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Experiences Building InfluxDB with #golang Paul Dix CEO of InfluxDB @pauldix

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An open source time series, metrics, and events database.

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Written in Go

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Self-contained binary. Install and it’s ready to run with no additional services required.

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Uses embedded storage engine. Either LevelDB, RocksDB, HyperLevelDB, or LMDB.

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Single server or distributed in a cluster* Clustering still experimental

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First commit on September 26th, 2013

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But it’s based off work that started here

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We’ve been running #golang in production since January 2013

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Our experience with Go has been extremely positive

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Go has many strengths, here are some favorites

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Simplicity Go is easy to understand and the basics can be learned in a day

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Simplicity leads to more readable code

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Readable code is easier to understand

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Scala def binarySearch[A <% Ordered[A]](! a: IndexedSeq[A], v: A) = {! ! def recurse(low: Int, ! high: Int): Option[Int] = (low + high) / 2 match {! ! case _ if high < low => None! case mid if a(mid) > v => recurse(low, mid - 1)! case mid if a(mid) < v => recurse(mid + 1, high)! case mid => Some(mid)! }! recurse(0, a.size - 1)! }!

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Go func binarySearch(! a []float64, value float64, low int, high int) int {! ! if high < low {! return -1! }! mid := (low + high) / 2! if a[mid] > value {! return binarySearch(a, value, low, mid-1)! } else if a[mid] < value {! return binarySearch(a, value, mid+1, high)! }! return mid! }!

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I find the Go version much easier to read and understand

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You end up reading much more code than you write

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Understandable code is easier to maintain

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Performance Go has great performance for network services

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Robustness Go’s implementation is very sturdy

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Simple Deployment Self-contained binaries mean you can copy a single file

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No external dependencies is a big win for InfluxDB

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Zero dependency deployment is a big win for server software and DevOps tools

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Here are a few of the lessons we’ve learned

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Vendor your dependencies

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We use goraft. There were many times we wasted a day troubleshooting a bug introduced from “go get” against a dependency when building on a new server.

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Create a vendor directory in your project and import from there. Read more here:

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Learn the idioms* *This is something I’m still working on!

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Channels of Channels // Execute event loop for the given state.! = make(chan chan struct{})! ! switch state {! case Follower:! go l.followerLoop(! case Candidate:! go l.candidateLoop(! case Leader:! go l.leaderLoop(! }! }! From Ben Johnson’s Streaming Raft:

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// in the loop! for {! // Check if the loop has been closed.! select {! case ch := <-done:! close(ch)! return! default:! }! ! // do stuff ! }!

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func (l *Log) setState(state State) {! // Stop previous state.! if != nil {! ch := make(chan struct{})! <- ch! <-ch! = nil! }! ! // restart loop! }!

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use sync.Mutex for caches or state Read more here:

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Declare Directionality of Channels in Function Definitions

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There are many more

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Go is still a new language that we’re all learning

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Do pull requests and code reviews

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Garbage collection can be your enemy

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Time series data is many small objects. In testing we saw significant GC pauses with heaps as small as 2GB.

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How do we cache the most recent data at scale?

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Go 1.4+ GC plan may help Read more here:

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I have doubts that any GC’d section of memory can be fast on > 10GB heaps

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We’re thinking about hacking around it

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! // allocate slab! ! slabSize := 1024! ! b, _ := syscall.Mmap(-1, 0, slabSize,! ! ! syscall.PROT_READ|syscall.PROT_WRITE|syscall.PROT_EXEC,! ! ! syscall.MAP_ANON|syscall.MAP_PRIVATE)! ! ! // store values! ! someVals := []float64{23, 92, 1, 0, 3}! ! offset := 0! ! for _, v := range someVals {! ! ! x := (*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[offset]))! ! ! *x = v! ! ! offset += 8! ! }! ! ! // read them out! ! offset = 0! ! for offset < len(b) {! ! ! x := (*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[offset]))! ! ! offset += 8! ! ! fmt.Println("n: ", *x)! ! }!

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We can hide entire sections of memory from the GC

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Bad idea?

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Go has great concurrency primitives

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Go has great networking libraries

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But network and distributed programming is still hard

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Example: Influx kept crashing filling up file descriptors

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Client libraries were opening thousands of connections with keep-alives

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No keep alive timeouts so we do this type HttpServer struct {! // ...! readTimeout time.Duration! // ...! }! ! // later we create the server with timeout! srv := &http.Server{! Handler: p, ReadTimeout: h.readTimeout}!

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But timeout prevents large requests from finishing

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Still a problem

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Example: Influx cluster

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How to detect when slow, or unresponsive? ! _, err = conn.Write(data)!

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We’ll timeout! ! conn.SetWriteDeadline(! time.Now().Add(writeTimeout))! ! ! _, err = conn.Write(data)!

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What should timeout be? ! conn.SetWriteDeadline(! time.Now().Add(writeTimeout))! ! ! _, err = conn.Write(data)!

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Timeout Problems • GC Pauses

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Timeout Problems • GC Pauses • Large Requests

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Timeout Problems • GC Pauses • Large Requests • Overloaded network

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Timeout Problems • GC Pauses • Large Requests • Overloaded network • Slow server

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Timeout Problems • GC Pauses • Large Requests • Overloaded network • Slow server • All occur under load

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Timeout Problems • GC Pauses • Large Requests • Overloaded network • Slow server • All occur under load • All lead to connection flapping

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No single solution, still hard in Go

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Don’t be afraid to re-invent libraries

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We started out using goraft

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But now we’re implementing a new Raft library for Influx

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Many community written libraries in Go are very young

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Sometimes they won’t meet your needs

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Sometimes you need to start over and create your own libraries!

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A few performance tips from Ben Johnson

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Use pprof memprofile early and often

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Read more here: type point struct {! val float64! time time.Time! }! ! func leakMemory() []*point {! points := make([]*point, 0)! // make some points! for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {! points = append(! points, &point{float64(i), time.Now()})! }! // all points still kept in memory!! return points[10:20]! }!

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Write benchmarks for multiple layers of your application so you can narrow down bottlenecks

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Slices of structs is fast to allocate, lower GC overhead. Slices of pointers is faster to move around and sort.

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Benchmark Against Go Source for Reference go test -bench=. For example: - 20ns for Mutex lock/unlock - 70ns for RWMutex lock/unlock - json encodes at 100MB/s - json decodes at 25MB/s

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There are many other tips and tricks, but those are a few

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InfluxDB still has work to do to use what we have learned since September 2013

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Thank you Paul Dix @pauldix