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Supply Chain Security Tooling

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Welcome! Dependencies, Tutorials, Links to Slides:

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$ whoami - Bob Bob Killen [email protected] OSS Program Manager @ Google Github: @mrbobbytables Twitter: @mrbobbytables Site:

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$ whoami - Jeff Jeffrey Sica [email protected] DevEx @ CNCF Github: @jeefy Twitter: @jeefy Site:

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Before We Begin

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Before We Begin Pt. 2 Docker will be required to follow along with the demos. Docker is not required to use the tooling shown.

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Before We Begin Pt. 3 KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) and Helm will be used for later demos.

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Disclaimer You should have some knowledge of containers and Kubernetes

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Containers: Galaxy-scale overview ● Package an application with all of its dependencies (container image) ● Run instances of the packaged application (container) ● Think “Virtual Machine” but sharing kernel space and OS libraries (cgroups)

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Kubernetes: Galaxy-scale overview ● “Container Orchestration” – It takes an entire orchestra to play a symphony ● Manages containers and their dependencies (Storage, Networking, third-party resources) in a declarative way ● 100% API Driven

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So… What Is Supply Chain Security? Sourcing Inventory Production Planning Transportation

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The “Software Supply Chain” Code Artifacts Distribution Dependencies Execution

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Current State?

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Current State

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Current State

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Current State

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Current State

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Solarwinds Attack ● SolarWinds Orion network management tool’s build servers compromised ● Hack injected a malicious DLL at build time that was signed and distributed to clients automatically when they updated ● 18,000 SolarWinds customers including many Fortune 500 Companies, Government Agencies and Tier 1 Network Providers were impacted Project Trebuchet: How SolarWinds is Using Open Source to Secure Their Supply Chain in the Wake of the Sunburst Hack

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Solarwinds Attack ● SolarWinds Orion network management tool’s build servers compromised ● Hack injected a malicious DLL at build time that was signed and distributed to clients automatically when they updated ● 18,000 SolarWinds customers including many Fortune 500 Companies, Government Agencies and Tier 1 Network Providers were impacted Project Trebuchet: How SolarWinds is Using Open Source to Secure Their Supply Chain in the Wake of the Sunburst Hack NO source code compromised

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between the Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between the Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between the Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities Work on OSS? Want a security key? Find me after and get a free Titan key.

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between the Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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US Gov Policy Changes Executive Order 14028 - (Sec. 2) Remove barriers to threat information sharing between Government and the Private Sector - (Sec. 3) Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards in the Federal Government - (Sec. 4) Improve Software Supply Chain Security - (Sec. 5) Establish a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board - (Sec. 6) Create a standard playbook for responding to cyber incidents - (Sec. 7) Improve Detection of Cybersecurity Incidents on Federal Government Networks - (Sec. 8) Improve Investigative and Remediation Capabilities

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The Problem In A Nutshell

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Supply Chain Attacks are on the rise and the Software Development Lifecycle has become a popular vector for attacks.

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How can we trust the software we choose to run?

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A Reasonable Solution

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Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts 💃

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Source Integrity Build Integrity Source Build Package Dev Dependencies Users Software Supply Chain Artifact Process

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Source Integrity Build Integrity Source Build Package Dev Inject bad code (A) Compromise source control (B) Build from modified sources (C) Dependencies Compromise build system (D) Bypass CI/CD, inject bad artifact (F) Compromise package repository (G) Use bad package (H) Users Software Supply Chain: Vulnerability Points Artifact Process Inject bad or vulnerable dependency (E)

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Source Integrity Build Integrity Source Build Package Dev Inject bad code (A) Compromise source control (B) Build from modified sources (C) Dependencies Compromise build system (D) Bypass CI/CD, inject bad artifact (F) Compromise package repository (G) Use bad package (H) Users Software Supply Chain: Trust Boundaries Artifact Process Inject bad or vulnerable dependency (E)

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SLSA Levels Automation & Provenance Build must be fully scripted/automated and generate provenance Version Control & Signed Provenance Requires using version control and hosted build service that generates authenticated provenance Non-falsifiable, Ephemeral Builds are fully trustworthy, with identity attestations of underlying build infrastructure/hardware. Ephemeral builds leave nothing behind. Hermetic Builds, Review All build inputs/dependencies are specified upfront with no internet egress during the build. Two-party reviews.

