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ask your code scott chacon GitButler

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GitButler version control

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GitButler product design for version control

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first principles GitButler

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WHY? GitButler

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aunt minnie is in the hospital GitButler

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When you explain a why, you have to be in some framework that you allow something to be true. GitButler

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aunt minnie is in the hospital GitButler

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WHY? GitButler

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aunt minnie is in the hospital GitButler she fell and broke her hip

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WHY? GitButler

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aunt minnie is in the hospital GitButler she fell and broke her hip she slipped on some ice

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WHY? GitButler

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aunt minnie is in the hospital GitButler she fell and broke her hip she slipped on some ice ice is slippery

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WHY? GitButler

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first principles GitButler

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first principles GitButler for version control

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we all use git GitButler

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WHY? GitButler

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we all use git GitButler we need version control

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WHY? GitButler

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we all use git GitButler we need version control to collaborate and save our work

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WHY? GitButler

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we all use git GitButler we need version control to collaborate and save our work our computer doesn’t save the history of our files or let other people access them

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WHY? GitButler

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GitButler history saving, file access

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GitButler history saving, file access google docs

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GitButler what does version control do?

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GitButler what does version control do? backing up commit experimenting branch, checkout collaborating and reviewing diff, merge moving bits push, pull archaeology log, blame, bisect

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GitButler what does version control do? backing up commit experimenting branch, checkout collaborating and reviewing diff, merge moving bits push, pull archaeology log, blame, bisect archaeology log, blame, bisect

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GitButler what does version control do? archaeology log, blame, bisect

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GitButler what question does this answer?

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the common questions GitButler

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GitButler the common questions What are the last few dozen commits that have been made to this codebase?

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GitButler the common questions What are the last few dozen commits that have been made to this codebase? git log

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git log —-oneline —-graph

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GitButler the common questions Who is the last person who touched this line of code?

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git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file

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git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file git log -L 15,26:path/to/file

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git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file git log -L 15,26:path/to/file

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git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file git log -L 15,26:path/to/file

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git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file git log -L :File:path/to/file

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git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file

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GitButler the common questions Who is the last person who touched this line of code? What are the last few dozen commits that have been made to this codebase?

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the uncommon questions GitButler

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GitButler the uncommon questions What commits are on this branch that are not yet merged into this other branch?

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No content

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git log main..self-hosted

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git log main..self-hosted

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git log main ^self-hosted

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git log main ^self-hosted

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GitButler the uncommon questions What commits introduced a change that included a speci fi c string?

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git log -S files_watcher -p

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GitButler the uncommon questions What fi le was this function moved from?

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git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file

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git blame -w -C -C -C —L 15,26 path/to/file

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git blame -w -C -C -C —L 15,26 path/to/file

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git blame -w -C -C -C —L 15,26 path/to/file

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git blame -w -C -C -C —L 15,26 path/to/file

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GitButler the uncommon questions What files are most closely related to this file?

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What files are most closely related to this file?

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What files are most closely related to this file? get all the commits that touch this fi le

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What files are most closely related to this file? get all the fi les each commit touches get all the commits that touch this fi le

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What files are most closely related to this file? print out the top fi ve fi les in common

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No content

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the impossible questions GitButler

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GitButler the impossible questions What Pull Requests contributed to this file? What code in other repositories are related to this code? What were the conversations (in chat or GitHub) my team had around this code before it was merged? What did the author/s reference when writing this? What specifications was this based on? What errors were or are commonly created by this code or code related to it that I should be aware of before changing?

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ask your code? GitButler what do you want to

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thanks! @chacon GitButler these slides code examples