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AVUESOME Why Vue.js is so great @loregirardi @liqueflies

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Lorenzo Girardi front-end developer @develondigital open source @styled-components @loregirardi @liqueflies

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Framework - Save time - Write less code - Code readability - Scalability

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What my ideal framework should cover? - Easy and approachable - Lean API - Usage of front-end base knowledge (HTML, CSS, JS) - Well written docs - High performance, also on mobile devices!

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Why Vue? … does it really cover all these things?

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Vue.js @vuejs @vuejs The Progressive JavaScript Framework

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Progressive Framework “Progressive Framework is composed of incrementally adoptable libraries”

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Evan You full-time open source! @yyx990803 @yyx990803

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History - [late 2013] created - [Feb. 2014] first release - [Nov. 2015] v1.00 release - [Sept 2016] v2.00 release - Now, it has > 50k stars on github (+20k after v2.0.0)

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Version 2.0.0 - 2 - 4x faster - 12 - 17 kb min + gzip - Virtual DOM (based on snabbdom) - Server Side Rendering - JSX/Hyperscript rendering and/or HTML templates - Mobile native apps with weex (by alibaba)

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Declarative Rendering Single source of truth Map of the state

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Vue state is called data data data: { ... } Models are just plain JavaScript objects.

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Vue data object properties are converted to getters and setters, collected in watchers

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reactivity vs setState // react setState this.setState({ counter: this.counter + 1}) this.setState({ counter: this.counter + 1}) // console.log(this.counter) -> ? // vue reactivity this.counter = this.counter + 1 this.counter = this.counter + 1 // console.log(this.counter) -> known

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...easy and approachable!

{{ message }}

new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { message: 'Hello Vue.js!' } })

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HTML Binding / Two-way binding // set data props compiling the input field

Message is: {{ message }}

// normal bind // expression

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Conditional rendering / Loop // todos: ["eat", "sleep", "repeat"]
  1. {{ todo }}
// todos: []

Yay! all todos were done!

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Lean API - Vue Instance { // ... el, data computed: { visibleTodos: function() { return this.todos.length } }, methods: { logInserted: function() { log(this.todos.slice(-1).pop()) } }, watch: { todos: function() { this.logInserted() } } // ... lifecycle }

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Transition effects - Conditional rendering (v-if) - Conditional display (v-show) - Dynamic components - Root component (appear transition) is a wrapper component, that allows you to add entering/leaving transitions for:

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Transition effects

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Transition effects hello .fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active { transition: opacity .5s } .fade-enter, .fade-leave-to { opacity: 0 }

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Component system Abstract your UI into tree of components, that are small, self-contained and reusable

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Single File Component - Split logic into template, script, styles - Preprocessor agnostic (sass, pug...) - Scoped CSS - Hot reload - Write ES6 Javascript

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Effortless SSR

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Effortless SSR - Optimized bundle clientManifest - Stream rendering supported with renderToStream - Easy component caching with serverCacheKey - Client-side hydration to avoid useless re-render of markup Vue 2.3.0 focus on SSR providing a new guide and awesome effortless practice that makes easy to achieve!

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Vanilla JavaScript Vue 2 React (no -fiber) Angular 2 1x 1.29x 1.74x 1.97x So Vue is really fast?

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Vue ecosystem - Vuex: Large state management - Vue router: router - Vue cli: no-build configuration tool - Vue resources: http resources - Vue devtool: chrome official extension debugger tool Check awesome-vue for a curated list of community packages!

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how about docs? - Vue: - Vuex: - Vue router: - Server side rendering: - Vue cli:

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Vue in practice a cool idea to test most-of framework API

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Project idea - CAGEFLIX - Stupid netflix clone only for Nicolas Cage - Browse, filter and search movies easily - Usage of entire Vue ecosystem - Connection to REST API (TMDB) - Simple server-side-rendering

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Final recap - We write what we already know (HTML, CSS, JS) - Easy to startup, fast learning curve, awesome docs - Use both for small issues or big spa, including parts progressively - Very cool support for transitions - Very fast, also on mobile devices - Effortless SSR

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Thank you! questions? @loregirardi @liqueflies