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Bootcamp: How to be a modern scientist Leonardo Collado Torres 2020-09-21 Source: Jeff Leek R/Bioconductor-powered Team Data Science bootcamps

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Source: Jeff Leek

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Simply Statistics

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Read as PDF, Mobi, etc. Minimum price: free! Buy** it at

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Leanpub & Kindle ● Find out your Kindle address from ○ Manage Your Content and Devices ■ Preferences ● Personal Document Settings ○ Edit your “Approved Personal Document E-mail List” & add ● Leanpub & Kindle instructions: ○ I found it best to download the MOBI file and email manually ● Or read directly as a PDF ○ I can’t see my notes from Kindle on my computer =(

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My overview /bioc_team_ds/how-to-be-a -modern-scientist.html How many chapters apply to you? How many are you interested in? Table of contents

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Why this book? ● Its target audience: academics (graduate students & postdocs) ● LIBD is an industry - academia hybrid ○ We should read papers/software too ○ We publish papers, present results, share data, share code, etc ● We work with academics ○ We also guide students & postdocs: ○ having a common referral source will be very useful! ● Disclaimer: Jeff was my PhD advisor & I’ve been learning this way of life for a while ○ I did some of the things he said you shouldn’t do :P

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Introduction 1. What should I do and why? 2. What tools should I use? 3. Further tips and issues ● Note that the book was last updated in 2016 so we might use newer tools ○ Plus I like other software too =)

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Career planning: Career growth

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Scientific reading & presentations →

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Let’s dive into the book

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Many types of modern scientists ● Some might enjoy papers more, others less ○ Credit can open doors ■ credit is mostly paper-centric still nowadays ● Some enjoy networking ○ People can open doors ● Some want to inspire others ○ Outreach activities are important ● Some want more responsibilities ○ Career tip: if your role changes, then it might warrant a new title, and thus a promotion