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Build Provenance Set of metadata that describes a software artifact and how it was built. SLSA spec fields* - subject - artifact(s) information (name+digest) - builder - the entity that produced the artifact(s) - invocation - execution command / information - buildConfig - record of steps executed during build - materials - other artifacts/dependencies used during build

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{ "_type": "", "subject": [{ ... }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" }, "parameters": { /* object */ }, "environment": { /* object */ } }, … … "buildConfig": { /* object */ }, "metadata": { "buildInvocationId": "", "buildStartedOn": "", "buildFinishedOn": "", "completeness": { "parameters": true/false, "environment": true/false, "materials": true/false }, "reproducible": true/false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ } } ] }}

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{ "_type": "", "subject": [{ ... }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" }, "parameters": { /* object */ }, "environment": { /* object */ } }, … … "buildConfig": { /* object */ }, "metadata": { "buildInvocationId": "", "buildStartedOn": "", "buildFinishedOn": "", "completeness": { "parameters": true/false, "environment": true/false, "materials": true/false }, "reproducible": true/false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ } } ] }}

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{ "_type": "", "subject": [{ ... }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" }, "parameters": { /* object */ }, "environment": { /* object */ } }, … … "buildConfig": { /* object */ }, "metadata": { "buildInvocationId": "", "buildStartedOn": "", "buildFinishedOn": "", "completeness": { "parameters": true/false, "environment": true/false, "materials": true/false }, "reproducible": true/false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ } } ] }} builder - Entity that produced the artifact Examples: "builder": { "id": "mailto:[email protected]" } "builder": { "id": "" } "builder": { "id": "" }

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{ "_type": "", "subject": [{ ... }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" }, "parameters": { /* object */ }, "environment": { /* object */ } }, … … "buildConfig": { /* object */ }, "metadata": { "buildInvocationId": "", "buildStartedOn": "", "buildFinishedOn": "", "completeness": { "parameters": true/false, "environment": true/false, "materials": true/false }, "reproducible": true/false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ } } ] }} invocation - Execution command / information Example: "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "git+, "digest": { "sha1": "1234..."}, //git commit hash "entryPoint": "build.yaml:build" }, "parameters": {"inputs": {}}, "environment": { “arch”: “amd64”, "env": { "GITHUB_RUN_ID": "1234", "GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER": "5678", "GITHUB_EVENT_NAME": "push" } } }

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{ "_type": "", "subject": [{ ... }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" }, "parameters": { /* object */ }, "environment": { /* object */ } }, … … "buildConfig": { /* object */ }, "metadata": { "buildInvocationId": "", "buildStartedOn": "", "buildFinishedOn": "", "completeness": { "parameters": true/false, "environment": true/false, "materials": true/false }, "reproducible": true/false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ } } ] }} materials - other artifacts/dependencies used during build Example: "materials": [{ "uri": "", "digest": {"sha256": "1234..."} }] "materials": [{ "uri": "git+", "digest": {"sha1": "abc..."} }]

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{ "_type": "", "subject": [{ ... }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" }, "parameters": { /* object */ }, "environment": { /* object */ } }, … … "buildConfig": { /* object */ }, "metadata": { "buildInvocationId": "", "buildStartedOn": "", "buildFinishedOn": "", "completeness": { "parameters": true/false, "environment": true/false, "materials": true/false }, "reproducible": true/false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ } } ] }} buildConfig - record of steps executed during build Example: "buildConfig": { "steps": [ { "image": "pkg:docker/make@sha256:244fd47e07d1004f0aed9c", "arguments": ["build"] } ] } "buildConfig": { "commands": [ "./configure --enable-some-feature", "make" ], "shell": "bash" }

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{ "_type": "", "subject": [{ ... }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" }, "parameters": { /* object */ }, "environment": { /* object */ } }, … … "buildConfig": { /* object */ }, "metadata": { "buildInvocationId": "", "buildStartedOn": "", "buildFinishedOn": "", "completeness": { "parameters": true/false, "environment": true/false, "materials": true/false }, "reproducible": true/false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ } } ] }} subject - Artifact(s) information (name+digest) Examples: "subject": [{"name": "_", "digest": {"sha256": "5678..."}}] "subject": [ { "name": "herpderp.exe", "digest": {"sha256": "1234..."} }]

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Software Attestation A software attestation is a signed set metadata (provenance) about one or more software artifacts. { "payload": "Gew9gICJzdWJqZWN0IjogWwogICAg...", "payloadType": "application/", "signatures": [{ "keyid": "my-awesome-builder-key", //optional "sig": "Re4ya66MyFyc9Y..." }] }

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{ "payload": "Gew9gICJzdWJqZWN0IjogWwogICAg...", "payloadType": "application/", "signatures": [{ "keyid": "my-awesome-builder", "sig": "Re4ya66MyFyc9Y..." }] } { "_type": "", "subject": [{ "name": "_", "digest": {"sha256": "5678..."} }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" } …

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{ "payload": "Gew9gICJzdWJqZWN0IjogWwogICAg...", "payloadType": "application/", "signatures": [{ "keyid": "my-awesome-builder", "sig": "Re4ya66MyFyc9Y..." }] } { "_type": "", "subject": [{ "name": "_", "digest": {"sha256": "5678..."} }], "predicateType": "", "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": { "uri": "", "digest": { /* DigestSet */ }, "entryPoint": "" } … Thanks SLSA!

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Is There A Reasonable Technical Solution?

