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What, Why, and How of Zero-Trust Networking

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Armon Dadgar Founder and CTO @armon

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PROVISION, SECURE AND RUN ANY INFRASTRUCTURE Nomad Consul Vault Vagrant Packer Terraform Consul Enterprise Terraform Enterprise Vault Enterprise PRODUCT SUITE OSS TOOL SUITE RUN Applications SECURE Application Infrastructure PROVISION Infrastructure FOR INDIVIDUALS FOR TEAMS Nomad Enterprise

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Traditional Networking

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A B C D Network Perimeter

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A B C D Network Perimeter Firewalls Web Application Firewall Intrusion Detection Intrusion Prevention SIEM Systems …

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A B C D Network Perimeter

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A B C D Network Perimeter

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A B C D Network Perimeter

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Defining Segmentation Splitting network into sub-networks Restricting communication between sub-networks Virtual LAN, Firewalls, Software Defined Networks Coarse Grained, Many Services Segment A Segment B Network

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Problems with Traditional Networking

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Attacker A B C D

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Attacker A C D

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A C D B A C D B A C D Attacker

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Target Breached via HVAC HVAC connected to store network with WiFi Store network connected to Corporate network Production databases on Corporate network Attacker pivoted from network to network

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Weakness of Perimeter Security Insider threat is a major omission Multiple entry points, lots of firewall rules Cloud makes this harder, with API driven changes All-or-nothing security

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Learning to Trust Again

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A -> B C -> D D -> C A B C D

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B -> D A -> C A B C D

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Re-asserting Trust Software Defined Networking Software Defined Firewall Beyond Corp / Zero Trust

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Software Defined Network Untrusted physical network Smaller trusted virtual networks Challenging to deploy, operate, and debug Performance penalty of traffic encapsulation Administration of complex network rules Requires highly available and scalable control plane

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Software Defined Firewall Untrusted physical network Firewall rules imposed at the edge Performance penalty for stateful firewalls Identity tied to source IP address Schedulers (Nomad or K8S) put multiple apps per IP Middleware (VPN, LB, NAT) re-write source IP

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Zero Trust Networking Untrusted physical network Identity based access imposed at the edge Assigning Application Identity Distribution of Certificates Enforcing Access Controls

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Implementing Zero Trust

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Assigning Identity Web DB Cert: Cert:

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Establishing Mutual TLS Web DB Mutual TLS Cert: Cert:

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Authorization of Traffic Web DB Mutual TLS Cert: Cert: Allow?

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Service Mesh for Microservices Service Discovery. Connect services with a dynamic registry Service Configuration. Configure services with runtime configs Service Segmentation. Secure services based on identity

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Consul Usage Launched in 2014 12K+ GitHub Stars 1M+ Downloads monthly Customers running 50,000+ agents

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Public Users

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Service Discovery Registry of Nodes, Services, Checks DNS API HTTP API Web UI

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Service Configuration Hierarchical Key/Value Store HTTP API Long-polling / Edge trigger Locking

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Consul Connect

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Consul Connect Service Access Graph Certificate Distribution Application Integration

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Service Access Graph Intentions to Allow/Deny Communication Source and Destination Service Scale Independent Managed with CLI, API, UI, Terraform

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T E R M I N A L $ consul intention create -deny web '*' Created: web => * (deny) $ consul intention create -allow web db Created: web => db (allow)

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Certificate Distribution Transport Layer Security (TLS) Service Identity Encryption of all traffic

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Certificate Generation Automatic Generation & Rotation Server Client Certificate Signing Request Generate Key Pair Sign Certificate

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Certificate Format X.509 Certificate SPIFFE Compatible

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Application Integration Consul Client for Service Graph and Certificates Sidecar Proxies Native Integrations

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Sidecar Proxy Integration No Code Modification Minimal Performance Overhead Operational Flexibility

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Sidecar Proxies Client Proxy App Configure Connect Proxy Client App Configure Connect

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Pluggable Proxies Client App Configure Connect Client App Configure Connect

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{ "service": "web", "connect": { "proxy": { "config": { "upstreams": [{ "destination_name": "redis", "local_bind_port": 1234 }] } } } } C O D E E D I T O R

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Proxy Client App Configure Connect localhost:1234 Connect to upstream redis

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T E R M I N A L $ consul connect proxy \ -service web \ -upstream postgresql:8181 $ psql -h -p 8181 -U mitchellh mydb >

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Native Integration Standard TLS Negligible Performance Overhead Requires Code Modification

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// Create a Consul API client client, _ := api.NewClient(api.DefaultConfig()) // Create an instance representing this service. svc, _ := connect.NewService("my-service", client) defer svc.Close() // Creating an HTTP server that serves via Connect server := &http.Server{ Addr: ":8080", TLSConfig: svc.ServerTLSConfig(), // ... other standard fields } // Serve! server.ListenAndServerTLS("", "") C O D E E D I T O R

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Consul Connect Service Access Graph. Intentions allow or deny communication of logical services. Certificate Distribution. Standard TLS certificates with SPIFFE compatibility. Application Integration. Native integrations or side car proxies.

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Challenges of Traditional Networking Inside Threat Too many entry points, especially with Cloud All-or-nothing security

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Zero Trust Networking Network access or IP does not grant access Identity based access controls Mutual TLS / PKI approaches like public Internet

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Consul for Service Mesh Service Discovery. Connect services with a dynamic registry Service Configuration. Configure services with runtime configs Service Segmentation. Secure services based on identity

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Thanks! Consul: @armon