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Mock Native API in your E2E test 2017/11/06 ElectronMeetup in Tokyo LT @joe_re

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Who am I? twitter: @joe_re github: @joe­re community: Nishinippori.rb, GraphQL Tokyo Organizer

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Applications CafePitch Markdown Driven PresentationTool Tubutler Simple and usefull Youtube player

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Today, I talk about spectron E2E test in case of using 'Native API' in your spec.

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What is Spectron? E2E Testing tool for Electron appplication. You can call ElectronAPI in your spec via ChromeDriver and

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Example const app = new spectron.Application({ path: 'path/to/your/app' }); describe('application launch', function () { this.timeout(10000); beforeEach(function () { return app.start(); }); afterEach(function () { return app.stop(); }); it('shows an initial window', function () { return app.client.getWindowCount().then(function (count) { assert.equal(count, 1); }); }); });

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Strong Points You can access any DOM via You can call any Electron API in your spec. No need setup script.(use Chromium inside Electron) Support CI services.(Travis, AppVeyor, etc)

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Spectron is nice. But it can't access Native API. (latest v3.7.2) So it can't mock Menu, Dialog, etc modules...

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This is simple solution, but ugly... if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { // production code here } else { // test code here }

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I want to write a spec which doesn't affect production code.

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I created two modules to resolve it. spectron­fake­menu­re/spectron­fake­menu spectron­fake­dialog­re/spectron­fake­dialog

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Usage spectron­fake­menu const Application = require('spectron').Application; const fakeMenu = require('spectron-fake-menu'); const app = new Application({ path: electron, args: [ path.join(__dirname, '.') ] }); fakeMenu.apply(app); // apply fake menu await app.start(); fakeMenu.clickMenu('Config'); // 'Config' Menu click fakeMenu.clickMenu('File', 'CloseTab'); // File->CloseTab Menu click spectron­fake­dialog const Application = require('spectron').Application; const fakeDialog = require('spectron-fake-dialog'); const app = new Application({ path: electron, args: [ path.join(__dirname, '.') ] }); fakeDialog.apply(app); await app.start(); fakeDialog.mock([ { method: 'showOpenDialog', value: ['faked.txt'] } ])); // write your specs

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How do they work? Electron provides '­­require' option same as Node.js. It can preload a module before run main script. These modules inject extra IPC and provide API which call or mock Native API inside your specs.

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Rough image

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Implementation(spectron­fake­dialog) const path = require('path'); let _app = null; function apply(app) { _app = app; _app.args.unshift(path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')); _app.args.unshift('--require'); return _app; } function mock(options) { return _app.electron.ipcRenderer.sendSync('SPECTRON_FAKE_DIALOG/SEND', options); } module.exports = { apply, mock };

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Implementation(spectron­fake­dialog) preload script const { dialog, ipcMain, BrowserWindow } = require('electron'); //... some logics for creating mocked function ... function fake(options) { options.forEach(v => { if (dialog[v.method]) { dialog[v.method] = mockFunction.bind(null, v.value); } else { throw new Error(`can't find ${v.method} on dialog module.`); } }); } ipcMain.on('SPECTRON_FAKE_DIALOG/SEND', (e, options) => { fake(options); e.returnValue = true; });

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Please use they if you'd like.

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Thank you for your attention!