mutation watch() mutate("At dcldn22 😃") // receives from network "At dcldn22 😃" // updates the cache "At dcldn22 😃" Coroutine 1 Coroutine 2 // receives from network "Work from home 🏡" // wait for cache updates

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Single source of truth

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Conclusion ● Type-safe language + Tooling = 💜 ● Offline support is one line ✈ ● Don’t forget your ids!

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Where to go from here ● Declarative cache ○ Available in 3.0 ● Client improvements ○ apollo-normalized-cache-incubating ○ #3566 (data age) ○ #3807 (pagination) ● Server side caching ○ @cacheControl ○ Automated Persisted Queries

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For inspiration 🎊

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Merci! @BoD @MartinBonnin apollographql/apollo-kotlin

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It depends.

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Declarative cache type User { id: ID! name: String! } type Query { user(id: ID!): User } extend type User @typePolicy(keyFields: "id") extend type Query @fieldPolicy(forField: "user", keyArgs: "id")

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Optimistic updates

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Declarative cache type User { id: ID! name: String! } type Query { user(id: ID!): User } extend type User @typePolicy(keyFields: "id") extend type Query @fieldPolicy(forField: "user", keyArgs: "id")

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Schema # schema.graphqls type Speaker implements Node { id: ID! name: String! company: String session(name: String!): Session sessions(first: Int, after: ID, orderBy: SessionOrder): [Session!] }

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Caching entities