Keep Calm and Write Sass
Kitty Giraudel
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“Your CSS is a mess.” Jonathan Snook
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Your CSS is a mess.
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Broken from the start?
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Sass to the rescue!
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But... wait.
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It's not all bright and shiny.
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Complexity, maintainability, scary code...
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Don't over-{think|engineer}
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KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid!
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KYSS Keep Your Sass Simple Keep Sass Simple at SitePoint
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KYSSS Keep Your Sass Simple & Straightforward
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KYSSSS Keep Your Sass Simple, Smart & Straightforward...
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Write simple APIs
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.parent { @include _( 10 8 6 4, $gutter: alpha omega omega default ); }
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.parent { width: 100%; @include respond-to("desktop") { width: 75%; } }
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$color: map-get( map-get( map-get( $themes, "shopping" ), "colors" ), "secondary" );
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$color: theme-conf( "shopping", "colors", "secondary" );
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Beware of selector nesting Beware of selector nesting at SitePoint
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Don't do everything in Sass
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Rethinking Atwood's law
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Anything that can be written in Sass will eventually be written in Sass (probably by me)
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SassyJSON @include json-encode(( "cats" : true, "answer" : 42 )); // {"cats": true, "answer": 42}
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SassySort $list: sort( "How" "cool" "Sass" "is?" 42 ); // 42 "cool" "How" "is?" "Sass"
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SassyBitwise $value: bitwise(42 '&' 48); // 32
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Some things shouldn't be done
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Vendor prefixing? Maybe not.
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Autoprefixer Less code Up-to-date
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REM? Think twice.
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px_to_rem Less code Easier
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No content
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Clean your code
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.selector { color: blue; backgroud: url(unicorn.png); -webkit-transform: rotate(15deg); transform: rotate(15deg); position: relative }
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.selector { position: relative; -webkit-transform: rotate(15deg); transform: rotate(15deg); color: blue; backgroud: url("unicorn.png"); }
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Document your code
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.selector { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; margin: -.5em; z-index: 42; }
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/** * 1. Clear inner floats * 2. Force all items on same line * 3. Cancel items padding * 4. Above content, below modal */ .selector { overflow: hidden; /* 1 */ white-space: nowrap; /* 2 */ margin: -.5em; /* 3 */ z-index: 42; /* 4 */ }
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Document your Sass
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/// Mixin to size an element /// @access public /// @param {Number} $width - Width /// @param {Number} $height - Height /// @example scss - Sizing an element /// .element { /// @include size(100%, 5em); /// } SassDoc
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Test your code
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True or BootCamp
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@include describe("A suite") { @include it("contains spec with expectation") { @include should( expect(2 + 2), to(be(4)) ); } } Bootcamp
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KISS - KYSS clean, test, document
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And everything will be fine.
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Thanks! @HugoGiraudel