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Community Driven

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Community Driven

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Let’s Encrypt? Let’s Sign.

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An Overview Of sigstore ● fulcio ● rekor ● cosign

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An Overview Of sigstore ● fulcio ○ Identity ● rekor ○ Immutable log with artifact metadata ● cosign ○ Utility to automate combining fulcio, rekor, and OCI-compliant artifacts ○ Utilizes underlying sigstore libraries

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fulcio Free Root-CA for code signing certs - issuing certificates based on an OIDC email address fulcio only signs short-lived certificates that are valid for under 20 minutes

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fulcio Free Root-CA for code signing certs - issuing certificates based on an OIDC email address. fulcio only signs short-lived certificates that are valid for under 20 minutes.

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rekor Greek for “Record” rekor is a transparency log where anyone can find and verify signatures, and check whether someone’s changed the source code, the build platform or the artifact repository.

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cosign cosign: Container Signing, verification and storage in an OCI registry “Make signatures invisible infrastructure” Pluggable components

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How it works!

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The. Demo.

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Demo Recap ● Built a container ● Auth’d using cosign ● Signed a container using cosign ● Inspected the container’s signature using cosign

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Cool I have a signed container. Now what?

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Kubernetes Admission Webhooks Lightweight extensible way to “do something” with API Server requests Two kinds: - Validating Admission Webhook - Mutating Admission Webhook

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Kubernetes Admission Webhooks Lightweight extensible way to “do something” with API Server requests Two kinds: - Validating Admission Webhook - Mutating Admission Webhook

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Kubernetes Admission Webhooks … webhooks: - name: "" rules: - apiGroups: [""] apiVersions: ["v1"] operations: ["CREATE"] resources: ["pods"] scope: "Namespaced"

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Kubernetes Admission Webhooks Lightweight extensible way to “do something” with API Server requests Two kinds: - Validating Admission Webhook - Mutating Admission Webhook

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sigstore Policy Controller … apiVersion: kind: ClusterImagePolicy metadata: name: image-policy spec: images: - glob: "**"

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sigstore Policy Controller … apiVersion: kind: ClusterImagePolicy metadata: name: image-policy spec: images: - glob: "**" Beta

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Kubernetes native policy engine Entirely CRD-based

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Demo: Part Deux

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Demo Recap ● Installed Kyverno ● Attempted to create a Pod with an unsigned container image ● Successfully created a Pod with a signed container image Task Failed Successfully!

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Demo Recap ● Installed the Kyverno ● Attempted to create a Pod with an unsigned container image ● Successfully created a Pod with a signed container image Task Failed Successfully!

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kyverno is powerful configurable complicated

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Let’s Talk Automation

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GitHub Action jobs: test_cosign_action: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: {} name: Install Cosign and test presence in path steps: - name: Install Cosign uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@main - name: Check install! run: cosign version

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GitHub Action … - name: Sign image with a key run: | cosign sign --key env://COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY ${TAGS} env: TAGS: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.tags }} COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{secrets.COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY}} COSIGN_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.COSIGN_PASSWORD}}

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Batteries included support for cosign Create a secret called signing-secrets with the following structure: ● cosign.key ● cosign.password cosign generate-key-pair k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets Tekton (Chains)

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“Demo”: The Third

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Demo Recap ● Set up GitHub Action ● Use cosign to sign the image ● Use SLSA tooling to generate attestation ● User cosign to attach attestation in rekor ● Inspected and verified the image and SLSA payload

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sigstore: Not Just Containers

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Rust Crate Signing

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PyPi Signing

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sigstore: Not Just Artifacts

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gitsign Keyless Git signing with Sigstore! Homebrew: brew install sigstore/tap/gitsign Go: go install

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gitsign # Sign all commits git config --global commit.gpgsign true # Sign all tags git config --global tag.gpgsign true # Use gitsign for signing git config --global gpg.x509.program gitsign # gitsign expects x509 args git config --global gpg.format x509

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Demo #4

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Demo Recap ● Signed a git commit with gitsign ● Inspected the rekor log of the commit

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Tutorial Recap ● Supply chain security is an increasing concern when building, shipping, and running code. ● The SLSA framework can be used to enable or improve trust in the software that we build and run.

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Tutorial Recap ● sigstore looks to solve supply chain security with an end to end solution based on linking Identity and TLS certificates ● Automating SLSA provenance generation and artifact signing lowers the mental load on developers shipping software

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Tutorial Recap ● Starts with Containers / OCI-compliant artifacts ● Already moving further down the stack to packages

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Secure Distribution By Default

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Thanks + Q&A A @mrbobbytables + @jeefy Production

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SLSA Framework Build Integrity ● Modification of code after source control ● Compromised build platforms ● Bypassing CI/CD Source Integrity ● Available change history ● Code review ● Compromised source control systems Dependencies ● Applying SLSA checks recursively to dependencies ● Dependency confusion