Slide 28
Slide 28 text
Some references…
Algorithms for Causal Reasoning in Probability Trees, T. Genewein, G.
Deletang, V. Mikulik, M. Martic, S. Legg and P. A. Ortega, DeepMind.
Causality for Machine Learning, B. Scholkopf, Max Planck Institute for
Intelligence Systems
DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning, X.
Zheng, B. Aragam, P. Ravikumar and E.P. Xing, Carnegie Mellon University.
Hands-on Bayesian Neural Networks - A tutorial for Deep Learning Users,
L.V. Jospin, H. Laga, F. Boussaid, W. Buntine and M. Bennamoun.