Slide 16
Slide 16 text
Entertainment helps build
daily habits.
Whether in the form of live
streaming, games, flash sales,
or countless other methods,
the second component of
interactive e-commerce
prioritizes fun and
stimulation for the user,
attracting them to the
platform, lengthening the
duration of their visits, and
incentivizing regular and
active involvement.
While an emerging
phenomenon in the digital
sphere, the concept of
blending commerce and
entertainment is hardly novel
in the physical world.
Carnival games and
performances of all types are
popular aspects of traditional
night and weekend markets
in communities throughout
the world. Shopping malls
include not just retail outlets,
but cinemas, arcades, and
playgrounds. In the case of
Minnesota’s famous Mall of
America, such amenities
even include mini golf,
museums, and roller coasters.
The essence of the
entertainment component of
interactive e-commerce lies
in that it both continuously
and predictably delivers a
stimulus to the user, while
involving a sense of novelty
regarding such a
howstimulus will be applied.
In China in particular, the
intertwining of entertainment
and e-commerce is seen as
an essential aspect of online
shopping, as gamification,
live streaming, flash sales,
and holiday shopping galas
are commonplace.
Defining Interactive e-commerce
Connie Chan
General Partner
Andreessen Horowitz
The shopping revolution
will combine e-commerce
and entertainment, where
both are equal in
importance. Toss in
gamification and boom.