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Design Systems Implementa)on with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 Konstantin Denerz @kdenerz Consultant

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Konstantin Denerz Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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What is new in Material 3? Our goals Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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How can I use Material 3 in my Angular app? Our goals Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 DESIGN SYSTEM Patterns, Components & Styleguide

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 Lack of design system Results in • Inconsistency • No cohesive UX • Lack of shared communication foundation between product management, design & development • More complexity during development

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 MATERIAL

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Slide 8 text • Google’s Design System (since 2014) • v3 is the latest version • Millions of users • Figma design kit available • Already implemented on different platforms Goal: Use Material 3 for design & development Material Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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t Tokens Foundation Material t Typography t Colors t Elevations t States Layout Motion Design (Animations) Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Components • Buttons • Form Fields • Navigation • Progress, Indicators & Notifications • Dialogs • … Material Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 ANGULAR MATERIAL

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Slide 12 text • UI framework for Angular • Supports Material 2 • MDC Web under the hood • Expected Material 3 support later this year • theming API (colors, typography, density) • => Partial Material 3 style configuration possible Angular Material (v16.1) Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Overview Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 DEMO USE CASE

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Demo Use Case Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Rem (root ephemeral) • User preferences support • Relative to :root’s font-size :root { font-size: 100% } // 16px .layout { padding: 2rem } // 32px • Figma support Pixel • Fixed, absolute • Used in calculations (JS / TS) Rem vs Px Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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• Angular Material provides Sass theming API • Are different • ✅ Sass Nesting Sass Nesting vs CSS Nesting Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 transpilation

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 DESIGN TOKENS

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parameters, interface between design & development Design Tokens Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 tokens.json tokens.css Web Application(s) Tools Figma Variables

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Structure ( Design Tokens Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 Design Token CSS (Variable) a) Material Design (name) b) Type (reference, system, component) c) Design attribute d) Token’s purpose

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Types Design Tokens Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 Value Reference Token System Token Component Token

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Theming Design Tokens Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 DESIGN TOKENS🍿 Project, Material 3 & Theming

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 TYPOGRAPHY

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Material 3 • 5 Roles • Design tokens support • Angular Material provides Sass theming API Typography Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Mapping Material 3 Display large Display medium Display small Headline large Headline medium Headline small Title large Title small Label large Body large Body medium Body small Material 2 Headline 1 Headline 2 Headline 3 Headline 4 Headline 5 Headline 6 Subtitle 1 Subtitle 2 Button Body 1 Body 2 Caption Typography Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 TYPOGRAPHY 🍿 Material 3 & Angular Material 16

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 ELEVATIONS

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Material 2 vs Material 3 • Shadows • 25 levels (0dp to 24dp) • Highlighting (Dark theme) • Colors • 6 levels (0 to 12dp) • No shadows Elevation Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Angular Material • Only Material 2 support • SASS mixins • CSS classes (mat-elevation-z#), # = 0 to 24 • No design tokens Elevation Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 COLORS

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Material 3 • Personal color preferences • Dynamic Color • Theming • Emphasis support • Contrast checks Colors Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Material Theme Builder (Site & Figma Plugin) Colors Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 COLORS🍿 Ref & Sys Tokens, Material Theming

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 STATES

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Material 3 States Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 STATES🍿 Tokens, Mixin & Sample Navigation Item

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 LAYOUT

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Custom Content Hierarchy -> Spaces (--md-sys-size-{1-13}) Responsive Layout -> Breakpoints Layout Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 LAYOUT🍿 Sizes & Breakpoints

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 CUSTOM COMPONENT

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Preview Card and Active Project Card • Dark & Light Theme • Colors, States & Typography • Sizes, Elevation Custom Components Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 CUSTOM COMPONENTS🍿 Typography, States, Colors & Layout

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ℹ Angular Material: Design token support is in development ✅ Material 3 - Colors & Theming ✅ Material 3 - Typography ✅ Material 2 - Elevation ✅ Material 3 - States ✅ Custom - Breakpoints & Relative Sizes Key Findings Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Material 3 + Angular Material = 👍😊👍 Resumee Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3

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Design Systems: Implementation with Angular Material & Google's Material 3 Thanks for your attention!