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The design-in-the-browser hamburger

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DESIGNER The design-in-the-browser hamburger

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DESIGNER The design-in-the-browser hamburger CODE (the stuff that’s really happening)

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DESIGNER The design-in-the-browser hamburger MAGIC CODE (the stuff that’s really happening)

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DESIGNER The design-in-the-browser hamburger MAGIC CODE (the stuff that’s really happening)

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DESIGNER The design-in-the-browser hamburger MAGIC CODE (the stuff that’s really happening)

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DESIGNER The design-in-the-browser hamburger MAGIC CODE

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Designers aren’t stupid.

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Designers aren’t stupid. Many designers are willing to explore web tech as a design tool, but we have to make the right things easier. Flexbox is a step in the right direction.

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image: NASA

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~8 years image: NASA

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17 years CSS has been around for

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aka “Flexbox” and we finally have “real” layout in the form of Flexible Box Layout Module

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“Layout is hard.”

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image: NASA

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“Layout solutions are an interesting area in CSS to me.” – Tab Atkins

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Two major types of “real” web layout

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Two major types of “real” web layout

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Available space Flexbox helps us deal with even when we don’t know what that will be

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alignment Flexbox helps us with both horizontally and vertically

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ordre Flexbox helps us with display

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A quick introduction to Flexbox Terminology Axes & Size Flex Alignment Order

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Leave your layout baggage at the door.

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Terminology Flex containers Flex items Main axis / size / dimension Cross axis / size / dimension Start / end

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No content

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display: flex | inline-flex

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Hi, Bob. #bob { display: flex; } (Bob is a flex container) display: flex | inline-flex

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Flex items Items in a flex container are, by default, flex items (even anonymous block boxes) I’m a flex item! Me too! Me three!

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Direction #bob { flex-flow: row wrap; } #bob { flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse; flex-wrap: no-wrap | wrap | wrap-reverse; } SHORTHAND:

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Main axis + main size, main dimension in the case of flex-direction: row

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Cross axis + cross size, cross dimension in the case of flex-direction: row

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Start & End depends on direction CROSS START CROSS END MAIN END CENTER MAIN START in the case of flex-direction: row

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Start & End depends on direction MAIN START MAIN END CROSS END CENTER CROSS START in the case of flex-direction: column

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No content

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Flex .foo { flex: 0 1 150px; } .flex-item { flex: flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis; } EXAMPLE:

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Flex .foo { flex: 0 1 150px; } .flex-item { flex: flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis; } EXAMPLE:

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Flex .foo { flex: initial; } .foo { flex: 0 1 auto;} IS EQUIVALENT TO: common values (1) width: 150px width: 150px width: 150px

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Flex .foo { flex: auto; } .foo { flex: 1 1 auto;} IS EQUIVALENT TO: common values (2) width: 150px width: 150px width: 150px

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Flex .foo { flex: none; } .foo { flex: 0 0 auto;} IS EQUIVALENT TO: common values (3) width: 150px width: 150px width: 150px

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Flex .foo { flex: [n]; } .foo { flex: [n] 1 0%;} IS EQUIVALENT TO: common values (4) flex: 1 flex: 1 flex: 1

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Flex flex: [n] flex: 1 flex: 1 flex: 2

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Flex flex: [n] flex: 1 flex: 5 flex: 2

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Alignment auto-margins margin-top: auto no margin no margin .foo { margin-top: auto; }

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Alignment along the main axis: justify-content (align-content for multiple lines along cross axis) JUSTIFY-CONTENT #bob { justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around } in the case of flex-direction: row

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Alignment along the cross axis: align-items (align-self can be applied to the flex items themselves/individually) ALIGN-ITEMS #bob { align-items: flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch } in the case of flex-direction: row

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Order changes the visual order vs. the source order 3 1 2 .item:nth-child(3) { order: -1; } .foo { order: [n]; }

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Common use cases True centering (both axes) Multi-box layouts (products, teasers) Unknown menu items Display order Wrapping (menu items, boxes) Tab groups Form layout

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A small example

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Structured content

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Basic styles

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display:flex on container

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margin-auto on icons and form

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flex:1 on input field

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order for avatar display

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Browser compatibility source:

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Don’t sweat the prefixes

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meh. source: (but go ahead if you really want to)

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Before you get all excited…

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Slide 70 text Flexboxes aren’t ideal for page layout

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Flexbox is ideal for components

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Flexbox is ideal for components

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The hardest thing to learn about new tools is not how to use them, but when to use them.

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have fun keep learning THANK YOU! @stephenhay