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Performance as design doing responsive responsibly @14islands

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This talk is not about Flat design. Media queries. Style guides. Typography.

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This talk is about Performance as design.

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Responsive web design?

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This is not the web.

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This is the web.

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This will be the web.

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Thanks Brad!

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Thanks Brad! You’re welcome!

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More people have access to mobile than to running water and toothbrushes. “

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87% of mobile users expect sites to load at least as fast, or faster than on their desktop. “

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Hej! We are 14islands.

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Sites are getting fatter

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At this rate, the average page will hit 2 MB by 2015. “

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RWD may make your pages look better on a variety of devices, but it doesn’t automatically make your pages load better on a variety of devices. It’s all about implementation. “

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RWD may make your pages look better on a variety of devices, but it doesn’t automatically make your pages load better on a variety of devices. It’s all about implementation. “

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Performance should be priority

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75% of mobile users will leave the site if it takes more than 5 seconds. “

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Performance as priority Set expectations

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Performance as priority Test early with prototyping

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Performance as priority Collaborate

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Performance as priority Iterate

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Start with a budget

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Example: Less than 3 seconds to see something.

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Example: Not bigger than 1MB.

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Example: No more than 20 requests.

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Now try to stick to it. (good luck!)

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Mobile first is crucial

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You get real pretty early.

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Designing for mobile isn’t just about embracing limitations — it’s also about extending what you can do. - Luke Wroblewski “

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Also known as Progressive Enhancement

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3 issues to pick a fight with

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1/3 Responsive images

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Biggest performance hit 69% of mobile web traffic is images.

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First things first One less image, please

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Question Which one of these sites loads faster?

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Slide 48 text Total size (kb) Number of elements CSS rules Images Script lines A B C D E 3 697 1 504 1 392 41 77 768

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Slide 49 text Total size (kb) Number of elements CSS rules Images Script lines A B C D E 3 697 1 504 1 392 41 77 768 2 278 1 100 5 325 29 39 183

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Slide 50 text Total size (kb) Number of elements CSS rules Images Script lines A B C D E 3 697 1 504 1 392 41 77 768 2 278 1 100 5 325 29 39 183 1 061 2 673 1 105 66 12 643

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Slide 51 text Total size (kb) Number of elements CSS rules Images Script lines A B C D E 3 697 1 504 1 392 41 77 768 2 278 1 100 5 325 29 39 183 1 061 2 673 1 105 66 12 643 1 812 4 252 1 672 12 10 284

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Slide 52 text Total size (kb) Number of elements CSS rules Images Script lines A B C D E 3 697 1 504 1 392 41 77 768 2 278 1 100 5 325 29 39 183 1 061 2 673 1 105 66 12 643 1 812 4 252 1 672 12 10 284 1 372 900 3 902 6 38 269

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Serve the correct images to the correct devices

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background-images with media queries

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Note not for user generated content

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@media (max-width: 600px) { .module { background-image: url('images/image-600.png'); } } @media (min-width: 600px) { .module { background-image: url('images/image-min600.png'); } }

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The proposed element

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The attribute srcset

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The flag-enabled client hints

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Client Hints can be used as input to proactive content negotiation; just as the Accept header allowed clients to indicate what formats they prefer, Client Hints allow clients to indicate a list of device and agent specific preferences. “

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(request) GET /img.jpg HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Awesome Browser Accept: image/webp, image/jpg CH: dpr=2.0 (response) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Awesome Server Content-Type: image/jpg Content-Length: 124523 Vary: CH (image data)

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Try it: --enable-client-hints

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Using a service like

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My responsive

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How can a front-end + back-end service work?

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Javascript crawls the page

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Javascript crawls the page Check browser for size and capabilities

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Javascript crawls the page Check browser for size and capabilities Request CDN

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Javascript crawls the page Check browser for size and capabilities Request CDN Do we have this image?

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Javascript crawls the page Check browser for size and capabilities Request CDN Return the image Do we have this image?

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Javascript crawls the page Check browser for size and capabilities Request CDN Return the image Prepare the image Return the image Do we have this image?

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And by the way... SVGs are pretty awesome.

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For more information

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2/3 Prioritize loading of core content.

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Load me first! Not yet! Not yet!

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Load me first! Not yet! Not yet!

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Load me first! Load me! Load me!

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The useful matchMedia

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// maybe make sure there’s a polyfill loaded before this? if (matchMedia("only screen and (max- width: 480px)").matches) { // load some JS templates // append them in the page }

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How about YepNope + matchMedia

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// cool syntax :) yepnope({ test: window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches, yep: "landscape.js", nope: "portrait.js" });

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Our own approach Breakpoints.js

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@media ( min-width: 600px ) { body { @include defineBreakpoint("GENERIC_BIG_SCREEN_BREAKPOINT"); // generic breakpoint styles } } .element { @media ( min-width: 320px ) { @include defineBreakpoint("SPECIFIC_CONTENT_BREAKPOINT"); // specific styles for this element } }

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Breakpoints.on({ name: "GENERIC_BIG_SCREEN_BREAKPOINT", matched: function(){ /* some js logic to activate*/ }, exit: function(){ /* disable some js logic*/ }, }); Breakpoints.on({ name: "SPECIFIC_CONTENT_BREAKPOINT", el: document.getElementById("myElement"), matched: function(){ /* some js logic to activate*/ }, exit: function(){ /* disable some js logic*/ }, });

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3/3 Be aware of Javascript.

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Separating concerns Mind your JS

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By keeping your client side code small and lightweight, you can literally open up your product to new markets. “

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Old-school Progressive Enhancement isn’t dead!

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To improve the experience for everyone, we’ve been working to take back control of our front-end performance by moving the rendering to the server. This has allowed us to drop our initial page load times to 1/5th of what they were previously and reduce differences in performance across browsers. “

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To improve the experience for everyone, we’ve been working to take back control of our front-end performance by moving the rendering to the server. This has allowed us to drop our initial page load times to 1/5th of what they were previously and reduce differences in performance across browsers. “

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(...) It looks exactly the same as the app it replaced, however initial pageload feels drastically quicker because we serve up real HTML instead of waiting for the client to download JavaScript before rendering. Plus, it is fully crawlable by search engines. “

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(...) It looks exactly the same as the app it replaced, however initial pageload feels drastically quicker because we serve up real HTML instead of waiting for the client to download JavaScript before rendering. Plus, it is fully crawlable by search engines. “

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Remember to Keep it simple

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Psst! Check the source Almost no javascript. Fewer requests.

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Think and prioritize performance from day one.

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Measure. Treat performance as a core part of your website’s quality, and don’t ship without understanding and accepting its performance. “

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There are techniques.

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We need to care more.

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The internet appreciates it!

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Some good references