Infinite Squares (imperative)
def sum_area(rects):
area = 0
for r in rects:
area += r.area
return area
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Infinite Squares (imperative)
>>> from itertools import count
>>> squares = (
... Rectangle(x, x) for x in count(1))
>>> squares
at 0x11233ca40>
>>> next(squares)
<__main__.Rectangle at 0x1123a8400>
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Infinite Squares (imperative)
>>> sum_area(squares)
Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 sum_area(squares)
4 for r in rects:
----> 5 area += r.area
Infinite Squares (functional)
def accumulate_area(rects):
accum = 0
for r in rects:
accum += get_area(r)
yield accum
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Infinite Squares (functional)
>>> from itertools import islice
>>> squares = (
... make_rect(x, x) for x in count(1))
>>> area = accumulate_area(squares)
>>> next(islice(area, 6, 7))
>>> next(area)
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Infinite Squares (functional)
>>> from itertools import accumulate
>>> squares = (
... make_rect(x, x) for x in count(1))
>>> area = accumulate(map(get_area, squares))
>>> next(islice(area, 6, 7))
>>> next(area)
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Exercise #1 Image Credit: Me
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Exercise #1 (Problem)
y z
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Exercise #1 (Problem)
x ₒ factor
y h
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Exercise #1 (Problem)
y z
x ₒ factor
y h
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Exercise #1 (Problem)
(z ÷ h)
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Exercise #1 (Problem)
y z
x ₒ factor
y h
ratio =
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Exercise #1 (Problem)
z = √(x2 + y2 )
ratio = function1(x, y, factor)
hyp = function2(rectangle)
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Exercise #1 (Problem)
z = √(x2 + y2 )
y z
x ₒ factor
y h
ratio = function1(x, y, factor)
hyp = function2(rectangle)
>>> get_ratio(1, 2, 2)
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Exercise #1 (Solution)
from math import sqrt, pow
def get_hyp(rect):
sum_s = sum(pow(r, 2) for r in rect)
return sqrt(sum_s)
def get_ratio(length, width, factor=1):
rect = make_rect(length, width)
big_rect = grow_rect(rect, factor)
return get_hyp(rect) / get_hyp(big_rect)
Exercise #2 (Problem)
• create a list of dicts with keys "factor", "length",
"width", and "ratio" (for factors 1 - 20)
• group the records by quartiles of the "ratio" value,
and aggregate each group by the median "ratio"
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Exercise #2 (Problem)
from statistics import median
from meza.process import group
records[0]['ratio'] // .25
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Exercise #2 (Problem)
• create a list of dicts with keys "factor", "length",
"width", and "ratio" (for factors 1 - 20)
• group the records by quartiles of the "ratio" value,
and aggregate each group by the median "ratio"
• write the records out to a csv file (1 row per group)
Slide 82
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Exercise #2 (Problem)
from meza.convert import records2csv
from import write
key median
0 0.108…
1 0.343…
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Exercise #2 (Solution)
>>> length = width = 2
>>> records = [
... {
... 'length': length,
... 'width': width,
... 'factor': f,
... 'ratio': get_ratio(length, width, f)
... }
... for f in range(1, 21)]
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Exercise #2 (Solution)
>>> from statistics import median
>>> from meza import process as pr
>>> def aggregator(group):
... ratios = (g['ratio'] for g in group)
... return median(ratios)
>>> kwargs = {'aggregator': aggregator}
>>> gkeyfunc = lambda r: r['ratio'] // .25
>>> groups =
... records, gkeyfunc, **kwargs)
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Exercise #2 (Solution)
>>> from meza import convert as cv
>>> from import write
>>> results = [
... {'key': k, 'median': g}
... for k, g in groups]
>>> csv = cv.records2csv(results)
>>> write('results.csv', csv)
Exercise #3 (Problem)
• fetch the Python jobs rss feed
• tokenize the "summary" field by newlines ("\n")
• use "subelement" to extract the location (the first
• filter for jobs located in the U.S.
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Exercise #3 (Problem)
from riko.collections import SyncPipe
url = ''
# use the 'fetch', 'tokenizer', 'subelement',
# and 'filter' pipes
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Exercise #3 (Problem)
• write the 'link', 'location', and 'title' fields of each
record to a json file
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Exercise #3 (Problem)
from meza.fntools import dfilter
from meza.convert import records2json
from import write