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Embrace The Journey Pablo Guardiola

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•Mapping platform for developers Mapbox

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•Mapping platform for developers Mapbox •Work in the open

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•Mapping platform for developers Mapbox •Work in the open •SDK for Android, iOS, Qt, Node.js, Unity…

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Mapbox - Mobile •Similar SDK as Google Maps and Apple Maps

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Mapbox - Mobile •Similar SDK as Google Maps and Apple Maps •Custom features

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Mapbox - Mobile •Custom features •Free up to 50,000 monthly active users •Similar SDK as Google Maps and Apple Maps

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Survey (55 responses) Platforms 5 % 9 % 86 % Android iOS Both Maps 47 % 53 % Yes No

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What are/were the worst problems/features missing you find/found developing with maps?

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Markers - Add mapView.getMapAsync(new OnMapReadyCallback() {
 public void onMapReady(MapboxMap mapboxMap) {
 mapboxMap.addMarker(new MarkerViewOptions()
 .position(new LatLng(-37.821629, 144.978535)));

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mapView.getMapAsync(new OnMapReadyCallback() {
 public void onMapReady(MapboxMap mapboxMap) {
 final Marker marker = mapboxMap.addMarker(new MarkerViewOptions()
 .position(new LatLng(64.900932, -18.167040)));
 mapboxMap.setOnMapClickListener(new MapboxMap.OnMapClickListener() {
 public void onMapClick(@NonNull LatLng point) {
 ValueAnimator markerAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofObject(marker, "position",
 new LatLngEvaluator(), marker.getPosition(), point);
 }); Markers - Animate

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Markers - Animate

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Custom maps - Styles

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Custom maps - Styles

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Publish to fleet Property pane Live map preview Layer selector Watching a designer create a night style within minutes with Mapbox Studio. Custom maps - Mapbox Studio

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Drawing - Map matching MapboxMapMatching client = new MapboxMapMatching.Builder()
 .setCoordinates(coordinates) client.enqueueCall(
 .build(); client.enqueueCall(new Callback() {
 public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
 List mapMatchedPoints = new ArrayList<>();
 if (response.code() == 200) {
 String geometry = response.body().getMatchings().get(0).getGeometry();
 List positions = PolylineUtils.decode(geometry, Constants.PRECISION_6);
 // Traverse positions adding points into mapMatchedPoints
 mapMatchedRoute = map.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()

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Drawing - Map matching

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Drawing - Polygons

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Drawing - Polygons List STAR_SHAPE_POINTS = new ArrayList() {
 add(new LatLng(45.522585, -122.685699));
 // ...
 add(new LatLng(45.522585, -122.685699));
 }; BLUE_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#3bb2d0"); polygon = mapboxMap.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions()

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What would you like to learn?

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Offline maps - Pre-caching String minZoom = map.getStyleUrl();
 double minZoom = map.getCameraPosition().zoom;
 double maxZoom = map.getMaxZoom();
 float pixelRatio = this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
 OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition definition = new OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition(
 styleURL, bounds, minZoom, maxZoom, pixelRatio);
 byte[] metadata = name.getBytes(CHARSET);
 offlineManager.createOfflineRegion(definition, metadata, new OfflineManager.CreateOfflineRegionCallback() {
 public void onCreate(OfflineRegion offlineRegion) {
 public void onError(String error) {

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Offline maps - Pre-caching

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Offline maps - Pre-caching

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Navigation - Off route detection client.enqueueCall(new Callback() {
 public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
 currentRoute = response.body().getRoutes().get(0);
 public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable throwable) {
 // ... Position carCurrentPosition = Position.fromCoordinates(
 if (routeUtils.isOffRoute(carCurrentPosition, currentRoute.getLegs().get(0))) {

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Navigation - Off route detection

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Custom maps - Runtime Styling Layer water = mapboxMap.getLayer("water");
 if (water != null) {

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Custom maps - Runtime Styling

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Mapbox Android SDK v5.0.0 •Support for data-driven styles

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•Support for data-driven styles •Support for Android Nougat Mapbox Android SDK v5.0.0

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•Support for data-driven styles •Support for Android Nougat •Many performance improvements Mapbox Android SDK v5.0.0

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A platform for developers

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And we love open source!

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Thank you

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Questions? [email protected]

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References • Mapbox Android SDK: https:/ / • Mapbox iOS SDK: https:/ / • Android demo app: https:/ / • Core (Maps): https:/ / • MAS: https:/ /