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MODULAR architecture for pragmatic developers lemi orhan ergin, co-founder of Deep Dive into Modular Architecture, Episode 1

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LEMi ORHAN ERGiN co-founder, Craftbase founder, Software Craftsmanship Turkey alumni, Sony, eBay, ACM, iyzico programming, since 2001 with love practitioner, modular design for years @lemiorhan

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We build webapps webapp user database CRUD operations could be the most implemented feature in software history. Whatever you aim to build, you will need your data to be saved, updated, deleted and retrieved.

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presentation business persistance MAKE IT LAYERED

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Layered architecture Web Domain Persistence From a certain layer, we can only access components in the same layer or in a layer below. LAYERS OF Isolation

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No content

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Web Domain Persistence CONSIDERED HARMFUL Layered architecture

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No way to understand what the code is about Domain logic is sca!ered throughout the layers Hard to understand where domain logic is Layers encourage horizontal coupling DDD do not work on partitioned architecture Many uncategorized components

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Your architectures should tell readers about the system, not about the frameworks you used in your system. SCREAMING ARCHITECTURE Screaming Architecture, Robert C. Martin

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Web Domain Persistence Architecture sinkhole anti-pa!ern The fast lane reader anti-pa!ern You have to be self-disciplined Domain logic sca!ered throughout the layers Database/state drives the design Uncategorized helper and utility classes Monolith in nature Changing existing code instead of adding new Hard to change over time When it grows, it’s hard to test Open for hacking your own code Documentation is critical The Inconvenient truth

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Dependencies are out of control Business and infra logic mixed Lack of testing, hard to maintain Information is duplicated or global Any change triggers a ripple effect Big ball of mud defined in a paper released in 1997 by Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder “A Big Ball of Mud is a haphazardly structured, sprawling, sloppy, duct-tape-and-baling-wire, spaghetti-code jungle.”

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Spaghetti code Multiple app entry points High cyclomatic complexity Too complex to maintain High coupling, low cohesion Lack of testing, hard to debug

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presentation business service application persistence third parties shared services Add more layers

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Order, Account, Image Product, Restaurant, Matching Payment, Scheduler, Invoice Messaging, Balance, Location and new integrations to Ka#a, Redis, MongoDB, etc. Add new flows & Features

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Requests pass-through between each layers Changes cause the ripple effect Data mapped objects again and again Lasagna/Baklava code A layered architecture becomes a lasagna when you push yourself obey architectural standards. Better than spagetti, but code smells continue.

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we build monoliths "A monolith is an application with an over-engineered micro and macro design but a completely under-engineered architecture" Sandro Mancuso, from his talk "a case for outside-in design"

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Split into micro services Microservice architecture is the defacto standard, right?

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A quick reminder...

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ravioli code Hands on Game Development Patterns with Unity 2019, David Baron Ravioli code is the result of overzealous encapsulation and an architecture that's divided into too many individual classes. Bit size, independent components seems good but over-use can cause over-engineered, not understandable, unreadable so$ware. "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" - Albert Einstein

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Welcome to small-sized and monolith-complex service jungle

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Robert C. Martin Author of Clean Code and Clean Coder Owner of training site If your so$ware is ge!ing harder and harder to develop, you are doing something wrong

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If your so$ware is ge!ing harder and harder to develop, you are doing something wrong partitioning,

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If your so$ware is ge!ing harder and harder to develop, you are doing something wrong

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If your so$ware is ge!ing harder and harder to develop, you are doing something wrong

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If your so$ware is ge!ing harder and harder to develop, you are doing something wrong a so!ware system must be decomposed into parts that overlap in functionality as li"le as possible. SEPARATION OF CONCERNS make sure to not mix different dimensions, concepts together a set of information that affects the code of a computer program PRINCIPLE

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If your so$ware is ge!ing harder and harder to develop, you are doing something wrong Edsger W. Dijkstra coined the term to describe the mentality behind modularization, which allows the programmer to reduce the complexity of the system being designed. SEPARATION OF CONCERNS PRINCIPLE

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COUPLING COHESION the strength of independence connections between classes/modules sense of belonging together how we keep code on a unified purpose SEPARATION OF CONCERNS the main goal of design principles is to improve the separation of concerns PRINCIPLE

