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Git and GitHub Workflows Information to aid your VCS and branching decisions ! a discussion with Matthew McCullough

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software development

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decisions… decisions… decisions… decisions…

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decisions… decisions… decisions… decisions… Platform Language IDE Process

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but the initial decisions are…

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VCS decisions ➊

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basis for other decisions ➊

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de-centralized centralized

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Git and GitHub Workflows GitHub Flow Git Flow Rebase It Squash It Linear Fast iterations Git Project Workflow Flow Types Aims Long-lived release branches Maintenance Commands rebase master merge --squash rebase -i commit —amend pull -r bisect Easy regression discovery Developer on boarding Continuous Integration Build all branches Version Control UI Handles rebased branches? Triggers UI updates on merges? Pull Requests Commit keywords: “fixes #22” revert Setting up jobs Push branch to production Chatops Deploying to branches Reverse merges merge master topic Deployments API GitHub Releases API Semantic versioning best practices Teams Solo 1-5 5-15 15-50 50-150 150+ reset --hard reset --soft rebase --autosquash -i GitHub Deployments API Centralized Decentralized ➊

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➊ " " " " " " " "

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➊ #

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➊ $

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Team decisions ➋

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how many team members? ➋

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1 team member? ➋

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No content

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1 to 5 team members? ➋

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5 to 15 team members? ➋

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15 to 50 team members? ➋

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50 to 150 team members? ➋

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150+ team members? ➋

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optimization decisions ➌

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optimized for fast iterations? ➌ GitHub Flow

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No content

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master topic

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master topic

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master topic

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master topic

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master topic

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# ➌

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optimized for release maintenance? ➌ Git Flow

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Time release branches master develop hotfixes feature branches Feature for future release Major feature for next release Severe bug fixed for production: hotfix 0.2 Tag 0.1 Tag 0.2 Incorporate bugfix in develop

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Tag 1.0 From this point on, “next release” means the release after 1.0 Bugfixes from rel. branch may be continuously merged back into develop Only bugfixes! 1.0

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command line tooling ➌

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➌ #

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optimized for developer on-boarding ➌ atomic flow

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master topic

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master topic

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master topic

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master topic

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master topic

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➌ #

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optimized for clarity & maintenance ➌ git.git gitworkflows

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maint master next pu ➌

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➌ #

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command decisions ➍

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$ git merge master ➍

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$ git revert ➍

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$ git commit --amend ➍

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$ git pull -r ➍

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$ git rebase master $ git rebase -i $ git rebase --autosquash -i ➍

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$ git merge —squash ➍

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$ git bisect start $ git bisect good $ git bisect bad $ git bisect run $ git bisect log ➍

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$ git reset --hard $ git reset --soft $ git reset --mixed ➍

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So what workflow should I chose Matthew?

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mix and match

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the simplest thing that works

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Slide 68 text @matthewmccull matthewmccullough !

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