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MODERN HUMAN POP-UP INNOVATION LABS Reducing the gap between idea and execution MODERN HUMAN Paul-Jervis Heath Founding Principal and Chief Designer
 UX Scotland on Wednesday 8 June 2016

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MODERN HUMAN MODERN HUMAN Imagine what’s next. We’re a boutique design practice and innovation consultancy that specialises in imagining disruptive new products, services and experiences and then making them a reality. @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #popuplab MODERN HUMAN Pop-up Innovation Lab Pop-up innovation labs bring together a small team with the goal of inventing a solution in an accelerated timeframe by using a combination of design thinking and practical design methods.

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MODERN HUMAN Choose the location The space needs to support a variety of working styles: intense collaboration; subteams and independent work. There needs to be 3 wall areas for data, synthesis and concepts. @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #popuplab Form a team The team should come from a variety of disciplines: design and technology skills are important, but so are sales, support, marketing and product development skills. A broad range of perspectives, seniority and tenure within the business is crucial. MODERN HUMAN

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MODERN HUMAN _ At least two designers _ Design researcher _ Technologist _ Product owner or client business owner _ Client subject matter experts (e.g. sales, support, product development) Our team roles @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN Establishing the interactive structure and flow between a human and a product, service or environment. Driving the concept direction Inventive: generating ideas toward a solution Conceptual and Generative GENERATOR @modhuman #popuplab Articulating and synthesising the overall experience users have with the product, service, or environment. Ensuring that the concept is coherent and satisfies user needs and goals Synthesis of ideas, defining the problem, clarifying the solution, explicating rationale Analysis, communication, methodical, synthetic SYNTHESISER

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MODERN HUMAN A broad group of stakeholders helps the results of the process gain traction in the organisation @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN Adapt the method The space needs to support a variety of working styles: intense collaboration; subteams and independent work. There needs to be 3 wall areas for data, synthesis and concepts.

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MODERN HUMAN Synthesis as a problem-solving strategy

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MODERN HUMAN EARLY ADOPTER EARLY MAJORITY LATE MAJORITY LAGGARDS @modhuman #popuplab Adapted from: Diffusion of Innovations, Everett M Rogers. (1962). Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore. (1991).

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MODERN HUMAN MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN WORKAROUNDS Quick, seemingly efficient solutions that address the symptoms of a problem not the root cause. VALUES People’s values play an important role in their motivations. What do they value? What’s important to them? What’s not? INERTIA Situations in which customers act out of habit. How can you leverage or break that inertia? SHOULD VS WANT The tension between things they crave in the moment and things they know are good for them. How can you help people move from where they are to where they want to be? What are we looking for? @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN – Leo McGinneva, about whom the internet knows almost nothing. “People don’t want to buy a ¼ inch drill. They want a ¼ inch hole.” @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN ROLE LOOK & FEEL IM PLEM ENTATION INTEGRATION Adapted from: What do prototypes prototype? 
 Stephanie Houde and Charles Hill (1997). @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #popuplab How long is long enough?

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MODERN HUMAN Choose the right methods and give them the right amount of time, otherwise everyone will be disappointed @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN Establish the brief It is important to establish the right brief before you start any human- centred design project. The project team should return to the brief throughout the project to ensure that their work is addressing the right issues.

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MODERN HUMAN BROAD NARROW @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN Evolutionary Revolutionary Incremental NEW USERS NEW OFFERING EXISTING USERS EXISTING OFFERING Evolutionary @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN Some examples @modhuman #popuplab MODERN HUMAN

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #popuplab Project Lentil Project Samphire for a kitchen appliance manufacturer

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MODERN HUMAN @modhuman #popuplab Futurelib & Protolib for University of Cambridge

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MODERN HUMAN Things to think about @modhuman #popuplab MODERN HUMAN

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MODERN HUMAN _ Assemble the team, make sure everyone meets _ Define the business reason for the pop-up lab and a statement of the brief _ Establish the stakeholder group _ Establish the tempo: book all meetings with stakeholders in advance _ Recruit research participants Housekeeping before a pop-up lab @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN _ Get buy-in for further development or rollout from executive stakeholders _ Validate the roadmap _ Share the concept widely After a pop-up lab @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN _ Storyboards, high-fidelity mockups _ Day in the life video _ Project website, blog or wiki Sharing the outcomes widely @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN _ Tangible outputs _ Convincing presentation of concepts _ Actionable: roadmap shows you what to do next _ Based on real user needs _ Distinct but not divorced from the commercial process _ Supports the business case for a permanent innovation unit Advantages @modhuman #popuplab

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MODERN HUMAN Paul-Jervis Heath +44 79 7456 7823 @pauljervisheath