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HIGH COUPLING dependent to frameworks & technologies components leak implementation details hacking code to add new features changing code starts riddle effect hard to refactor LOW COHESION new features require many places to work sca"ered knowledge cause complex tests hard to understand the whole design blurring responsibilities, long methods hard to reuse SEPARATION OF CONCERNS PRINCIPLE

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INFORMATION HIDING DECOUPLING CONCERNS BY hiding the area of complexity (i.e implementation details and design decisions) from the rest of the so!ware system through interfaces and private constraints PRINCIPLE

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INVERSION OF CONTROL refers to additional responsibilities a class can have, other than its main responsibility, like object creation, dependency binding and application flow THE HOLYWOOD PRINCIPLE: DON’T CALL US, WE’LL CALL YOU! PRINCIPLE

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instead of driving the car by yourself you call a taxi and taxi driver drives the car delegate control to someone else who will drive the flow PRINCIPLE INVERSION OF CONTROL THE HOLYWOOD PRINCIPLE: DON’T CALL US, WE’LL CALL YOU!

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INVERSION OF CONTROL Separate WHAT-TO-DO part from WHEN-TO-DO part implementation event-handlers interfaces event triggers THE HOLYWOOD PRINCIPLE: DON’T CALL US, WE’LL CALL YOU! dependency injection pa"ern observer pa"ern strategy pa"ern callback pa"ern Make someone DRIVES THE FLOW PRINCIPLE

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DEPENDENCY INJECTION decouples the creation of an object from its use configuration, construction of an object, i.e. the creation of the object and handling the dependencies of that object objects should not be responsible for looking up the resources or collaborators on which they depend. IoC container does it for the objects. can be implemented by constructor injection, se"er injection or method injection subtype of IoC, focusing on one aspect: component assembly PATTERN

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abstractions should not depend on details details should depend on abstractions DEPENDENCY INVERSION PRINCIPLE high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules both should depend on abstractions business code integration code interfaces implementation we don't care how the behavior is implemented and which implementation will be used The D of SOLID Principles MAKE THE BUSINESS INDEPENDENT OF EXTERNAL SYSTEMS

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PRINCIPLE cache interface cache implementation business object uses domain, business code code we really care about changes o!en integrations, infra code write once and forget hard to change abstractions should not depend on details details should depend on abstractions DEPENDENCY INVERSION high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules both should depend on abstractions HIGH LEVEL MODULE LOW LEVEL MODULE

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PRINCIPLE cache interface cache implementation business object uses domain, business code code we really care about changes o!en integrations, infra code write once and forget hard to change abstractions should not depend on details details should depend on abstractions DEPENDENCY INVERSION high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules both should depend on abstractions HIGH LEVEL MODULE LOW LEVEL MODULE safe for refactoring safe for refactoring

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses redis

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses repository interface repository implementation business object uses redis POSTGRES

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses repository interface repository implementation business object uses redis POSTGRES payment interface payment implementation business object

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses repository interface repository implementation business object uses redis POSTGRES payment interface payment implementation business object business object queue interface queue implementation RABBITMQ

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses repository interface repository implementation business object uses redis POSTGRES payment interface payment implementation business object business object queue interface queue implementation RABBITMQ business object business object business object rest controller soap controller command-line controller uses uses uses REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses repository interface repository implementation business object uses redis POSTGRES payment interface payment implementation business object business object queue interface queue implementation RABBITMQ business object business object business object rest controller soap controller command-line controller uses uses uses REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST infra domain application

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses repository interface repository implementation business object uses redis POSTGRES payment interface payment implementation business object business object queue interface queue implementation RABBITMQ business object business object business object rest controller soap controller command-line controller uses uses uses REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST HEXAGONAL ARCHTECTURE Allow an application to equally be driven by users, programs, automated test or batch scripts, and to be developed and tested in isolation from its eventual run-time devices and databases. - Alistair Cockburn, 2005

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cache interface cache implementation business object uses repository interface repository implementation business object uses redis POSTGRES payment interface payment implementation business object business object queue interface queue implementation RABBITMQ business object business object business object rest controller soap controller command-line controller uses uses uses REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST HEXAGONAL ARCHTECTURE puts the domain center of architecture inverts dependencies towards domain code design driven by business needs ENABLER OF DDD:

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stay tuned...

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@lemiorhan LEMi ORHAN ERGiN stay tuned...